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General Duke

Men who escape from the Clan Court tell of their plight...Pics + audio

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Saaxib.....You haven't answered my question. Whom am I exactly supporting?



Anyhow, You have major Somali city with Amharo in its midst. This doesn't bother you at all. Amazing Duqa. And my family along with many others are astounded by the fact that Pland authorities would allow Amxaars to room freely. It find interesting your family doesn't share everyone else's sentiment.


the groups led by the likes of IndaCade and Xasan Dahir are not welcome in the city.

In your world, no one is welcome saaxib unless they are directly related to you or your cause.

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You support the clan courts, if I assume to reasons some do, because they feel their clan gets little representation in Puntland. Due to them not belonging to the major confederacy. I have come across these individuals before, ".


You provide nothing but emotive argument. As I have said before, the clan courts agression will halt when they are defeated.


Also you gave me your families position I gave you mine, none saw any roaming bands og Tigray soldiers.


Saxib, no one in Puntland wants to be lead by Xasan Dahir, [ maybe your family does] some of us know how he treats the people he occupies, we want none of it I tell you.

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You support the clan courts, if I assume to reasons some do, because they feel their clan gets little representation in Puntland. Due to them not belonging to the major confederacy..

LoooooL.@Major confedaracy, right on bro. Now Iam minority in Pland who is pissed at being left iout...loool


As for the courts, it is matter of supporting the lesser of two evils. Your adeer is ahead in that department than the courts. He is actually 40 yrs ahead, and all to no avial. Now it came down to having Axmars in our amidst to protect your ailing adeer.


N tell me Duke...Couldn't the major confedaracy fight off the courts on their own?


As for my folks, they don't support the courts but they did confirm Tigray presence in Gaalakacayo.

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Saxib, you dont need to hide, I have long suspect your attacks on the President and Puntland stemed from nothing other than the internal clan politics of the state.

Though I know the majority do support the state and dont want its demise.


The answer to your question is, Puntland is more than capable of defending its state. But we also know that, the foreign fighters from Oromia, Eritrea and distant lands have given the Clan Courts some confidnace. Nothing wrong with evening out the playing field.

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Dableey Kasoo Gadooday Maleeshiyada Maxaakiimta Ee Gobolada Dhexe Ee Somaliya Oo Dib Ugu Soo Laabtay Gaalkacyo

Dec 05,2006

by Gaalkacyo-Gedo-NN

Maanta ayaa waxaa dib ugu soo laabtay maleeshiyo kasoo jeeda Gobolada Puntland oo markii hore ku biiray maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha ee ku sugan Gobolada Dhexe ee Somaliya.


Dableydan soo baxsatay oo tiro ahaan gaaraysa 35 nin ayaa maanta waxay Saxaafada ugu waremeen jiida hore ee Tuulada Bandiiradleey halkaas oo ay ku sheegeen wixii ay la kulmeen.


Nin kamid ah kooxdan soo baxsatay ayaa sheegay in markii ay ku biireen midowga maxaakiimta la geeyay isaga iyo ragiisii meel Cadaado u dhow halkaas oo tababar aad u adag loogu sameeyay, hase yeeshee ay xamili waayeen qaabka tababarka iyo dhaqanka meesha yaalay.


Xagga Diinta isagoo ka waramaya ayuu saxaafada u sheegay inaysan oolin halkaasi wax Diin lagu tilmaamo waxay noo sheegeen ayuu yiri ragii meesha xukumay inay xaaraan ahayd haweenkii ay markii hore guursadeen raggani, hadana looga baahan yahay inay nikaax cusub sameeyaan taasoo nagu kaliftay inaan qaadano go’aan deg deg ah.


Arrinta layaabka dhalisayna waxay ahayd markii loo sheegay in lagu duulayo Puntland iyo Somaliland oo hantidoodu tahay mid Qaniimo ah shacabka ku sugana ay doonayaan in si fiican loo fahansiiyo ujeedooyinkooda.


