Xaaji Xunjuf

Interview With Dr beyle

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Did Samatar speak?

What was he thinking? Join duriyada club?

Sometimes all the education does not make you smart, this is nothing but duriyada clan racist project 

He is now humiliated and thrown out of his part? Worse than his  Mogadishu experience 

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Bayle has lost already in so many ways. 

He was told to stay in Nairobi, buy an apartment there and keep his good name. Yet, for some reason he decided to go to Hargeisa. Even if Rooble and company threaten your life while a finance minister, you don't become a coward and run away.

Furthermore, the world or nation building doesn't revolve " Dayn Cafin" or the old economic system of 1970 ties.He was a trained dog by the IMF and flowed what was told to him. The so called Somali debt was just about 4 billion which is nothing compared with the surrounding economies.

By the way, the Awdalites who hail from Gabiley area are mostly delusional or out of touch. We have seen the the two Samater brothers, Bayle, another MP in mOgadishu who contributes nothing and many others who are confused.

Orod oo Prof. Ahmed Samatar bedel oo Biixi dhawr casho shaaha la cab.






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2 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Did Samatar speak?

What was he thinking? Join duriyada club?

Sometimes all the education does not make you smart, this is nothing but duriyada clan racist project 

He is now humiliated and thrown out of his part? Worse than his  Mogadishu experience 

Wareysigaan ayaa ka xanaaqijey secessionists.


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Galbeedi dr beyle  is a smart fellow hè said that he will retire in Somaliland and live in hargeisa in the last remain years of his life. He was born and bred. In hargeisa  he told his sons to invest in hargeisa . Haegeisa is his home Nairobi is not . We will listen to his tallooyin as he is oday reer somaliland ah  all dirty woonhuis ma eventually end up asking for forgiveness for their treacherous behaviour beyle samatar buuba  Sifr are no exception

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