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EU appoints envoy to Somalia

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Midowga Yurub oo ergey gaar ah u soo magacaabay Somalia.



Mogadishu 18, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Midowga Yurub ayaa maanta ergey gaar ah oo cusub u soo magacaabay Somalia, ergeygasi oo fadhigiisa noqon doona magaalada Nairobi sida lagu sheegay war qoraal ah oo caawa la soo dhigey Internetka.


Ergeygan oo la yirahdo Georges-March Andre una dhashay dalka Belgiumkla ayaa ka qeyb qaada doono sidii xasilooni loogu soo dabaali lahaa dalka ay dagaaladu aafeeyeen ee Somalia.


ergeygan cusub ee MidowgaYurub u soo magacaabay Somalia ayaa horey ugu qeybsanaa Midowga Yurub arimaha dacwadaha ee dalka Gambia, isagoo hadda ka hor madax ka aha wafdi Midowga Yurub uu u direy dalka Burundi.


Ergeygaan ayaa ka caawin doona Somalia sidii loo nabadeyn lahaa islamarkana amaan loogu soo dabaali lahaa sida lagu yiri qoraalka.


Arintaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli dhowaan dowladda Mareykanka ay ergey gaar ah u soo magacowday arimaha Somalia, kaas oo la yiraahdo John Yates.

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European Commission names envoy for Somalia


NAIROBI, June 18, 2007 (AFP) - The European Commission on Monday announced the appointment of a special envoy to Somalia to help in restoring stability in the war-ravaged Horn of Africa nation.


Georges-Marc Andre, a former charge d'affaires in Gambia and the bloc's chief delegate to Burundi, will "help establish a peaceful and secure environment in Somalia ...," it said in a statement.


Andre, a Belgian, will be based in Nairobi.


Somalia, a nation of some 10 million people, has been wracked by internecine war since 1991 that has defied numerous attempts to restore a functional central authority.


Source:Agence France-Presse (AFP)

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So he will be based in Nairobi to make sure the money donated to Somalia never goes to Somalia and be consumed in Nairobi, good idea, I like how they appoint envoys and never to be heard from them ever since.

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