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A Conference Call Hosted by Somaliland American Council

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The Keynote speaker is the leader and the chairman of UCID Party, Mr. Faisal Ali Waraabe.


The date and time of this conference call is:

Sunday, May 25, at 1 pm ET [Washington DCUSAtime] – also (-5GWT)


The agenda of the conference call is to hear from Chairman Faisal Ali Warabe who’ll discuss the current Somaliland affairs & politics.


To participate in this conference call please do the following:


1 - send a request to participate in the conference call to

[ ]


2 - provide full name, email address, citycountry of residence


3 - SAC will respond in 60 hrs to provide you the conference call

Bridge number and participant access code.


Who should attend; anyone who has interest in Somaliland affairs and can speak Somali language.


We expect large number of attendee (from 700-1000 attendees) based on our experience from previous calls. As a result, it is not practical to take questions live (directly) from large number of attendees; to give you an opportunity to ask Chairman Faisal questions we have created this email address:

please write down your questions and email them to this address quickly,

do not forget to include your full name and citycountry of residence.


Somaliland American Council

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