
Impromptu canshuurta iibka

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See dowlad dhan canshuur badeecooyin boqolkiina shan ah la dul saaro laga soo saari kartaa iyada oo aanan la soo marin, ansaxinin baarlamaanka? Wasiirka maaliyadda ayaa iska gaaray go'aankaan bilooyin ka hor, waxa lagu qabanaayo canshuurta lama sheegin. Xataa qof maskiin haddaa sadaqo siineysid waala lagu canshuuraa.

Cuntooyinka xataa canshuurtaan waaku jirtaa, no exceptions sida dunida kale ka jirto.

Xasan Socdaal dowlad runtii iib iyo gadid bas moodaa, baarlamaankii Aaden Madoobe koow la yahayna waa iska jiifaa. Wixii Nayroobi ka dhacay Xasan ku dhacdo ka cabsanaa.

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Ogoow dadka ma diidana canshuur dhiibka. Dadka Xamar degan already were paying 5% VAT tax since 2018. Dowladii hore soo saartay and no one was against it because Soomaalids trusted dowladaas. Laakiin Xasan iyo dowladiisa tuugnimo lagu bsrtay, qof aaminaaye ma leh to make the VAT 10%.

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This was a powerful speech by president HSM. For the first time he took a tough and clear position on Ethiopia. Somalia has every right to sign defence agreements as it sees fit. His next move in the new year should be kicking out all the troops from the front line states Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. If he is smart he should invite " Jabhada Xoreynta Somali Galbeed" and demand free elections in Somali Galbeed. That would rattle Baptist preacher quickly. 

. Taxes are the lifeline of the government. I would even tax the Hawala . I would deduct  5% every $100 dollar you send your mother. Someone have to guarantee the big house you built or the streets your mother is walking. 

My only beef with this speech is that the cabinet chief, the prime minister,  supposed to address the minor issues like  taxes and  Bajaaj instead of the head of the state, the president.

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