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Camel Mlik

32 dead in Ceelwaaq ee gobolka Gedo

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32 qof oo ku dhimatay dagaal beeleedyo ka dhacay degmada Ceelwaaq ee gobolka Gedo

Ceelwaaq - 23.July.2005 Ugu yaraan 32 qof ayaa geeriyootey 49 kalena way ku dhaawacmeen dagaal beeleedyo galabnimadii shalay ka qarxay magaalada Ceelwaaq ee gobolka Gedo.


Dagaalkan ayaa dhex maray beelaha xxxxxxxxxx iyo xxxxx oo deegaankaasi wada dega iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in uu dagaalkaasi ku fiday dhulka miyiga ah ee ku dhow dhow degmada Ceelwaaq.


Dad aad u fara badan ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in ay deegaannadaasi ka bara kaceen.


Dhinaca kale, dawladda Kenya ayaa xirtay soohdinta ay la wadaagaan gobolka Gedo gaar ahaan meelaha ay dagaaladu ka dhow dhow yihiin si aanay halkaas uga soo gudbin malleyshiyaad hubaysan, waxana la arki karayey diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca ee dalka Kenya oo dul heehaabaya dhulkaas.


MM Dhoorre

SBC Muqdisho

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You know how some call dayniile "qanyares mouth-piece," I think of SBC as the average idiotic northeasterner view of Somali issues(basically BULLSHIT). smile.gif



49 dead, I bet some are really wishing for it :D

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