Wuxuu kaloo sheegay inay dhowr mar isku dayeen inay baxsadaan, hase yeeshee laga daba yimid halkoodiina lagu celiyay, haatana ay ku soo baxsadeen dhuumasho, haatana ay kusoo baxsadeen koox koox. Walina ay la’yihiin qaybo badan oo rag lasocday halkii ay qabteen.


Xagga jirka ragan waxaa ka muuqanaysa rafaad iyo diif aad u daran kadib markii ay soo lugeeyeen masaafo kor u dhaafaysa 350KM.


M J Faarax-Gedo News Network Puntland

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Saxib, you dont need to hide, I have long suspect your attacks on the President and Puntland stemed from nothing other than the internal clan politics of the state.

You don't even know what Iam. For minute, think outside box, and not in Qabiil terms. My majority of subclan isn't from Somali proper. Why do they care about Pland's internal politics if it doesn't effect them directly.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

quote:Saxib, you dont need to hide, I have long suspect your attacks on the President and Puntland stemed from nothing other than the internal clan politics of the state.

You don't even know what Iam. For minute, think outside box, and not in Qabiil terms. My majority of subclan isn't from Somali proper. Why do they care about Pland's internal politics if it doesn't effect them directly.
...........i thought there was only one tribe in puntland- :confused: .........not from "somali proper" :confused:


ps: only for education purposes :D

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Khalaf...loool..Qabiil is sickening. Duke is basically accusing of hating Yeey coz we belong to diffirent subclans. It is Bedouin Arab thing "my uterine brother and I against my half-brother" thing.


P.S That particular tribe also lives in SomaliGalbeed.

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^^^Khalaf brother, edit the clan name, before admin deleted the whole thread...

In Puntland there are a number of clans outside the largest confideracy, who have full representation.


Che, you are not as mysterious as you think mate. Also its you who always refers me to President Yey's nephew, so dont mind if one highlights what you are and how it effects, your stance in SOL.


Xiin, the interview of the defectors and thier story is the biggest thig hitting the Galkacyu and Puntland major city airways.. Their story, a primary source of evidance against the courts will have an impact no doubt.

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Che, you are not as mysterious as you think mate. Also its you who always refers me to President Yey's nephew, so dont mind if one highlights what you are and how it effects, your stance in SOL.

I never said I was mysterious. Majority of my "people" are from SomaliGalbeed( Wardheer, Galaadi, Walaal,Qaloocan, Yarmaguuley,etc) It is you who insists in identfying the person's Qabiil to understand their political view.


And the adeer reference was meant only to hightlight your blind support to the old man.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

LOL@Horn, Gedonet too reported it so he obliged to post
! Yaan lagaa tegin adeer!

Care to give your opinion on the problems highlighted by the said men?

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No Che, the adeer refernce was made to highlight my clan. Thus you can not have it both ways.


Its you who, for clan reasons attacks the President and Puntland. Though you will lift up your hads and sigh " Oh, I loath clans" ;) then list Buhudle, Somali Galbeed and then Galkacyu and then Mogadishu as your haunts, trying to prove something other than the fact that your whole position is about clan.


You would like the old mans clan to be cut to size noh, by the Clan courts no less. Since you do not agree with them ideologicly. What other reason could there be :rolleyes: .

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You would like the old mans clan to be cut to size noh, by the Clan courts no less. Since you do not agree with them ideologicly. What other reason could there be .

Now that's just low Duke even for you. What exactly do I gain from your clan's demise. As for your adeer, mark my words. The man hasn't changed his SSDF days. He will meet the same faith Barre and Aided before him. You can hold me to that.

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^^^Saxib, not being low and the last remarks highlights your silly point. After the SSDF there was overcoming Aydeed as well as the establishment of Puntland state, as well wining the open election of 2004. Yusuf has come along way, and insha Allah he will prevail in uniting Somalia. Unlike you I am not certain of the future only Allah is.

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