Che -Guevara

Qatar-Somalia signed oil exploration agreements including Holhol

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interesting i have been hearing Since  he 80s there is allot of oil there lets see how it goes, so  how much will the qataris get  percentage wise  and how much will khatumo get  , is khatumo on board with this


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4 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

interesting i have been hearing Since  he 80s there is allot of oil there lets see how it goes, so  how much will the qataris get  percentage wise  and how much will khatumo get  , is khatumo on board with this


Like everything, the Federal Gov signs, it is hush hush, which means it is not good for Somalis. Only the upside, Qatar actually has the means and know-how to undertake such project.


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2 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

so in other words its another culusow mashruuc and he gets the xaqu qalam lol

Aaheey, Xasan Socdaal waa taqaan oo laba shilimaad loo tuuray. Haddee run noqotanq the heavyweight American corporations soo galaayo, who had some kind of rights in this area from 1980s.

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