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Xoghayihiisa Xamse ayuu Xamar ka soo dirayaa Xasan beri. Baydhabo tag Laftagareen iigala hadal soo yiri.

Isla asagii Xasan ayaa Shariif Xasan iyo maafiyadii kale calooshood u shaqeystiyaasha ahaa shir kula lahaa madaxtooyada maanta, asagoo rabo inuu geeyo Baraawe oo ciidamo Masaari ku waardiyeeyaan, doorasho been ah ku qabto.

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59 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

Doesn't Laftagareen have troops in Barawe?

I doubt Egyptians will do HSM's bidding.

He does. Baraawe has several thousand Daraawiish ciidamo there. Xasan wants meesha dagaal ka abuuro, hadhoowna maslaxo wadaa lasoo shirtago. I am afraid Xabashada might even go there, claiming inay nabad ilaalin u tageen, sida qaabka daran ku tageen Luuq iyo Galgaduud toddobaadkaan.

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Just now, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Maxeey ka dhaheen labadaan odeyaashii shirka Jigjiga ku qabtay Xabashi nahnay ku haaye oo taageersan Xabashada?

They actually condemned them. These guys hate Ethiopia and would love to see it collapse. Those who live or lived under Ethiopia know the horror it inflicts on Somalis.

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6 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

He does. Baraawe has several thousand Daraawiish ciidamo there. Xasan wants meesha dagaal ka abuuro, hadhoowna maslaxo wadaa lasoo shirtago. I am afraid Xabashada might even go there, claiming inay nabad ilaalin u tageen, sida qaabka daran ku tageen Luuq iyo Galgaduud toddobaadkaan.

Ethiopians don't want direct confrontation with any Somali group. But they will be more than happy to support one group over the other.

Plus Abiy is feeling immense pressure from Fano. They have practically taken over Amhara region including the Sudan-Ethiopia border where Eritrea and Egyptians are funneling resources.  For the first time in a long time, Addis Ababa has no control over its borders.

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

Ethiopians don't want direct confrontation with any Somali group. But they will be more than happy to support one group over the other.

Plus Abiy is feeling immense pressure from Fano. They have practically taken over Amhara region including the Sudan-Ethiopia border where Eritrea and Egyptians are funneling resources.  For the first time in a long time, Addis Ababa has no control over its borders.

Xasan Socdaal fursad siyaasadeed siyaasi Soomaali soo marin 30 sano ayuu dhumiyey, Soomaali badana ku taageeri lahaa, ku midoobo lahaayeen. C/raxmaan C/shakiur iyo kuwii kale shalay la jiray ka yaabay fursadaan qaaliga uu dhumiyey.

Xasan only cares about maal, dhul iyo hanti la dhaco. Ciidamadii shan sano la dhisaayo hal sano ku burburiyey. When was the last time aad maqashay Haramcad, Gorgor iyo Danab? Iskaba iloow ciidamadii Eritareeya lagu soo tababaray.

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