
Ma nihin cadaw Xamar ka daran, Garowiyo kuwaa xintama, Waxaa iga xiga Axmaar!

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Welcome back Oday Illyria. I see your catching up to the latest shenanigans. Also listen to the Oromo song that was also performed that same night. I am sure Xunjuf is well versed in Oromo by now and willing to translate and interpret the meaning behind all this. 



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Ahlan ya abu shubrah, it is good to be back into the fold. And when I thought it could not never get any lower. Lost generation iga dheh! Those composing the lyrics, and these young cubs regurgitating it are most likely the children of good men and women, who died for the Somali cause.

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At this point, it is fair to say secession poses more than a security threat, it is essentially trying to create a parallel identity that wants to rip Somali society apart.

Most pro-secession folks in the North are decent and reasonable, but there is a virulent small group that align themselves with any group that harms Somali people, everything from lending moral support to Afars attacking Somalis in Sitti, celebrating the dismissal of the Somali members of Ruto's cabinet to even defending Ethiopian Airlines which have been known to mistreat Somalis. And they became cheerleaders for Abiy and his cruel policies. 

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Nobody in Somaliland actually believes that Ethiopians are closer to them then other Somalis it’s just current political circumstances that exist in the horn and the contentious conflict between Somalia and Somaliland  which allows that radical methods are being used which is unfortunate every one in Somaliland would have loved to  have good relations with Somalia . But the leaders of the bunker aren’t as responsible as they claim their whole policy is based on blocking somaliland interest this causes allot of mistrust not only against politicians in hargeisa but even those that weren’t radical or militantly anti Somalia are now becoming more and more anti Somalia which is unfortunate. People shouldn’t put the blame only on Somaliland but there are  other evil doers u need to adress the core problem .

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So, the song particularly composed to coincide with the June 26th festivities performed in front of the elites of the State does not represent the general sentiment of the people; is that what you are trying to tell us?

I am  astounded by your unique mastery of always blaming the FGS where all else fails, and where Shankaroon falls flat on its visage with its feline on full frontal display!

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Of course, it is your fault, you ungodly, Xabasha-loving, raw meat feasting, glue-sniffing, tobacco-chewing, bale-spitting, piles-inflicted, skinny jeans adorning, red-toothed numpty!

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yes keep on with the name calling mean while  thousands of Ethiopians roam freely in your country and no body cares at least not in your ends.


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I specifically reserve that language for you alone, as you deserve nothing less.

In your warped rationality, 'cos Xabasha are squatting in southern regions, you are dashing, in hasty and not to be outdone, to award them the North West to compete for submission? I do not know why I thought you would acknowledge the folly in your step, but then again, I have a theory you are a sleeper cell for the Xabasha.

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Makes little sense but  if I didn’t knew better I would believe u  lot in walanweynistan hold us to higher esteem at least the noble men of the north their country is free from Ethiopia and not a single Ethiopian soldier operates from there . Yet by the very notion that Somaliland and Ethiopia cooperates it is viewed  as the most utterly shameful thing but the koonfurians get a free pass not only to invite Ethiopia they allowed to invite every single African State from east Africa to lord over them .

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On 7/29/2024 at 12:19 PM, Illyria said:

In your warped rationality, 'cos Xabasha are squatting in southern regions, you are dashing, in hasty and not to be outdone, to award them the North West to compete for submission? I do not know why I thought you would acknowledge the folly in your step, but then again, I have a theory you are a sleeper cell for the Xabasha.

The mounting evidence appears to be directing towards this suspicion, which is not completely unfounded.

  • That is really sad! 1

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See, that is how I know you are "sheegato silloon", and if a true reer Waqooyi, you would have said 'Nacamlaynta jooji'; niiko is not in the Waqooyi vocabulary. Qoti ibn qoti!

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Yes I never said I was reer woqoyi I am actually from the hawd and reserve area I had spent the least time of my life what you refer as woqoyigaa lol

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