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Magaalada Xuddur my late aabo ka soo jeedo inay saan la soo shir tagaan waa cambar ceeb weyn ah. Waa ogahay dad aan wax ogeyn Xabashada boorarkaan u soo dhiibtay. Shame on you maamulka meesha ka jiro, ugu horeeyo guddoomiyaha gobolka Bakool oo qaraabo dhow nahay.

Shalay Reer Feerfeer, Hiiraan, ahayd, maantana waa Xuddur, Bakool. Xabashada will use these images they manufactured for propaganda.

Iska aamusan u dhaantay haddeenan wax kale dhihi karin.



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This is same degmo that was voting for SYL candidates in 1960s instead of qabiil party of XDM that was led by the late C/qaadir Soobe. Many other deegaanno of Alta Jubba and Shabeellaha Hoose were voting for them, not Reer Xuddur oo wadani Soomaalinimo muujinaaye. Xataa xildhibaan asalkiisa ka soo jeeday Garoowe ayeey dooranaayeen.

Soomaalida seriously are mentally damaged and we need nothing less than a revolution. Waxaa la wada noqday dad arkaayo kaliya what is in front of them, baahi, masuq iyo xatooyo aanan ka dhamaan. It starts from top.

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MMA, this does not look good and getting uglier

Somali parliament must impeach those traitors, remove them from the house, overwhelming MPs will vote for that.

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10 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

MMA, this does not look good and getting uglier

Somali parliament must impeach those traitors, remove them from the house, overwhelming MPs will vote for that.

You can’t do that there is freedom of expression in Somalia 

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15 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

MMA, this does not look good and getting uglier

Somali parliament must impeach those traitors, remove them from the house, overwhelming MPs will vote for that.

Dhibka jiro waxee tahay Xasan daacad kama aha la dagaalanka Xabashida iyo qaranimo difaaca. He just want wax Laftagareen iyo maamulkiisa awooda yeeshay burburiyo.

He wants degmooyinka Koonfur Galbeed ciidamo Masar geeyo, sida Xuddur, Marka, Baraawe iyo Belidoogle. Reer KG doqomo macnaha wey arkaan waxa socdo.

Shaqsi ahaantey waaka soo horjeedaa Xabashi jecleysigaan laakiin Xasan waa munaafaq weynaaday qabiiliste ah and can't stand KG awood leh. Dagaal qaboob kula jiraa, maalin walbana qabiilo kiciyaa. Dagaalo beeleed dhici jirin ayaa ka dhacooyo, ku soo noqboqonaayo labadii sano u dambeysay deegaanada Berdaale, Qoryooleey, Diinsoor iyo Daafeed (Wanlaweyn) suu maamulka iyo dadka iskaga horkeeno.

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Xasan Socdaal waa isku buuqay. Xildhibaanadaan dhuunta u galay ayuu rabaa sheeko been been ah xilka la iskaga qaadaa. Aaden Madoobe doqon muu mooday markuu xilkaqaadistaan ku fuliyo 25 xildhibaan deegaankiisa ka soo jeedo. Kursigiisa yaa beri u difaacayo?


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Waxaan aa qabyaalad lagaa dhahaa. Ceesh calaa qabyaalad. 

Imagine this was Dani and Puntland!! 

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