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This poem captures my mood after the Xabashi Victory and their Warlords celebrated

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This somali poem captures my mood



Ninkii aabahay Dilay

Oo Adeerkay Addimo Jaray

Albaabkeenna Meyd dhigay

Miyaan Aaminaayaa

Ibtilaan u barinee

Afartaan Dhurwaa ee

U Adeegta Xabashida

Allahayoow intaan Jiro

Miyaan Eray ka yeelaa



Ummaddii la laayiyo

Wixii iil la wada dhigay

Waa illoow ayaa yiri?



Intuu inanba nool yahay

Eedeheey dhigeen baan

soo ururin weynee

Ma ayaan dalxiis baa

marba iibsigeygani?

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