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Baydhabo: Ra`iisul wasaare Geedi oo shaaciyay in ay dawladda Soomaaliya xilgaan dagaal diyaar u tahay.


Axad, December 17, 2006


Baydhabo (AllPuntland)- Ra`iisul wasaarahada dawladda Soomaalia Proff, Cali Maxamed Geddi ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliya ay haatan diyaar u tahay in ay iska caabiso maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho.


Ra`iisul wasaare Geddi ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay muddo soo waday dadaallo ay ku doonayso in ay arrinta dalka Soomaaliya ku dhamayso wada hadal iyo si nabad galyo ah, balse ay maxkamaduhu arintaasi ka biyo diideen.


Mudane, Geeddi ayaa waxa uu shegay in ciidamada dawladda Soomaaliya ay haatan diyaar u yihiin in ay dagaal lama huraan ah la galaan ciidamada maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho ee dhul ballaarsiga iyo hurinta dagaalada ka wada gobolada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay horay u cadaysay in aysan jirin wakhti danbe oo ay dawladdu gacanta ka laabanayso gardarada maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho.


Arrintani ayaa waxa ay ku soo aadayasaa iyada oo ay gabagabo marayso wakhtigii ay maxkamaduhu u qabteen in ay dagaalka ugu qadayaan macalimiinta ciidamada dawladda Soomaaliya ee u dhashay wadanka Itoobiya ee ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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Somalia PM says Sudan shuts the door of Somali peace talks


Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) The prime minister of Somalia’s interim government Ali Mohamed Geddi has charged Sudanese government with closing the door of the peace and supporting the views of what he ha termed the terrorists in the country, his rivals, the Islamic courts.

A rare interview with Mogadishu’s based Simba FM station, the PM said president Al-Bashir of Sudan opposed the proposed African peacekeepers deployment in the horn of African country as at the same time calling for the bringing African forces in his war-ravaged region of Darfur.

The move means confronting lasting peace in Somalia, because the up coming forces are intend to stabilize the country, Geddi said.


“Sudan is not neutral about the imposes of Somalia, its alongside with the Islamic courts so it cant longer host Somalia peace talks” he added.


The Ethiopian backed PM of Somalia pointed out that president Al-Bashir is side with the Islamists in the country with Geddi said have links with the international terrorists and making the horn of African region haven for the militants.


“The government is for peace, but at every time is under the aggression of the Islamic forces who see the military option is solution for Somalia’s dilemmas” the PHD holder professor said during his interview with Simba.


He said the Islamic courts are hiding terrorist cells in Mogadishu’ hotels, an allegation with the Islamic courts emphatically threw out.


“The government still gear up for peace talks but it doesn’t know whom deserves to be negotiated, these (Islamic courts) a alongside four thousands foreign fighters surrounded us, in attempts to attack us” he said.


He once more dismissed that Ethiopian fighting forces are in Somalia, saying the local media cant see the foreign extremists in the country, but only exaggerating the Ethiopian trainers with government, adding that the government ha the right to call any supports to reestablish the Somalia army.


Source: SMC

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