Xaaji Xunjuf

Abdi Hashi is a genuine Somaliweynist

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Duqa waa gaboobe ha iska nasto. He is probably around 82 iyo meelahaasi and yet waa soo taagantahay, especially considering he is just coming back after a long illness. Inta cimrigiisa ugu gartay ha iska cibaadeysto.

Siyaasiinta waala gaboobay ma yaqaanaan, waligood waa woo taaganyihiin.

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most somalis and africans love to hold on to power i think its an african thing even if they are not fit enough they will try to lead thats why the Americans are different biden stepped down 

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Biden was forced to step down after relentless pressure by his own party's senior leaders, like Nancy Pelosi and Obama. He really wanted to hang on, waa laga diiday because donations dried up. Duqa runta uu arkay.

Anaga Soomaalida urur siyaasadeed awood leh ma jiro, ururka waa kan aasaasay, sida Feysal Dhurwaa. He thinks he owns his urur siyaasadeed.

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5 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

To bad the Koonfurians are not


Very good speech, but has he done any tangible to bring Somalis together, unite people? Anything that can be mentioned, to remember him.

Good speeches and saying the obvious is not enough.

He should say to HSM, enough, stop corruption, stop enriching your family, stop making Somalia situation worse 

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