
Reer Koonfur Galbeed vs Reer Waqooyi Galbeed

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Reer KG iyo Reer WG isku dhagan maalmahaan regarding kursiga ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka. Xasan Socdaal dhiiqadii Cabuudwaaq meel uu kaga dhaqdo dadka u jeediyo rabaa, promising to Reer KG that he will give them kursigaan after wasiirada la isku shaandheeyo bishaan.

Suddenly Reer Waqooyiga shirar deg deg yeesheen, ra'iisul wasaaraha codsi u gudbiyeen oo kursiga qadaan ma rabaan.


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Hassan sheikh cant change the power order enshrined in the holy charter of 4,5.


Prime minister and president. Rotates between. H block and d block.  Parliament chair person belongs to the reer koonfuur galbeed . Deputy prime minister belongs to the people of Somaliland .

If he changes this  and gives reer may may wax iyagu   Xaq u laahayn. Then kursigisa qulqul geleya 


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MMA, what does having a second DPM add in the equation? Wouldn’t it be better to lobby for a position where one can actually influence authority, power, funds or even personnel? Like Police or army head?  🤔 

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11 hours ago, Arafaat said:

MMA, what does having a second DPM add in the equation? Wouldn’t it be better to lobby for a position where one can actually influence authority, power, funds or even personnel? Like Police or army head?  🤔 

The seekers of this position is not for the wilder Reer Koonfur Galbeed: no, it is by Reer Shabeellaha Hoose, gaar ahaan Reer Qoryooleey. The person seeking this deputy premiership is Barfasoor Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow. He used to be a deputy prime minister back in 2006-2007.


So he is saying this position doesn't belong to reer gaar ah and used to be open before Xasan Socdaal's first term. Xasan changed and now Xasan is changing again, promising to another reer.

He hails from an influential family from Qoryooleey and his nephew is suldaanka beeshiisa, Suldaan Warsame Ibraahin Caliyoow Ibroow.

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2 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Hassan sheikh cant change the power order enshrined in the holy charter of 4,5.


Prime minister and president. Rotates between. H block and d block.  Parliament chair person belongs to the reer koonfuur galbeed . Deputy prime minister belongs to the people of Somaliland .

If he changes this  and gives reer may may wax iyagu   Xaq u laahayn. Then kursigisa qulqul geleya 


Every Soomaali xaq u leeyahay kursiguu doono u tartamo. Late marxuum Galeyr tried and almost pulled it as a candidate for the speakership in 2012. Most of his voters were Reer Koonfur Galbeed, who wanted isku sharaxaan jagada kale. However waa lagu goobtay by the collusion of xildhibaannada Reer Waqooyiga ka soo hotjeeday Galeyr; Reer Unuga oo iyaga kursiga leeyihiin ismoodo iyo Reer Waqooyi Bari oo Reer Sool u diidanaa kursigaan maadaama jagadee rabeen wiiqeyso.

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11 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Beesha somaliaonline.com xaqooda in la siiyo waaye. I, MMA, Galbeedi,  and Tallaabo will meet the PM and Prez.

Well, if you ask me I would give the deputy to MMA than Xaaji and Che the police chief so he could kick some a...s.

By the way that position is ours no if or but. Anyway, it is high time to give the first deputy to. The current kid Saalax is useless. We the Awdalites were campaigning for this position, and we told HSM already since we lost the finance minister position. If fact, we were expecting to get this post after the coming shuffle. But if we don;t get it, I would  give the first deputy to South West. At last they could use the position and leverage some power within the cabinet. The current kid Saalax is useless

But, if it comes to choosing between an open sessionist like Saalax, I would support Reer Qoryooley. The people of Lower Shabeelle are victims of MMA and his group who really took everything and gave back nothing to the rest of South West. Boobka Mirif.. is out of bounds. Reer Qoryooley, Janaale, Marka, Sablaale, Baraawe and more got no representation at all in the federal cabinet or in the security. They number over a million, more people than combined of MUdug Galgaduud and Hiiraan.

I support Shabeelaha Hoose to be their own region. It is high time. They are the most hard working Somalis by far. They don't even know what Shaxaad means.

The next Somali capital will be a place called " Mundul Baraawe". It is between Marka and Baraaawe, This is not just talk,  I shared with some diaspora people. A home away from home. How about we the diaspora would all live in a seaside town with no clan character managed by us, far away from the crowded Muqdishu which doesn't even have a bench to sit or a tree to shade yourself from the sun. It is a beech without the burning hot and humid climate of Awdal coast, Berbera, or Boosaaso. Today, Mogadishu is even becoming very humid and hot. Mudul Baraawe has both the mild tropical climate and warm climate of the ocean.

