Che -Guevara

VP Harris Picks Minnesota Gov Walz as VP candidate

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Waa ku faraxsanahay that she didn't pick that ultra-Zionist in Pennsylvania, albeit very hard lobbying from their media-controlled personalities and politicians. That would have dampened her momentum. Progressive pressure, primary from Sen. Bernie Sanders, won.

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9 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Does America also have 4.5 if the president is going to be black or Indian does the vp have to be white  or is she allowed to pick hispanic or jew 

It is unwritten rule the presidential nominee of the party has to choose an almost opposite of the said nominee to be his/her running. The running mate has to attract new voters. That is why Obama chose old Joe Biden. It goes back in decades.

Only the idiot Orangecon chose an almost cloned running mate, all for his yes-sir obedience. What an idiot. He was forced to choose Mike Pence in 2016 by the party establishment. Not this time since he had a hostile takeover of the party.

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2 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Shame on her. She is already a hawk, Zionists already took full control of her policies.


Koofiyad yar waa hore shaqeeysteen, it is not  easy

Her husband is

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Can you believe, Maakhiri, they allowed on that stage representative of every imaginable group, except any Muslim, Carab and Falastiin, even elected well-known ones like sister Ilhaan Cumar and Rashiida Taliib. Waa u wada diideen.

They had Yahuud in every every kind, xataa kuwa ee ka keeneen dhulkee heystaan. Waa yaab.

I thought she would be a little different from Joe, but weyna ka sii darantahay if she can't allow a single Muslim on that stage because they can't be trusted. Islaam naceyb aanan caadi ahayn.

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I fail to understand why you lot  support the Democrats, given their endorsement of the LGBTQ+ community, often aligning themselves with values that some might consider degenerate. We've even seen Ilhan Omar publicly  dancing with them. Wouldn't it be more prudent to support the conservatives instead?

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It is not supporting One over the other. One group openly hates you, diintaada iyo isirkaaga ma arki karaan. The other ha xumaadeen, at least pretends to be welcoming you. Danteena u aragnaa ka fulino.

Lagarooniyaasha ee soo dhaweystaan howl nool taalo ma'aha as long as danteena wadano. We don't believe that way of life nor do we support.

Laakiin adiga Orangecon oo diinteena Islaamka neceb, Muslimiinta dhan wada neceb, Soomaali ha sheegin. And uses 'Palestinian' as an insult, maxaa u taageertaa baacaas?

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pretends  maxay ku tari pretend how is joe biden different then  Trump , Obama killed more in the drones then any other president maraykan soo mara. Biden could not even enforce a ceasefire in the gaza war. In response he send more arms to Israel , isago maskaxdisa wax ka ilaawaysa last words laga haya was israel has the right to defend it self., Trump isnt from the establishment and the inner circles that why most Americans support him, and he is also utra nationalistic i think thats why allot of people support him and honest



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IsnsahAllah when day I will write a long article why I will always choose a white man over an Indian. She is fake all the way. She couldn't even last until the start of the first primary before she dropped out in 2020. She got less than one percent of the vote. Yet, she was chosen to be the successor of Biden. Now, four years later they couldn't even allow a regular primary because she would have lost despite being the vice president.

The powers that control America were  even prepared this year for something very strange, but a miracle happened and prevented that plot. If Trump was killed or jailed, they had prepared a contest among two Indian women: Niki Haley ( Nita Nimrata) and Kamala. Now how is that democratic. Among the 400 million Americans , you have  to choose among two Indians? They are both zionist and Indians. Haley wrote " finish them" on Gaza bound bombs and the other one is even more deadly, because a dithering and weak person is more dangerous than the barking right wing blowhard who is not a hypocrite. Look at Biden and his minions, they have been traveling to the middle east for the last six months talking about a fake cease fire. They don't even worry to preserve the diplomatic prestige of their country by looking weak.

By the way, the Indians are fast tracked to western power and will soon replace local people. In Canada, 950,000 Indians came here through student visa with less than a quarter  of them attending university after getting their work permit.

As usual, Muslims watch sound bites and respond with emotions. Look what took place among the Muslim nations between 2009 and 2016 when Obama was president. They destroyed Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and when Biden came he finished off with Sudan. For this nations to survive, you need to end the American colonial rule and you need an isolationist as a president. Trump is one.

Vote for Ilhan Omar and other to have a minor voice in the congress, but don't be fooled by the party of women, LGBT, abortion and transgenders. Why Muslims always acting like a needy and vulnerable puppies looking for someone to like them. Furthermore, the world doesn't revolve around race. It is more about culture, power, economy and the future. Stop allaying you self with weak people. Is is our responsibility to preserve the families and the well being of and traditional western nations that welcomed us rather support those who undermine them. Isn't Islam supposed to be about family, tradition and moral foundations of society rather than promote degeneracy because you both weak.

If you are a Muslim and in America , you have to make a well thought and moral stand  before casting your vote or just say uncommitted as they did in Michigan.








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