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Kismayo No father figure as Junior members of JVA are in each others throat

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Originally posted by General Duke: prove you can not run anything, just hot air.

Adeer, its history that these folks you referring to has run an entire nation in 21 long years (a record, that no one will ever break). So wax isula har and tell us now, if your hero, Abdullahi Amxaaar ever ruled a region let alone a nation. We all know how he came to power in PL, his road to this dummy presidency all these achieved with the blessing of Zenawi, his master.

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^You say what? 21 years and run a nation? the mother of all smoke screen has come forwad to shoot himself on the foot, Adeer If you are talking about Aabe Siyad Era, the man inherited the whole of Somalia, one vibrant and almost successful nation and left it crashed, shattered and reduced to trash... introdued to Somalia all kinds of violence, massmurder, corruption, nepotism, clanism and what have you...


Please afka isku qabso lets not talk about this old and long dead man, Ilahay un ha unaxariisto, the world is witness taariikh fiican inuusan katagin. Xir this man's story, I don't wanna add anymore to that...


The topic is about the incompetent thugs and Isbaaro man Taano and Hiiraale's fight for the control over the clan... Waligeey ma arag niman kasawirsan, Clan control ayay isku dagalayaan.

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^^^ Is he talking about the man who inherited the nation, a fine army, police force and then left on a donkey and the ntion in civil war. Again look at Kismayu a beautiful city tuned into a big charcoal factory with no developemtn.

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^ you know your uncle YEY is the main person (culprit) to blame all this. Go reread the history. What lagacy will yey left markuu bakhtiyo? ;)

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^ :D , Easy with the young boys man


Tell him, Yusuf Yey is an architect a briliant strategist, strong and skillful soldier, founder and the first President of Puntland, now leader of the TFG...

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Hadaladiina qaarkood maaha kuwa waafaqo da'aadiinu iyo garaadka laga rabo inaad gaarsiisantihiin. Kolaybo adeeryaalo wax isula hara inkastuu Duke cadayste ceeb iyo ceeb la'aan inaysan karin hadane waxaan usoo jeedinayaa inuu raganimo bal waxoogaa iska dayo una dhaqmo sida raga u dhaqmaan. Waxaad ku dhaqmaysan run ahaantii wax laga xishoodo maahana maaha wax ay ragu ku dhaqmaan.


Ka xanaaqsanaada ninkaad amaani jirteen ee Afgaduud baa Kismaayo laga cayriye, ka xanaaqsanaaada ciidan beeleedkiinu baa Buulogaduud lagaa masaafuriye, ka xanaaqsanaada adeer Cabdullahi umay suragelin inuu Kismaayo faro saaro, lakin adeeryaalo rag baa tihiin ee wax isula hara.

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^^^Adeer you sound ever desperate, has Taano moved the roadblocks yet? Thats the important thing here, the people of Kismayu should not be held hostage by such thugs. Dont you agree, nationalist, mature and sensible Horn?

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Tsk tsk such sarcasm Duke! However, I hesitate naught in saying I despise and never support any of those that lay a single checkpoint(isbaaro). Whatever you may say of it, the first thing that led me to support Hiiraale unflinchingly was his war with checkpoints, those who laid them, and others of their peerage in that form of criminality.


Taano, however, is an intellectual of his own right and I am more comfortable with you addressing him by his respectful name, Dr. Cabdirizaaq. There is a minor political disagreement and those of his sub-sub-subclan sought to exert pressure and show support on his behalf. Even so it was not of his planning and the checkpoint laid in front of the port as a form of political weaponry has already been removed and the militias of his sub-sub clan sent back to their dwellings with his support.


Here are your favorite websites as of late:





Now out with it Duke and cease this embarrassment of your character.

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^Must you run away from your governor Taano now? You're not alone. Many republicans just did that back in '06. Couldn't you find any saxiixa gedonet news regrading these reports. I'm sure you'd have flooded the forum by now.


Hadaladiina qaarkood maaha kuwa waafaqo da'aadiinu iyo garaadka laga rabo inaad gaarsiisantihiin. Kolaybo adeeryaalo wax isula hara inkastuu Duke cadayste ceeb iyo ceeb la'aan inaysan karin hadane waxaan usoo jeedinayaa inuu raganimo bal waxoogaa iska dayo una dhaqmo sida raga u dhaqmaan. Waxaad ku dhaqmaysan run ahaantii wax laga xishoodo maahana maaha wax ay ragu ku dhaqmaan.

Horn speaking in favor of raganimo, xishood and against ceeb? Hell must be freezing over bey odhan jireen.


Should I dig up the archives of your 'god-like' speech? What happened to the double morality, face & politiking strategies.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

[QB] ^Must you run away from your
governor Taano
now? You're not alone. Many republicans just did that back in '06. Couldn't you find any
saxiixa gedonet
news regrading these reports. I'm sure you'd have flooded the forum by now.

No, I'm sure I would not have flooded anywhere as some are want to do. However, shall I prescribe a doze of double English comprehension? Where in anything have I written here have I implied I am "running" away from anyone? You disappoint me Jimcaale if I may care as to say so.

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^^^Taano is no longer the new saviour huh?

The man was neevr elected or selected and the clan that he claimed to represent disowned him thus he takes to the streets and places roadblocks.


Then we have Horn here, a man who prides himself of having the inside news and he is silent? Then he comes here and criticise those who always said this Taano was a mere thug out to get some money before he goes back to the Netherlands.


Anyhow lets see, Horns new leaders, we had Hiiraale the bravest warlord of all time and now the man who was supposed to be the academic, a "Dr" no doubt from Abduwaaq University who turned to the streets or maybe he has a Degree in street knowledhe and a diploma in how to hustle. The same type other juniour JVA mini warlords had. :D

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This is a power contest in its strict form on who controls the destiny of the clan. Defunct warlords Hiirale's side maintains the rhethoric in which they urge common criminal Taano to refrain what he's currently doing, in order not expose oneself to the outside community, in which there would lie a great loss and harm for the clan.


They want to continue the double game of late, in which they maintain to support the TFG and that Kismayo's problem is that of a power struggle over the city between two prominent clans of the lower Jubba.


Where Taano maintains and urges the clan to take sides and to help and shelter their brethren who are hiding in the bushes, whereas the otherside is opposed to that idea because they maintain to do so would be suicidal in the strictest sense of the word because welcoming, sheltering or helping internationlly sought after fugitives would be the demise of the sub-clan, therefore lying low would be best suited to the interest of the clan, because if Kismaayo gets out of the hands of the clan, it would be a catastrophic undertaking, that simply Hiiraale and co would not like to be reminded of, whilst dutch refugee status holder Taano wants to quicken the downfall of his people for his own narrow-minded selfish interests.


Well that's the crux of the issue and conflict at hand, however the question is can such two diverse viewpoints merge to become one, without one giving in? Well we've to see the outcome of this thing, but currently the two options are not agreeable, which would indicate to a full blown war within the clan.

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