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General Duke

Al Shabaab [Indacade group] attacks and mayhem will further help Yusuf TFG

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Kooxda al-Shabaab oo ka hadashay dagaaladii ka dhacay Muqdisho


Iyadoo maanta ay ka dhaceen Magaalad Muqdisho Dagaalo Culus Oo Qaybtood la’isu adeegsanayo Madaafiic ayaa Galabta waxaa Dagaaladii Muqdisho ka dhacay ka hadlay Ururka ka Dagaalama Gudaha dalka ee AL-shabaab.


Afhayeenka ururka al-shabaab sh Mukhtaar Roobow abuu mansuur oo warsaxaafadeed hawada ku Qabtay ayaa sheegay in Weeraro culus ay u geysteen Xarumaha Ciidamada Midowga Africa ee Amisom




Sh. Mukhtaar Roobow abuumansuur waxaa uu sheegay in Dagaaladii ugu danbeeyey ay ku laayeen ciidamo farabadan Oo Ugaandiis ah isla markaana ay ku Qabsadeen Goobo ay ku sugnaayeen awal ciidamada Uganda , Dhinacooda waxaa uu sheegay afhayeenkaasi u hadlay Al-shabaab in uu dagaalka iyaga uga geeriyooday hal wiil isagoo intaasi ku daray in Duqeyntii ciidamada Uganda geysteena ay ku shahiideen shacab badan oo Somali ah




Sh. Mukhtaar Roobow abuu Mansuur waxaa la weydiiyey sababta ay u xireen garoonkii diyaaradaha ee Muqdisho Aadan Cadde , waxaana uu ku jaawabay in garoonku uu ahaa kan laga soo Dejin jiray Madaafiicda lagu Qaraacayo shacabka Somalia , Laakiin mar shiikha laweydiiyey waxa u danbeyn doona Dadkii isticmaali jiray garoonkaasi ayuu ku jawaabay in uu soo dhowyahay wakhtigii uu bixi lahaa cadowga Somalia .




Afhayeenka Ururka AL-shabaab intii uu wariyayaasha kula hadlay warsaxaafadeedka uu hawada ku Qabtay Galabta waxaa Qaadacay heshiiskii Jabouti ee lagu kala kacay isagoo sheegay in dadka halkaasi isagu tagay aysan iyaga Metelin isagoo sheegay in aysan Dadkaasi iyagu xabada dalka keenin

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1. The Clan Courts have been proven to be nothing more than paper tigers. Sharif Ahmed has no power, no base and can neither stop nor start war.


2. Nur Cade and the "peace" day dream of Djibouti have no leg to stand on. They have prevented the armed forces from taking the war to this group. They have signed many agreements which have only tied the hands of the govenemnt.


3. The Al Shabaab or Indacade militias in lower shabbele and hiding in the refugee camps are attacking not only the TFG but Amisom, and the Uganda have been sucked into this fight, which they have so far defended themselves well. Thus its no longer the "Ethiopians" but anyone who wants to help is a target of the mindless morons.


4. The population have coem against their nonsence agression.


The longer they continue the more the hawks will get the support for a major offensive against their persons and all financial interests starting with the Bakara Market.


Thus continue Al Kebaab, you will lsoe as you always do.

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^^lool, adeer if only you knew what you talk about, your ill informed lad.


The Al Shabaab attacks of late have strengthened the hawks, the realists and have shamed the appeasers.


Even now with the airport farce, people remmeber how when Mr Dheere was mayor this never took place. How when the TFG was on the offensive against the clowns this never took place.


Whats the result? true peace requires a real partner. Sharif's and Nur Cade are failing and thus the real truth will be to take these clowns out with guns. Nothing else adeer.

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If onl you could see the big picture!


Sharif and his likes are the future. Yususf and his likes are past. Especially Yusuf, time has cought up with him. It's natural. Get over it.


As for myhem and violance advancing any one's cuase. That yaa Duke is a new logic whose formulation only likes of Duke would brag about!

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Xiin adeer, I don’t want to get into a tit for tat and this topic was not addressed to your person.


However as I have highlighted above the Sharifs have lost the support of their former masters, and have not gained the support of the general public.He is a good fellow but has no power.


The men who are fighting are well known their interests are well known and they must be targeted, either force or through a negotiated settlement.


Everytime there is a meeting in Djibouti we have a spike in violence. Now I am from the UK and have witnessed the good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland, the meetings stopped all violence why because those meeting had power to implement the deal.


What you have in Djibouti is what you had in Sodere, in Arta and other places.


Thus Al Shabaab actions today are the actions which you supported in December 2006 and looked what happened then.


Thus my lad and I am addressing you stop the pretences your political outlook is as weak as the hapless Sharif’s you idolize.

