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somalidu need to learn alot from this video


Markii Puntland Xasan, xaqooda ku tumanayay, oo lafta gareen, Madoobe iyo kuwii kale ay iska aamusnaayeen,  they did not think they will be next...


somalidu taariikhada wax kama barato.


markii siyaad Mahbar, Kulmis,  Puntlanders, oo reer puntland rag iyo dumar aan wax kasban xabsiyada iyo qaar uu dilo ka dhigayay, ay iska aamus naayeen, they did not know they will be next...untill we loose all of us.


if you dont stop, oppresion....xaqa feeruhuu ka dilaacaa....it will come to you, soon or later

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On 9/14/2024 at 2:28 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Laftagareen iyo Xasan were never aligned one another politically.

Waxee isku heystaan currently is ciidamada Masar la geeyo Bakool iyo Shabeellaha Hoose and ciidamada Xabashida laga saaro Koonfur Galbeed by the year's end. Laftagareen and many Reer Koonfur Galbeed believe Xasan daljaceylnimo kama aha Xabashaduu laga saarayo deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed, but a political opportunity to topple Laftagareen by misusing ciidamada Masaarida uu rabo keensado.

That is the latest qilaaf, laakiin waligoodna wey kala shakisnaayeen. Xasan wants a yes man meesha geysto. Xasan believes Laftagareen was and still aligned with Farmaajo, which is true. Xasan also believes Koonfur Galbeed maamul la mid ah tii 2014 Shariif Xasan Baydhabo xoog ku tagay, supported by him using same Xabashi army he is against now. Reer KG didn't want Shariifkaas qaa'inka ahaa.

Xasan, however, is severely mistaken if he thinks the situation is still the same. It is not. Laftagareen now has tens of thousands of Daraawiish ciidamo, many of them highly trained by Ingiriiska and those federal soldiers KG ka soon jeedo, but disillusioned by dowladda Xasan. They support Lafta, including taliyahooda.

Xasan cannot force Lafta out alone with ciidamadii Soomaaliyeed since he destroyed them. Ciidamo Soomaaliyeed tayo leh waa yaryihiin maanta, so hence using Masaari forces masquerading as peacekeepers.

Xasan is also delaying mashaariicda deegaanada KG laga hirgalin lahaa by hay'adaha caalamka. Dowladii Farmaajo mashaariic badan laga hirgaliyey.

Xasan also refused to provide military aid - just as he did for Galmudug and Hirshabeelle - for ciidamada KG for the fight against kuwa afka duuban ku sugan deegaanada KG. He didn't want to empower them. Wuxuu yiri macaawisley ayaa keenaa la dagaalamaayo. Lafta, like Axmed Madoobe in Kismaayo, refused saying we have the troops, just provide us the federal logistics and equipment. Macaawisley would not be controlled and opportunists like Shariif Xasan will use them against maamulka dhisan.

 Thanks allot that clears  allot of things so this is just bigger then just  laftagereen and culusow dipsute arima badan ba  in badan soo jiitamayey this makes sense


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1 hour ago, Qurac&qansax said:

Saaxiib MMA, qeeladii baa kaa dhamaatay. Anagu hadaan nahay reer Puntland dhibta xasan, iyo kuwii ka horeeyay sida Farmaajo mudo ayaan ku soo jirnay, waana nalala arki waydeen, hada markay ku taabatay, baad hoogayeey ba ayeey ku waalatay.

wellcome to the club


Widaay, Deni asagaa ka mid ahaa kooxdii keensatay Xasan. Saas u lahaa haka saarto. If Laftagareen ku jiri lahaa kooxdaas, same way u dhihi lahaa haka saarto asagana. Xasan waa ogeyn wuxuu ahaan 2012-2017, laakiin kuwaa mooday qof kale noqday. Xasan will never change. He is just qabyaaladiste nolol adag ku soo koray.

Anyway, suu Xasan ula dhaqmaayo KG hadduu ula dhaqmi lahaa Reer Galmudug, iyagaa difaaci lahaa. Mabda'a ayaa leeyahay aniga. Xabashida lama jiray, waligeyna lama jirin, laakiin munaafuqiin isbaariste ah Soomaalinimo iguma gambanaayo.