Warya MMA, call I have a plan to create a new capi






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11 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Every Soomaali xaq u leeyahay kursiguu doono u tartamo. Late marxuum Galeyr tried and almost pulled it as a candidate for the speakership in 2012. Most of his voters were Reer Koonfur Galbeed, who wanted isku sharaxaan jagada kale. However waa lagu goobtay by the collusion of xildhibaannada Reer Waqooyiga ka soo hotjeeday Galeyr; Reer Unuga oo iyaga kursiga leeyihiin ismoodo iyo Reer Waqooyi Bari oo Reer Sool u diidanaa kursigaan maadaama jagadee rabeen wiiqeyso.

I remember, he almost won, imagine if late Jawaare didn't run 

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

Well, if you ask me I would give the deputy to MMA than Xaaji and Che the police chief so he could kick some a...s.

By the way that position is ours no if or but. Anyway, it is high time to give the first deputy to. The current kid Saalax is useless. We the Awdalites were campaigning for this position, and we told HSM already since we lost the finance minister position. If fact, we were expecting to get this post after the coming shuffle. But if we don;t get it, I would  give the first deputy to South West. At last they could use the position and leverage some power within the cabinet. The current kid Saalax is useless

But, if it comes to choosing between an open sessionist like Saalax, I would support Reer Qoryooley. The people of Lower Shabeelle are victims of MMA and his group who really took everything and gave back nothing to the rest of South West. Boobka Mirif.. is out of bounds. Reer Qoryooley, Janaale, Marka, Sablaale, Baraawe and more got no representation at all in the federal cabinet or in the security. They number over a million, more people than combined of MUdug Galgaduud and Hiiraan.

I support Shabeelaha Hoose to be their own region. It is high time. They are the most hard working Somalis by far. They don't even know what Shaxaad means.

The next Somali capital will be a place called " Mundul Baraawe". It is between Marka and Baraaawe, This is not just talk,  I shared with some diaspora people. A home away from home. How about we the diaspora would all live in a seaside town with no clan character managed by us, far away from the crowded Muqdishu which doesn't even have a bench to sit or a tree to shade yourself from the sun. It is a beech without the burning hot and humid climate of Awdal coast, Berbera, or Boosaaso. Today, Mogadishu is even becoming very humid and hot. Mudul Baraawe has both the mild tropical climate and warm climate of the ocean.

Warya MMA, call I have a plan to create a new capi

Galbeedi, Reer Shabeellaha Hoose iyagaaba isku duubneen. Markee iyaga isku duuban yihiin haa.

Aaden Madoobe sadexda kale kula tartameysay kursiga guddoonka hal iyaga ah maba ahayn. In fact three of the last remaining four - Aaden Madoobe, Saransoor iyo C/llaahi Balaag - hal reer ka soo jeedeen. Hal Reer Shabeellaha Hoose musharax ma ahayn. Barfasoor Fiqi oo tacliin weyn leh muxuu iskugu sharaxi waaye?

Xataa arag this very campaign for this seat waxaa hormuud u ah Reer M., Reer D. waa jiifaan, waxee kaliya soo toosaan markee iyaga dhexdooda eber iska dhigaayaan. Baraawe waaka jiifeen until Laftagareen geeyey kumanaan ciidamo deegaanada kale laga keenay.

Gumeysigii ka hor halyeeyo dagaalamo oo deegaan weyn leh oo xaqooda dhacsado ahaayeen laakiin suu Talyaani u yimid wuxuu cabsiiyey ma'ogiyee dad jiifo noqdeen.

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I think it’s time for KG political elites to raise their ambitions and aim for the highest position in the land and make their weigh and numbers in Somalia count, as they be perhaps the biggest clan group in Somalia and it’s high time to offset change and disturb the clan based monopoly that Somalia has become. 


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5 hours ago, Arafaat said:

I think it’s time for KG political elites to raise their ambitions and aim for the highest position in the land and make their weigh and numbers in Somalia count, as they be perhaps the biggest clan group in Somalia and it’s high time to offset change and disturb the clan based monopoly that Somalia has become. 


That is is impossible ma dhaafi karan gudoomiye barlamaank waloogu wanqalay gudoomiye barkamaaan the only way they can do this if u find no dm person that runs for that office in the next selections if they manage to produce not a single candidate for jaggada then they can go for president for pm. There had been no prime minister from Somaliland since cigaal well maybe ina galaydh oo sanad Haye and that was back in 2000 ila 2001. Imagine that  23 years no premier from Somaliland , caadi maha and in the 1960s it was ina cigaal for two years so much for sharing a country

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