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Hargaysa: secessionist foreign chief remarks

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The secessionist set backs in Accra in which the AU slammed shutt the door on their delegates taking part in the summit.


Has made them..


Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland oo sheegay in Somaliland dib u eegayso Siyaasadeeda Dibadda iyo Difaaca


Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 7 July, 2007



"Waxaanu diyaar u nahay inaanu ku biirino waaya-aragnimadayada aanu u leenahay dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaran, dhismaha qaranka iyo abuurista dimuqraadiyad naajax ah iyo inaanu gacan ka geysano xasilinta Koonfur dariiq kasta oo aanu awoodno, " ayuu yidhi qoraalka Wasiirku. :D

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Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibaddu, waxa uu kula taliyey dowladda Cabdillaahi Yuusuf ee Soomaaliya inay xoogga saarto xaaladda adag ee weli ka jirta Muqdisho, kana waantowdo ishortaagidda iyo carqaladaha ay ku hayso madax bannaanida Somaliland. Waxa kale oo uu ka digey in siyaasadaha dowladda Cabdillaahi Yuusuf kaga soo horjeeddo arrinta Somaliland ay keenayso xaalad aan loo baahnayn inay ka abuurto Mandaqadda.


Waxana uu yidhi qoraalka wasiirku,
"Dowladda Federaalka Ku-meelgaadhka ahi waa inay u jeestaan xasilinta xaaladda weli cakiran ee ka jirta Muqdisho, inta ay ka soo horjeedsanayaan Somaliland madax bannaanideeda oo ah arrin xaqiiqo ah".


"Sida ishortaagnimada iyo hal-abuur la'aanta ah ee dowladda TFI (Dowladda Federaalka Ku-meel-gaadhka ah) uga soo horjeeddo Aqoonsi-raadiska Somaliland iyo Dimuqraadiyaddeeda sida fiican u sii horumaraysa, waxay ku kordhinayaan xiisad aan loo baahnayn Geeska Afrika, waxayna wiiqayaan dedaalkeeda ku wajahan xasilinta Muqdisho, " ayuu raaciyey qoraalku.


Source: Wargeyska Geeska Afrika


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Dowladda Federaalka Ku-meelgaadhka ahi waa inay u jeestaan xasilinta xaaladda weli cakiran ee ka jirta Muqdisho, inta ay ka soo horjeedsanayaan Somaliland madax bannaanideeda oo ah arrin xaqiiqo ah

what are you are you grinning about cant you not read somali, this is the somaliland foreign minister telling the TFG lot to sort out their own back yard instead of wasting their energy on somaliland issue.



what exacly is changing???

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^^^I just found it funny. Ya Qudach. Its good when we all recognise each other. The TFG and we recognise the rights of the North West to be part of the Federal system. :D

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Good work Hon. Minister ,, thanks for giving some hope to some people :D



and you think he will give a speech in the AU and say mbagatti ?? ,, that is not a professional niyow :D

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Embagati lot, TFG, dmfc or whatever they are called is kinda irrelevant dont you think, i didnt know any of these terms have any difference but hey whatever makes you sleep at night TFG boy. :D

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JB: Hope is a wonderful think, so again lets keep hope alive. :D


Qudhac, the TFG is what keeps you boys out of the corridors of power in the AU, IGAD, UN ARAB LEAGUE. So again keep hope alive lads.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:


and you think he will give a speech in the AU and say mbagatti ?? ,, that is not a professional niyow

That's not how the Mbagathi faction oops I mean TFG thinks. A senior member would go on an international TV to brag they were "married to an ex-president's daughter". Another member of this faction returned from Egypt and revealed that... wait for it ... "he saw the pyramids". :D:D I hope you understand where Duke is coming from nihow. ;)

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^^^lool. Indeed the new foreign chief of the secessionist group is a bit more advanced than the old one, Mrs Edna Adan who claimed she "her people were the orphans of of the Queen of England" before she was rudly interupted by someone who reminded her that her "mother" was still alive and well in the UK.




I know were you are coming from secessionists :D:D:D

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is there any reason why puntlanders are yellow jeolous about sland?


all hear sland this and sland that? yo, they doing their thing...why cant yall do your thing..


you know when all this dust settles, thats where this ball game is heading? each his own.

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^^^lool jelous of what my own brother? Nah I dont speak for other Somali's from the Puntland state or the south, but I love them kinsmen of mine from the North West regardless of the secessionits.

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Duke Smithy, you've been reduced to grasping at the unsubstantiated comments allegedly made by lady Adna that came from anti-Somaliland scumbags. ;) Bring solid facts. Something like: Can you deny your leader Yey boasts to be "partly English" to British journalist ? :D As for queen Betty, well, you of people are the man who brags about making pledge of allegiance to her, are you not? smile.gif

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Rudy I always use to wonder why u had issues with the TFG and laascaanod.


Now I know why. This is the first time I saw you mentionining sland in your posts, so u are pro somaliland, that explains it all I guess.


Anyhow, no one is jelous of somalilanders and whatever the think they have achieved, they should just leave laascaanod alone, if they expect to be recognized. Not that I have anything against them but realistically no one is going to recognize them any time soon.

wa salaamu alaikum

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hey sweetie, i always welcome those who defend their homeland against brutal invaders which what somaliland did. and i respect that.


that said, i dont agree with current sland administration since my point is always the five united. and if u ever free laascaanoodville, u will come to join the somaliweeyn any time. u dig

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