Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland made progress because it left Somalia , Prof Ahmed ismaaciil samatar

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Waxaan maqli jiray qofka Muslinka lalba jeer meel lagama wada qaniino.

This guy lost every credibility he had. His party was denied to run for the presidential contest and left with angry outburst. His lieutenant Abubaker Haamuud took over as a leader and begun negotiating with Wadani. His boss Biixi called him and told him to stop the merger. The fool came back again after he was promised few shillings and tried to fight his own group for the control of the party. 

he is a dead horse.

We Awdalites should kick from the political arena these so called academics who know nothing about politics. Ilma Samatar Ha Na Dhaafaan.

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2 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Waxaan maqli jiray qofka Muslinka lalba jeer meel lagama wada qaniino.

This guy lost every credibility he had. His party was denied to run for the presidential contest and left with angry outburst. His lieutenant Abubaker Haamuud took over as a leader and begun negotiating with Wadani. His boss Biixi called him and told him to stop the merger. The fool came back again after he was promised few shillings and tried to fight his own group for the control of the party. 

he is a dead horse.

We Awdalites should kick from the political arena these so called academics who know nothing about politics. Ilma Samatar Ha Na Dhaafaan.

Galbeedi, odeygaan bahasha xun kulul muu cabaa waaka shakiyey? He is very impulsive oo mar mar kama fiirsado wuxuu shalay lahaa inay ka soo horjeedo wuxuu maanta leeyahay. Wuxuu ku sii darsaday xanaaq ilma yar camal.

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MMA, all I can tell is that he is the cheapest of any political prostitutes I ever seen in Somalia. He is bought and sold with few dollars and will sing your music. 

Bixxi kicked more than twice, yet he keeps coming.

Even if he runs , he won't get any vote from Awdal.

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He is extremely well educated and should stay in universities. This is where he excelled.

But as for politics, he has zero skills and should stay away 

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