Xaaji Xunjuf

How ONLF was tricked by the Gallas and Abiye Ahmed Government

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It is indeed perplexing and very strange to say the least, that amidst Ethiopia's current turmoil and infighting , where the ONLF now entered into an agreement with Abiy Ahmed only to be deceived, with none of the terms honoured by the Ethiopian govt , the situation has deteriorated to such an extent. Ethiopia finds itself in a period of profound instability on all corners , with the OLA and Fano engaged in conflict Tigray divided into two factions . This would seemingly be an opportune moment to consider opening another front. However, it appears that the leadership at the ONLF headquarters may either lack the necessary acumen or the resolve to take decisive action, this is the time attack. I mean how can you trust the Gallas how is that even possible.

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