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All African Borders Rose from Colonial Borders

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^^^Imika khaad cunistiisa waa lanag badsadaa saaxiib.....


571 is one of the largest supplier in Buttland and Southern Somali at large.

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^^^Imika khaad cunistiisa waa lanag badsadaa saaxiib.....


571 is one of the largest supplier in Buttland and Southern Somali at large.


Why name your drug company that? "571 Allah Amin"


Do you think it helps your cause for recognition when you are dependant on drugs?

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^^^I don't own khat trading compony.


What does this have to do with recognition and politics?


I don't think the owner cares much about that....where them dollars at? "In God He Trust" ....nice slogan if you ask me!

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Tsk Tsk, no wonder you're failing to get the recognition you guys dream of so much, poker. with logic like this, you're comming off a little too desperate, don't you think? :eek:

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