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The Islamic Courts Disarmed Berxani Militia Peacefully.

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A cause to celebrate if this turns out to be the case as reported in Qaadisiya


This was made possible by the elders of the town who are affliated clanwise with the disarmed militia. The pro-war camps who wanted to retake Kismayo have lost some valuable support in the region for now. This is pleasant as the fears of a bloody war between the courts and those who left Kismayo and converged in Berxani to partake in recapturing the town with the aid of Barre hiiraale are now gone.



Once again, peace prevails.

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^^ I know, it is indeed a cause for celebration. This is the opposite of AllPuntland reports:


Beerxaani (AllPuntland)- Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamda Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) ayaa waxa ay shaaca ka qaadeen in habeennimadii xalay degaanka Beer xaani uu dagaal ka dhacay kaasoo dhex maray maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo ciidamo taageersan Col. Barre Hiiraale.


Saraakiishani ayaa waxa ay shaaca ka qaadeen in dagaalkaasi kaga dhaawacmeen dad gaaraya 3 ka mid ah ciidamdooda ku sugnaa deegaankaasi Beerxaani. Source:

As always, bloody warmongers.

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indeed saxib, this is good news. We couldn't have asked for a better news. Inshallah all other war plans get the same fate, Baaqasho and peace.





I am still surprised by the sudden turn of events and the good luck. Why don't you call some friends and let us know if this is indeed what happened? Qaadisiya is reliable news website but because this news is really too good and pleasant, I would love more sources which report the same.

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Dagaalkan siyaasad ayaa lagu dhameen karaa, qori cid wax ku dhamaynaysaa ma jirto. Dadka Soomaaliyeed wey doonayaan nabad iyo xukun islaami ah. Tuugada TFG, PL iyo SL waa in dadka laga qabto.

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Ramadaan runta lama qariyo. Ma waxaad leedahay waa xukumo fiican oor danta umada Soomaaliyeedama danta umadaislaamka ah ka shaqeeya? Taas waad ka fiican tahay Badacas ee mid kale la imow.

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One thing I have come to realise is that the Courts, whether in Xamar or in Kismayo, have vowed not to pick a fight with reer Gedo. There is too much stake for both sides to fight each other, with the possibility that if their strengths become weak as a result of war, there is one common enemy vulturing on the other side of the border to finish them off. So, as far as war is concerned, Barre Hiraale's mission would only isolate him even from his kinsmen, because they do not find it necessary to engage in unprodctive war in Kismayo, that is when they can secure more than war can offer through peaceful means. The Courts on the other side have shown a great deal of willingness to negotiate with reer Gedo and, Insha-Allah, an agreement would be forged in the near future. Kismayona waa la wada leeyahay waana la wada qaybsan doona, haduu Alla idmo - cid ka xigto reer Gedo ayaanba jirin run ahaantii.


PS: I forgot to mention, I will try to find out the correctness of this news, Insha-Allah.

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Wax ka jira waxay idaacada Qaadiisya qortay haba yaraatee ma jirto. None what so ever.


The militias in Beerxaani are the men who refused to fight for Barre in the beginning but left the city before being disarmed after realizing the facts on the ground. That was traumatizing for the Entity so they engaged the elders to negotiate with them on their behalf. The elders took advantage of that to give the milita time to recieve military installations by way of Col Cabaas Gurey. The Entity decided to invade but there is only one road to Beerxaani and it is mined and they were showered with bullets. They asked support from the militias near Jilib but they were turned down because of strategic military reasons.


Waxba hubka dhigis ay sameeyeen ma jirto waayo half of the Court supporting websites, like Shabelle, are saying the Entity did not find any militias in Beerxaani while the other half, like Qaadisiya, are saying they were found and disarmed. :D


Gedonet and Allpuntland are both reporting that the Entity was not able to penetrate Beerxaani.

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Now you know not to trust the mouth piece of the Entity. Diin beyna isku sheegayaan ka waran, been caadi ahne wee durdurayaan.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Now you know not to trust the mouth piece of the Entity. Diin beyna isku sheegayaan ka waran, been caadi ahne wee durdurayaan.

Hornoow ma maqashay 2dii been isu raacday runta kuma hesiiyaan sidaa soma ay ahayn :D sxb mardhow waadba arki ayagoo laba saf oo iska soo horjeeda is laynayna!


They also aware of that they (the lots from Mogadishu) are unwelcome in Gedo and Jubooyinka region.

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