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40 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

 Thanks allot that clears  allot of things so this is just bigger then just  laftagereen and culusow dipsute arima badan ba  in badan soo jiitamayey this makes sense


Xasan is so desperate now he desperately wants to meet Laftagareen. Beri waxaa Baydhabo u socdo Laftagareen sodogiisa oo ah taliyaha ciidamada asluubta. Waa Taliye Shub OO Xasan dirsaday markee hanjabaadii iyo dhaqaalo bixiskii ii u socon weysay.

Xasan wants to go with him to Baydhabo, suu sawir Laftagareen iskaga qaado and then go to New York for shirka sanadlaha ee Qaramada Midoobey. Shirkaas dhaqaalo ku soo helo rabaa.

Laftagareen waa diidanyahay la kulanka Xasan. Dhowr qodobo ugu shardi dhigay ka hor kulankooda.

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By picking a fight with reer SW, HSM assured his political demise. No one is supporting Ethiopia, but to use this situation created by MoU for political gains is going to hurt HSM more than it would hurt Laftagareen. HSM also reignited tribal grievances and the issue of Lower Shabelle which he tried so hard to incorporate into Banadir.

Like Deni, Laftgareen's mistake was doing business with HSM. In retrospect, he should have held the election and not agreed to HSM's tenure extension. Either way, Laftagareen, Madoobe, and Qoorqoor will hold their elections.

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38 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

HSM is extremely dangerous and hell bent taking over South West.

Baidoa must be extremely careful 

They should fight and defend their land and send this guy back to his deegaan 

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Xasan talked to and asked daljiraha Turkiga to phone Laftagareen to persuade him to come to Xamar. Jagadii madaxweynimo ku ciyaaray. In his bilaa talo mind, he thinks Laftagareen can listen to daljiraha Turkiga's little pressure because his family live in Turkiga.

Meel guddoomiyihii baarlamaanka, ra'iisul wasaarihii iyo sodogii uu Xasan wada dirsaday laga wada diiday muxuu daljire Turki keeni karaa?

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

Two things might happen this year or next year, SW admin bringing Lower Shabelle completely under their control and dissolution of the Ethiopian empire.

Both are possible.

Today almost everyone agrees that there won't be one person one vote for the 2026 election. What you are seeing today is the prelude of what will take place a year from now. Reer Galmudug want to dump HSM for the next election. Even former premier Rooble might throw his hat on the arena. The HAG vote will be divided  among many, so the major group that will tilt the balance are the 78 members from South West. To achieve that both HSM and Rooble want their own SW puppet, probably minister Tik Tok or some unknown minister sponsored by HSM.

Laftagareen should have to win again to stop the failed HAG politicians to come back.Both the Ethiopian issue and Egypt will be history within a year. I will not believe that HSM want to defend the land from Abiy, if the issue is serious he would have helped us stop Ethiopia. I want the African troops to leave Somalia, but this fake president who is already in re-election mood doesn't have the credibility or the integrity to defend the nation.



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Laftagareen is in a good position to get reelected even if HSM tries to engineer a sham election in Barawe. HMS's actions and his minion's insults united reer SW in ways that could not have been imagined.

HSM will try to extend his term. He is not coming back. Roble burned too many bridges and honestly, nobody trusts a man who stabbed his boss in the back. Sharif would be the best bet. Deni and Farmaajo are other contenders, And there could always be a dark horse.

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LoL, Galbeedi. War Awdal iiga waran? I heard Muuse burned poor Safiya Tusmo's business. I also had seen xildhibaan Abiib's tol arming themselves.

I wish Reer KG iyo Awdal were deegaano daris ah. Meesha Soomaaliya ugu nabad doon ahaan lahayd, la iskuma xadgudbi lahayn.

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Xildhibaan Abiib is kidnapped by the son of Muuse Biixi and his clan, now Abiib needs his clan to free him or even kidnap some of the Biixi family members. Since there is no rule of law these Awdalite clans should go to the mountains, cut the roads and create fear. It is the only way. Awdal is cooking well, just waiting some ignition.

MMA, we should team up and kick out both the separatists, HAG corrupt leaders and even C/laahi Dani. Let us clean up the house, you guys must ditch the useless speakership and seek the top job. But first make sure Laftagareen should crush both the anarchists and Unaka in Shabeelaha Hoose for good.

I am the class of Sayid M. Hassan who crushed the clans and the British by invoking something higher. Let us kick some rear.

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