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Attacks and mayhem will help Yususf and further tfg

it stands to reason then that peace and order will hinder our uncle and the tfg as well as make them irrelevant.


GD - i have given this advice to you before in private and i am now doing it in public - Please stop with the probaganda and for once stand up for what is right and be on the side of justice. this does not mean the righteousness and justice are always on the side of Al Shabaab or the UIC nor the TFG or any other acronyms - but please for once (for the sake of Allah, if nothing else) get your head out of our uncle's a££ and look around you - i promise you'll see a whole new world :cool:

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Thus Al Shabaab actions today are the actions which you supported in December 2006 and looked what happened then. Thus my lad and I am addressing you stop the pretences your political outlook is as weak as the hapless Sharif’s you idolize.

Ma intaas baad rimanayd?


There might have been different messengers, but the message remains unchanged. The Somali dynamics has also changed. Only a fool would insist solving the complex Somali equation by plugging the same 2006 variables adeer. And if you care to notice, my support for Sharif is a one of approach rather then a person as the case may be in yours.


Underline this Duke: Yusuf is past. Perhaps Jabbuuti will determine which level of history’s dusty bins he will go into.


Now tell us how you reckon mayhem and violence will further Yusuf’s interest or help him in any way?

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Yeey's influence is waning by the day.

"Anagoo raacayna qodobka 53-aad ee adxiga KMG ah, farqadiisa 7-aad; ayaan go'aansanay inaan dib ugu celino Madaxweynaha qoraalkii uu soo saaray ee uu ku diiday codkii Baarlamaanka" ayuu Sheekh Aadan Madoobe ka dhawaajiyay.


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Yusuf oo ka baaqdey Mareykanka

22 Sep 22, 2008 - 11:50:10 PM




Madaxweynaha DF ah Cabdulahi Yusuf oo lagu wadey in uu booqasho ku tago xarunta Qaramada Midoobey ee New York ayaa baaqdey kadib markii xaalada amaan ee dalka noqotey mid faraha ka soo baxeysa.


Wararka warisdaha Garowe Online soo gaaraya ayaa tibaaxaya in Madaxweyne C/alhi Yusuf lagula taliyey in uu baajiyo booqashada uu ku tagi lahaa cariga Mareykanka xili dowlada Federalka la soo gudboonadeen xaalada dagaal iyo mid khilaaf dhexdeeda ah.


Wararkan ayaa intaas ku daraya in kulanka xarunta QM ee New York uga furmaya wadamada xubinta ka ah QM ah uu DFKMG ah matalayo Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Jangali.


Jangali oo Muqdisho ka raacey diyarad kuwa ciidamada ah taasoo ciidamada AMISOM u keentey sahay ayaa kamid ah Wasiiradii kalsoonida ka waayey Barlamanka DFKMG ah balse Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yusuf diidey inuu aqoonsado go'aankaas.


Baqashada Madaxweynaha ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xili magaalada Muqdisho 24 saac ee la soo dhaafey ka dhaceen dagaalo ba'an oo dhexmarey ciidamada AMISOM, ciidamada dowlada oo dhinac ah iyo xoogaga mucaradka ah kuwasoo ay ku dhinteen dad gaaraya 32 qof halka dhaawaca lagu sheegey 60 qof.


Dagaladan ayaa warar lagu kalson yahay sheegayaan in kooxaha mucaaradka ah ku qorsheynayeen in ay gacanta ku dhigeen Garoonka diyaardaha magaalada Muqdisho halkaasoo iska caabin xoogan kala kulmeen ciidamada Uganda oo ka tirsan xoogaga AMISOM.


Xubin ka tirsan dowlada Fedralka oo diidey magciisa ayaa u sheegey GO in kooxaha mucaaradka ah ku soo weerareen ciidamda AMISOM Tekiniko gaaryesa 24 kwaasoo dagaal ku soo qaadey inta u dhexeysa KM4 iyo xaruntii Xalane balse laga adkaadey kadib markii ciidamada saldhigayada ku lahaa halkaas is-difaaceen.


Garoonka Muqdisho ayaa waxaa shaley ka soo dagey diyaarada ay leedahay shirkad lagu magacabo GALAD tasoo di nabad ah ku soo dagtey kunna duushay inkastoo Hoobiye-yaal labada dhinaca is-weydaarsadeen.


Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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Adeer Xiin adeer you are a novice, a good man alas much like the Sharifs walking around in some hotel rooms looking like a right pair.

Alas adeer did you not think the UN lifting the sactions would have no effect on the ground and that the ****** waging war would not in turn run away when bigger guns come. ;)

This is a long term process, and it will not be undone.

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^^Missing the point again. Fine. We will see who is novice or who is not in the coming months.


In the meantime, you owe us an explanation as to how you think more mayhem will help Yusuf!

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