Che -Guevara

No place for 90s like Isbaaro

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Not any of them is selected from Koonfur Galbeed. Jeesoow iyo kan kale guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Hirshabeelle ahaa ee Cismaan Barre la dhaho. They have seats in Jubbaland and Hirshabeelle, yet amazingly speaking about a deegaan none of his fellow clan members are selected from.

Jiljileecii iyo dulqaad kii ayee waxee moodeen cabsi laga balaayo. How can for three weeks u xirnaa karaan jidkaas and stop all baabuurta ganacsiga. Waa loo digay, odayaashooda lala hadlay loo diray. Xataa wasiirka caafimaadka dowladda Dhexe kan ah Baydhabo lagu casuumay suu ila hadlo tolkiisa. Nothing worked, only more kibir.

Having said that, waa run deegaankaas geelooda daaq u imaadaa from Hiiraan, Shabeellaha Dhexe and Shabeellaha Hoose border, dadka deegaankana waa isla noolaayeen. However, the very moment dowladii Kacaanka dhacday isbaaro inay jidkaas dhigtaan bilaabeen. I am talking about Janaayo, 1991.

Dadkii Baydhabo u qaxaaye ayee dhacaayeen, dad badana dileen. Abtigey oo alaab iyo dokumentiyo Xamar ka soo qaaday ayee jidka u galeen baabuur uu watay, between Buurkahaba iyo Daafeed (Wanlaweyn). This very same place. That was first week of Janaayo, 1991. Siyaad Barre wali Xamar kama bixin. Baabuurka uu watay baas rasaas ah ayee kala daaleen, xataa istaaga ma dhihin. Fiid ayee ahayd mana arkeyin. Wuu ka booday asaga iyo wiilkii kale la socday, duurka uu galeen. Baydhabo lug ku yimid after walking hours and picked by another driver near Baydhabo entrance. Wiilkii kalena maalin kale ka dib yimid. Lugihiisa qodxo miiran ayee ahaayeen and toddobaad sariir saarnaa.

First time aan qabiilkaan magaciisa maqlay ahayd, too. Ma iloobaaye.

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By the way, Jeesoow waala soo dirooyaa, dad kale maalgalinaayo qalalasaan. Same people are funding same qalalaase too in degmada Bardaale, Rooboow's clan stronghold. Iyagana waa laga sifeeyey oo tolkooda kale ka sifeeyey. Waa ayaandarro dad la isku sii diro, waa 'faa'iidada' laga faa'iday dowladaan Xasan Socdaal.

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In my national service after high school, I was placed in Wanlaweyn, a beautiful place. One thing I remember was that some of the residents were camel lovers. I thought they were among the indigenous communities.

MMA, are you telling us they just migrate from Hiiraan?

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2 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

In my national service after high school, I was placed in Wanlaweyn, a beautiful place. One thing I remember was that some of the residents were camel lovers. I thought they were among the indigenous communities.

MMA, are you telling us they just migrate from Hiiraan?

No, deegaanka wey deganyihiin, caano ayeey keeni jireen, geelooda waa daaqaan. Inkastoo loogu badanyahay waa deganyihiin. Laakiin isbaaronimadaan tan iyo 1991 ayeey wadeen, on and off. Markii awood loo sheegto ayeey joojiyaan kaliya, sida Caydiid's Salbalaar, RRA iyo kuwa afka duuban markeey meesha qabsadaan. Otherwise they will start again if little awood yeeshaan.

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By the way, qabiilkaan iyo qabiilkaa ka dhashay waa isku abtirsi. Gaaljecel Abtisame iyo Gaaljeel Abtiroone kala nahay, waana na sheegtaan oo my late old man in 1960s guriga ugu imaan jireen saa maqlay, iyagoo shaxaad iyo shaqooyin raadinaayo oo Hiiraan ka yimid. Markaas dhihi jiray kuwaa ka soo jeedo Bakool joogo saan iguma imaadaan, iyagiina... Laakiin wuu dhaqaaleen jiray.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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GJecel is my reer Ayeeyo. It is unfortunate their good name is being abused. I am more saddened they are abusing the good name of a great Somali hero Sheikh Hassan Barsane.

But it is important SW takes over complete control over its territories. Somalia would have been a different place if there were strong regional governments when Barre Admin was overthrown. We can't leave everything to Mogadishu.

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Meesha waa janee compared to dhagaxaanta Galgaduud ee yaa ka samraayo. However, they are powerless to do anything now, awoodooda arkeen marka shirar la soo istaagaan ku soo hareen.

Laftagareen runtii laf xun dhuunta istaagto ku noqday and he is getting far more support from Reer KG than any time before. My own sister was against him, but now ardently supports him markee aragtay moooryaantii duulaan ah.

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