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General Duke

TFG shutts down Horn Afrik. Shabbele, IQK

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^^^Saxib these three media outlets over played their hand they attacked the TFG from inception and led the propoganda war against it which udermines the security of the nation. Thus they have been shut down, they will only come back when they have reformed. The days of the wild west is over, the country has a govenrment with teeth.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Saxib these three media outlets over played their hand they attacked the TFG from inception and led the propoganda war against it which udermines the security of the nation.

On what planet do you live? That's exactly what medias world over do. Scripting scathing broadsides, vehemently opposing certain sectors and institutions, waging propaganda compaigns, etc. All of it being within the purview of media functioning. Shutting down a media outlet for not kowtowing the official line or not being favourable to you is unjustifiable, wrong by virtue of being arbitrary and self-serving.

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^^^And thats why they get closed down in every country in the world, when ever they threaten the security of the nation.

These media outlets went over the top, they served a narrow interest and they either adapt to the new reality, become profesisonal or become extinct, its simple as that.

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