Xaaji Xunjuf

Was is it a mistake to lift the Arms Embargo on Somalia

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Was it an mistake to lift the arms embargo on Somalia? This is a double sword of a debate. On one hand, enabling Somalia to defend itself and maintain its security is crucial. On the other hand, the lack of robust institutions raises concerns. Reinstating the arms embargo might be prudent, as during that period, fewer weapons entered Somalia, contributing to a semblance of peace and stability . Presently, the government struggles to regulate the flow of arms, leading to weapons falling into the hands of various oppossing clan potentially the wrong ones. These arms, intended for different regions or constituencies, exacerbate the internal strife and undermine the overall security of the nation. The garowe clan eclave are allready calling for Arms Embargo to be reinstated. So what can we expect of the Future.


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Somalia region wants UN to reinstate 31-year-old arms embargo
Thursday July 18, 2024
Puntland Maritime Police Forces.Photographer: Anadolu/Getty Images

(Bloomberg) -- Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland wants the United Nations to reinstate an arms ban lifted seven months ago, saying easier access to weaponry is fueling clan conflict. 


With a weak central government and no credible institutions, Somalia lacks mechanisms to track arms in the country that’s effectively been at war for more than three decades, according to Abdi Farah Said, the interior minister of Puntland.

In December, the UN Security Council lifted a ban that had been in place since 1992, recognizing Somalia’s right to equip its military as a peacekeeping force prepares to leave the country. 

“Lifting the arms embargo for Somalia was a big mistake because the country is divided and fragmented,” according to Said. “We need that decision by the UN to be reconsidered.”

Government spokesman Farhan Jimale declined to comment.

Puntland’s view follows the death of at least 13 people on Tuesday in a clash between clan militia and security forces escorting two truckloads of weapons through central Somalia. The interior ministry said the cache fell into the hands of the local militants during the ambush.

Separately, the Independent Somali Civil Society Group urged for an investigation into the mass proliferation of illegal arms circulating in the nation to prevent terror groups stocking up, according to a statement

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Massive mistake 

Somalia is no where near ready, and my gut feeling was this, I think this will fuel more clan wars for coming years

I am not only referring the recent incident in Abudwaq, but more, macawisleey, the policy by this government to arm civilians, it is disaster in the making, and more Abudwaq will follow 

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23 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:


Why, Shabaab getting loads of arms, civilians ,it will be wild wild west

It was always easy to get it in Pl, from Yemen 

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30 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

Why, Shabaab getting loads of arms, civilians ,it will be wild wild west

It was always easy to get it in Pl, from Yemen 

It was always the wild wild west. Re-imposing the arms embargo will harmstring future governments that might do right by the country.

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

It was always the wild wild west. Re-imposing the arms embargo will harmstring future governments that might do right by the country.

In la heshiiyo baa ka horeeysa

I think either we all forget how to build a nation, or we have not reconciled properly 

Somalia, like few other countries, everyone is armed and more will exacerbate the situation 

I have looked those West Africa countries , who went into civil war, all the civilians have been disarmed, by incentives, buying back etc and peace achieved

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Che What’s to but the cart before the horse 

with out first building institutions, and reconciliation we might just see more wars . And it seems the current govt isn’t equipped to run military institutions .



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I agree with Che.

Never allow foreign nations to decide your faith. Future governments should not be  beg the UN to defend the nations. We oppose the so called anti piracy foreign navies in our oceans and also the African troops sitting in their barracks.

Somalia should be able to defend without anyone micro managing. one incident happens , and we all became emotions. Minister Farah Juxa should blame HSM and others for this weapons',but should not target the national policy of becoming free fro others.

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Very good, and how accurate I was on macawisleey, it is becoming a nightmare, clan wars, insecurities 


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On 7/19/2024 at 3:06 AM, maakhiri1 said:

In la heshiiyo baa ka horeeysa

Which clans are in conflict? The Somali clans have no issues between them. It is the career politicians who are determined to make a living out of the people's misery. Let alone follow the rules, they break every agreement and corrupt every system put in place. The masses are equally guilty for supporting such low quality men.

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