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Djibout Milita cannot ever enter SL territory they know this the Djiboutian army couldnt defend their land from an Eritrean girl  Militia but i really welcome them they should try it this is what SL needs the most i really hope Jabuuti pulls through and smuggle  militia inside Somaliland , this will be the best thing that will happen to SL 

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2 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

So you think Djibouti can occupy parts of Somaliland particularly the entirety of the awdal region.



The youth of Awdal will be the ones that will fight for their land, and no old man whether be Riyaale, Saylici or anyone else can stop them. 

The threat posed by the Ethiopian base is not only about annexation of Somali territory, but it is also the encircling of Djibouti by Afars, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Any naval base on the coast will cut off Djibouti from other Somalis.


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we shall see time will tell.

i doubt the youth of Awdal will fight for the survival of Djibouti. what did Djibouti ever do ever for Awdal , In Djibouti the people who origanlly hail from Awdal if they are not the jesus clan are very hardly marganilized there, and hold no significant power what so ever.  So why would the awdalite people care for whether Djibouti is cut off from other Somalis or not 

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