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Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia Declare Their Support for President Sharif.

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Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia Declare Their Support for Somalia’s New President



Spokesman for Islamic Courts - Sheikh Abdirahman Isse Addow


Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) leaders inside Somalia have welcomed the election of Somalia’s new President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed and called on the Somali people to support him.


Spokesman for the UIC Mr. Abdirahim Isse Adow read a press release from UIC inside Somalia which said that the UIC welcomes the election of the new President.


Mr. Adow said that the new President needs to keep his promise to implement Islamic Sharia in Somalia and that only the implementation of Islamic Sharia will end the suffering of the Somali people.


Mr. Adow also called for the formation of a national army starting with the resistance forces which he said will allow Somalia not to need foreign troops including those currently stationed in the country. Mr. Adow also called for uniting the resistance forces and added that if there is a dialogue there will be a solution to solve any differences.


The support the new President received from UIC inside Somalia is important and shows that the new President has the support of Islamic groups inside Somalia.


Somalia's enlarged parliament elected Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in Djibouti defeating at least 14 other candidates including Maslah Mohamed Siad, the son of ex-president Mohamed Siad Barre and Prim Minister Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde).


Hiiraan Online

Sunday, February 01, 2009

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Mr. Adow said that the new President needs to keep his promise to implement Islamic Sharia in Somalia and that only the implementation of Islamic Sharia will end the suffering of the Somali people.


let us hope so.

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