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Horn Relief’s Laasqoray Jetty Project - Special announcement: Oxfam Novib’s contribut

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Due to a number of technicalities that have been experienced within Horn Relief’s Jetty Re-development Project, Oxfam Novib, our lead donor, has decided to cut back on their support for the project. The main reasons for this decision include difficulties in raising additional funds and time delays.


Tsunami Funds required a very tight timeframe. This means that, while Oxfam Novib is still a supporter of the project and has contributed greatly to date, less funds than planned were allocated to the jetty. Nevertheless, Horn Relief plans to continue with the project and to maintain the momentum in ensuring that the Jetty in Laasqoray is built.


We will try our best to keep up with the implementation process using whatever funds are realized even if it means constructing a smaller jetty and extending to a bigger jetty as we get more funds.


Horn Relief also plans to work with the Diaspora in moving forward no matter what happens and will intensify fundraising and networking activities. Security in Sanaag and Sool is a major priority so that donors get the confidence that this is a viable project and so that international staff can work in these areas.


We are very pleased with recent efforts by the community and Diaspora to address this, and especially General Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (USA), Elder Hassan Mohamed Salah “Somali” (UK) and Elder Ali Mohamed Hersi (Australia). And since the key to the success of this project is managing security, relationships and potential conflict, community mobilization will continue and this means completing the setup of the Jetty Management Structure, focussing on capacity building etc. so as to promote community ownership and representation.

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It's well known that Western donors renege on their huminatarian pledges. It's time Horn Relief and Development seek alternative funding, particularly Islamic capital.


Or at least it should allow for an Ownership Interest into this project by setting up the proper mechanism. It's early real option of making sure that the Port remains Public property and thus humanitarian in scope has been betrayed by its leading donor.


It's time to allow and give significant share to a private ownership. I know there are many of them waiting for the opportunity.

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The idea is not about the Donor funds or the ownership part for me, it is more related to the prospective and the security-related issues.


If everybody is not sure where his/her money is going and what is happening after then no one will be ready to risk such huge amount of money. That is why the donors fund less in some areas they think the development is not the priority concerning the situation in that area.


Even the private ownership would be the same even for those who hail from the city itself.


Politics always play a major role in such issues and that is why this is happening right now.

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^ That's NOT how I understood. The main reason is lack of enough funding and "time delays" not security related issues. U should recall that Oxfam pledged its funding long before there was any suspicion that the project will be undermined by poor confidence on security.


The organization has done security feasibility study and determined that there was no threat to its successful completion and operation as Sanaag is one of the most stable regions in Somalia.


General Abdullahi's effort in rebuilding the police and military has been a significant bonus to the region's already established and robust peaceful relations with its neighbors.

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Not that they will say clearly there is a security issue but you know how they mingle and make other excuses most of the time. Coz not to anger the locals they don't about this kind of security issues where there is a relative peace but the situation can turn into something else anytime.


I still believe there are some other concerns rather then securing funds and time delays which can be extended within the donor's timeframe.


when the city of Lasqoray can witness clashed between Somaliland and Somalia's putland as some movements were seen in the past few months then that should be the main issue that can halt any bigger development projects like this one.

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The major security threat comes not from either PL or SL, but from within the sub-clans of the major tribe of the region with respect to management, procurement and ownership. That challenge has already been dealt with through the traditional mechanism and the participation of all stakeholders. There's overwhelming support and spirit for the project by the people and Hopefully it will come to fruition at the right time.


Jb, find out the fact, at least peruse this conflict assessment report. I don't think it's good idea to score a cheap political point. If this project becomes successful, it will help not only the region of Sanaag but all the regions as far as Burco.

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Thanks for the report. I will read it within the coming days Insha Allah.


There is no political gain here (cheap or expensive), you don't have to go that far to think i'm against this. This project is the good of the ALL Somalis in the region.


I must say the main threat to the region is the issue of SL and Somalia (PL),, that is what make the people divide into two groups. The Makhir concept was good and would work just fine but looks like it has been under the table as of late.

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Somalia is ONE and will be, but the organization strives to provide its critical service all over Somalia and definately works hard to be out of the precarious political inteferance. It indeed strives to mediate and solve all disputes whether real or claimed.


Thanks JB and Macaslaama. :cool:

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I hope Somalia will be one and peaceful once and for all.


The organization is doing its best sxb but we're talking about donors here .... those who have their own measures and mechanism.


Isha Allah sidii khayr roon .........

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It's very likely the global financial crisis has had an impact on the Donor reneging on its pledge


G-7 whose financial contribution the main donor secures most of the money for its operational budget might have been unable to honor all as planned .


I think they passed it on to us and others. :D

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