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When Laftagareen is speaking like this, xaalka caadi ma'aha. Wax aan boobeynaa, Xasan si toos ah ugu dhaga hadlaayaa. Balan badan ugu baxay Xasan. His frustration is really boiling.

It is not about Xabashida kaliya. It is about hubka lagaga xoreyn lahaa deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed uu diiday dhiibo. Xasan waa diiday hub iyo dhaqaalo dhiibo sida gobollada dhexe. It is about arming isbaaristiyaasha Belidoogle banaankeeda isbaaro dhigtay. He is still arming them. Ciidamo beeleedkii uu geeyey Baraawe oo dagaalka sababay. Dagaalo qabiil ka holcinaayaa Berdaale, Diinsoor iyo deegaano kale.

Mashaariic horumarineed beesha caalamka dowladda dhexe u soo martay ayuu ku dhaganyahay, si Lafta uu cadaadis u saaro.

Worst is mar walba failed siyaasiin like Shariif Xasan ayuu qaabilaa, Rooboowna wasiir ka dhigtay.

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7 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Sanbalooshaha gadaal ka muuqdo, a Hagist extremist Xasan wakiil u ahaa, waa loo diiday inuu shirka Laftagareen iyo Xamse ka qeyb galo. Asagoo xanaaqsan Xamar ku noqday saaka.

Good move.  Ciyaarta ha dhamaato.  Nin walbaa tuuluu ka taliyaa.  Awood in la isu sheegan karo halal arko. 

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He is not the legitimate president of Somalia he has never been he runs an entity called the SFG officially and it is being kept alive by the IC , as the nation has not had a true president since the fall of the last dictator in 1991. Hassan Sheikh merely presides over a confined enclave, often referred to as "the president of the bunker." The country largely subsists on Turkish-funded charity projects, while its security remains under the control of ATMIS forces.


So what is the issue any way  why are culusow and lafta gareen beefing maxa la isku haysta






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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

So what is the issue any way  why are culusow and lafta gareen beefing maxa la isku haysta

Laftagareen iyo Xasan were never aligned one another politically.

Waxee isku heystaan currently is ciidamada Masar la geeyo Bakool iyo Shabeellaha Hoose and ciidamada Xabashida laga saaro Koonfur Galbeed by the year's end. Laftagareen and many Reer Koonfur Galbeed believe Xasan daljaceylnimo kama aha Xabashaduu laga saarayo deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed, but a political opportunity to topple Laftagareen by misusing ciidamada Masaarida uu rabo keensado.

That is the latest qilaaf, laakiin waligoodna wey kala shakisnaayeen. Xasan wants a yes man meesha geysto. Xasan believes Laftagareen was and still aligned with Farmaajo, which is true. Xasan also believes Koonfur Galbeed maamul la mid ah tii 2014 Shariif Xasan Baydhabo xoog ku tagay, supported by him using same Xabashi army he is against now. Reer KG didn't want Shariifkaas qaa'inka ahaa.

Xasan, however, is severely mistaken if he thinks the situation is still the same. It is not. Laftagareen now has tens of thousands of Daraawiish ciidamo, many of them highly trained by Ingiriiska and those federal soldiers KG ka soon jeedo, but disillusioned by dowladda Xasan. They support Lafta, including taliyahooda.

Xasan cannot force Lafta out alone with ciidamadii Soomaaliyeed since he destroyed them. Ciidamo Soomaaliyeed tayo leh waa yaryihiin maanta, so hence using Masaari forces masquerading as peacekeepers.

Xasan is also delaying mashaariicda deegaanada KG laga hirgalin lahaa by hay'adaha caalamka. Dowladii Farmaajo mashaariic badan laga hirgaliyey.

Xasan also refused to provide military aid - just as he did for Galmudug and Hirshabeelle - for ciidamada KG for the fight against kuwa afka duuban ku sugan deegaanada KG. He didn't want to empower them. Wuxuu yiri macaawisley ayaa keenaa la dagaalamaayo. Lafta, like Axmed Madoobe in Kismaayo, refused saying we have the troops, just provide us the federal logistics and equipment. Macaawisley would not be controlled and opportunists like Shariif Xasan will use them against maamulka dhisan.

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Reports from Mogadishu say the Federal Govt detained the 9th Battalion Commander,who is based in Xudur, at Mogadishu Airport after a security meeting in Mogadishu.Efforts by Speaker Madoobe led to his release, signaling rising tensions between the Federal Govt & South West State.

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The Federal Government of #Somalia (FGS) has deployed elite troops to Barawe, the capital city of SouthWest State. Planes carrying Turkish-trained Haramcad Special Police and Gorgor Commandos arrived in the coastal city, thereby intensifying tensions between the Lafta-Gareen administration and Villa Somalia.

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Ninkan Farmaajo waa #Marixaan shaqu ku helay, Maanta wuxuu markale leyahay haddan fasiiro haddalkiisa asago #Cabdullahi_Yusuf uu tubo racayo, lakiin #Geedi iloowsan, in wagaas Gabdhaheeyna Soomaaliyeed ee KG joogay : Lawada ureyeey , Ilmahasna Maanta yihin Itoobiyaan nagu dhex nool.

Haddalkas waxaa laga raba inu ka jawaabo #Geedi oo Raisul Wasare wagas ahaa oo Xukumadaas hogaaminayeey, haddana nool oo HSM @HassanSMohamud  lataliye uu ah , iney  Xukumaddiisa ficilkas ku kacday.

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I am glad waxee mooryäänta extremist Xasan Socdaal isla aaminsanyihiin banaanka soo bandhigay. This and other moves like banning diyaaradaha deegaanada KG tagi lahaa will only make Reer Koonfur Galbeed to support Laftagareen unanimously now. Kuwii lagu shaqeynaayina ka soo jeeday KG waxee yihiin la arkaayaa - useless, powerless puppets.

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2 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

I am glad waxee mooryäänta extremist Xasan Socdaal isla aaminsanyihiin banaanka soo bandhigay. This and other moves like banning diyaaradaha deegaanada KG tagi lahaa will only make Reer Koonfur Galbeed to support Laftagareen unanimously now. Ku

Saaxiib MMA, qeeladii baa kaa dhamaatay. Anagu hadaan nahay reer Puntland dhibta xasan, iyo kuwii ka horeeyay sida Farmaajo mudo ayaan ku soo jirnay, waana nalala arki waydeen, hada markay ku taabatay, baad hoogayeey ba ayeey ku waalatay.

wellcome to the club


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