Xaaji Xunjuf

A New Cold war has emerged Between Somaliland and Somalia

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A new dawn has emerged boys and girls. In 1991, when the late Somali defunct Republic was  dissolved, The  Somaliland Republic chose its own path, while Somalia clung to the notion that Somaliland remained part of their fractured nation. Ironically, for the first 14 years following this dissolution, Somalia had no functioning governmen what so evert  qanyare iyo yalaxow ba isku eryaneye xamar  the country was engulfed in chaos, with various regions controlled by rival HAG warlords. It was only with the fake TFG  presidency of Abdiqasim Salad Hassan that Somalia made its first attempt to undermine Somaliland, notably through efforts to halt Somaliland’s livestock trade with Saudi Arabia—a policy that severely crippled Somaliland's economy for years. However, by 2009, Somaliland successfully reopened its markets with Saudi Arabia, marking a significant recovery.

In 2012, Somalia and Somaliland finally began diplomatic talks. The initial rounds were conducted with a sense of calm, focusing on shared concerns such as security and piracy. However, these discussions failed to address the more contentious issues dividing the two Countries . Since 2024, under the Bunker administration in  villa wardhiiglay relations have deteriorated dramatically. When Somalia classified Somaliland alongside extremist groups like Al-Shabaab, it became clear that the gloves were off.

Prior to this, Somalia had already sabotaged funds intended for Somaliland from the European Union. Though the relationship between the two governments was never harmonious, it remained stable; political tensions were high, yet the people of both regions coexisted with a degree of mutual respect, and movement between the two was still possible. How ever the bunker is trying to fund Dawarsi state with the help of  disgruntled indvidiuals who hail originally from Somaliland.

Unfortunately, this delicate balance is now in jeopardy. Somalia bunker govt has adopted an overtly hostile stance toward Somaliland, declaring war on all fronts. Somaliland, however, stands prepared, with its people displaying a renewed sense of unity in the face of these recent aggressions. This escalation is likely to fuel further conflict on multiple fronts, especially with the potential deployment of Egyptian forces to Somalia, which could further antagonize Ethiopia and exacerbate regional tensions.

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Dahab shill he would never do that , that would mean he would Lose the entire sl markt jabuuti markt and a segment of kilil market , and he would never want to lose that market to world Remmit who’s initial market and the basis of his customers are not even Africans . I don’t know who owns pay si .  I don’t think Jubba express has any market in somaliland if they choose to comply with the koonfurians I think biixi will shut them down in Somaliland , he will look the other way to Ethiopia airlines. I heard the the agaasime of the Ethiopia airline said it’s only temporarily besides muuse willl get a share in Ethiopia airlines and his nephe runs the hargeisa office , so just to stick it to the koonfurians he will take this L and fight ina other despite the disrespect of Ethiopia airlines.

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50 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

I heard the the agaasime of the Ethiopia airline said it’s only temporarily

What does that even mean? 

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I don’t know really know but I think Ethiopia is testing Somalia and challenging it .so they took a step back to wait for a reaction from the bunker ,

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De jure power is a potent tool, one not exercised by the Somali Government against secessionist entities. No persons or organizations can oppose it on flimsy personal relationships. 

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We shall see how it goes and how far it takes somalia if it chooses this path 


somaliland information minister just in held a press conference mudane Ali marexaan

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"Bravo Wasiir. Alx, it’s about time to respect our country as such. Those who have a different agenda or other preferable names, then go ahead and make your own country, otherwise respect this nation called Somalia and its citizens until they come to that same conclusion as your wishes." Garaad Mukhtaar


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14 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

WorldRemit waa in lagu daraa liiska, hadduu diidana kan maamulaha ka ah ee goonigoosadka ah ha laga mamnuuco inuu ka shaqeeyo Soomaaliya. His foreign board members will force him to change.

His company main market isnt even somalia or somaliland its  mostly indoneisa south America and other continents , 


Ismaciil Ibrahim is an ardhent  Somaliland supporter he will never do that 

World remmit is connected to Hormuud or cooperates with them  and they will not do that same with taaj

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Somalia demands removal of 'Somaliland' references from business websites


Saturday August 24, 2024

Somalia's Minister of Commerce and Industry, Jibril Abdirashid Haji, addresses key issues during a government meeting in Mogadishu, emphasizing the enforcement of directives aimed at safeguarding the nation's territorial integrity. CREDIT / SONNA

Mogadishu (HOL) —  The federal government has issued a strict order requiring all remittance companies and businesses operating in Somalia, explicitly addressing Paysii, Dahabshiil, Jubba Express, and other financial institutions, to eliminate any references to "Somaliland" from their websites and financial services. The memo, aimed at reinforcing Somalia's territorial integrity, will take effect on September 1, with violators facing legal consequences under Somali law.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in a statement released on Saturday, emphasized that the use of "Somaliland" undermines the sovereignty and unity of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The ministry warned that companies failing to comply would be seen as violating the nation's independence and could be subject to severe penalties.

The directive is part of Somalia's effort to ensure that all entities operating within its borders adhere to the official stance that Somaliland remains part of Somalia. The government has recently taken similar actions, including enforcing compliance by international airlines.

Earlier this week, the Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) narrowly avoided suspending Ethiopian Airlines after the carrier complied with demands to label Somali destinations on its booking platforms correctly. The airline, which initially used only airport codes to bypass the issue, has since updated its system to reflect the correct naming conventions required by the SCAA.

Flydubai, a state-owned airline from the United Arab Emirates, also complied swiftly with the SCAA's directive by removing the term "Somaliland" from its booking page and correctly listing "Hargeisa, Somalia" as the destination. 

The dispute between Somalia and the self-declared Republic of Somaliland has escalated in recent months, particularly after Somaliland's controversial agreement in January to allow landlocked Ethiopia to establish a naval base on its coastline. The deal also includes the construction of a port and a transport corridor. 

Somalia andencd Somaliland have been at odds since 1991 when Somaliland declared independence from Somalia following the collapse of the central government. Despite the self-declared indepene, Somaliland's sovereignty has not been recognized internationally. The federal government in Mogadishu maintains that Somaliland remains a part of Somalia and has consistently opposed any actions that imply otherwise.

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In response to the policies implemented by the Bunker government, Somaliland should consider taking decisive action by banning all companies owned by iWalanweyns. I can identify five major companies currently operating within Somaliland that should be targeted for such measures, and their expulsion should be promptly enforced. Furthermore, the Somaliland government ought to confiscate all assets  and properties  belonging to these entities.

We could begin with Sagal Jet, a company owned by an individual from Mogadishu, which has significantly profited within Somaliland in particular In hargeisa and borama . It is time they experience the consequences of their actions. Next, Amal Bank should be closed, along with Premier Bank, which is also owned by a fellow from Mogadishu  even culusow has shares in premier bank.

In addition to these financial institutions, the Somaliland government should consider shutting down all media outlets linked to t Somalia privatly owned or not, that are operating within its borders. There is also a logistical firm i saw in Wajaale two years ago this company should also be expelled .And a  complete halt on imports from Somalia, even if they only constitute 35 percent of the total, would further solidify this stance and underscore the seriousness of our response.

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