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Somalia is still a failed state

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i am sorry homie, we aint in the same wave length

my radar cant detect your freguency level at all.


sorry, i dont have the time to jump start u right now...but read a lil bit more, it does wonders and opens new brain cell that were dormant before. peace.

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Originally posted by rudy:

i am sorry homie, we aint in the same wave length

my radar cant detect your freguency level at all.


sorry, i dont have the time to jump start u right now...but read a lil bit more, it does wonders and opens new brain cell that were dormant before. peace.

You need to come out of your comfortzone, I was like that.

''Everything will work out, cause I'm Muslim, that the Muslims will come across the mountain to help me. That we will besisiege Israel, that Palestine will be liberated cause we are all united. That we are all brothers that there is no racism and i will be accepted, when i'm black. It is all lies. I woke up from it.

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It’s the despair that’s doing to you this yaa peacenow ! The thing is those who have faith in Allah do not despair in the face of the catastrophe that’s Somalia. Allah, mind you, is the Deity on whose behalf you have fraudulently spoken when you wrote ‘god’ has ‘forgotten’ Somalia long ago. This is SOL’s political section and it has no room for theological sermons but you really need to understand that you are shooting yourself in the foot in your attempt to fold up our faith with the negative sentiments you so often express against Arab race. The two, lest you confuse yourself about it, are of/from different genre: one is a way of life prescribed by Allah, and the other, is collection of people with common culture and language. How difficult is that to discern adeer?


Emperor : - you have clearly resorted to cheap and unwarranted threats in defense of Geedi. What gives adeer? Geedi has participated and committed heinous crimes in the last year or so. In the massacres of Jubbooyinka, the arrests of innocent folks in Kenya and Xamar, and in the last Ethiopian destruction of some parts of Xamar, the man has been in the front and center of it all. To many, he is another warlord. And let me tell you this: I want all the warlords be arrested and hanged! Innocent people are suffering today as a direct result of this tfg. From Kismayo to Xamar to Beledweyne, the injustice brought by these incompetent and criminal men is deeply felt. Why dash in their defense then? Or to put it more gently, why threaten others for Geedi’s defense yaa Emperor?

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Originally posted by Emperor:

[QB] It was not long ago when you was calling for the murder of Somali prime minister if I remember it correctly.


How on earth can one call for the assasination of state official like Premier Ghedi, you should be traced, arrested and locked in Guantamo Bay,

How do you, sir, stand with one foot in your mouth? Has it occured to you that the man you so blindly support is a traitor and war criminal along with his donkey friend (Yeey) that deserve to be hanged for crimes against humanity. Clean and quick like Saddam. I'm surprised they haven't "accidently" shot one another yet to be honest. And I think it's you that should be locked up for your support of a terrorist organization.


Go ahead and arrest me now! :D The kofi cas era is long gone dude.

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Originally posted by rudy:

good job Nephy!! I will hand u the seef to chop their heads. xaawa taako is back!


watch out tfg!!

:D:D:D Seef ha u dhiibin ee tooreey u dhiib.


Peacenow faraha ha laga qaado. He may be deist, nonetheless wixiisa ma qarsano. The one who worships his clan warlord bilaa xishood la'aan, his clan day in and day out, night come and night goes; who pays in qaaraan the dollars to his clan to slaughter innocent people in the name of clan fights; who defends xaaraantii his clan heysato; who is at the forefront encouraging more rape of innocent people and natural resources; and who will ultimately fight in the name of his clan interests, thus murdering dad aan waxba galabsan in the process -- all of this and yet still claim inay Eebbe aaminsanyihiin. Ninkaan dadkaas saas u dhaqmo ayuu dhaamaa, yaa been la isku sheegin.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

^Why not. He thought good Qeydiid would bring back stability to Moqdisho.

I like your benchmark..... :D:D

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