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^^^Me naive son of gun!! waan kuu soo afuri adiga! as for the Carvan it's right here dude ,this is not my post btw, but i'm loving it :D yaan lagaa tagin waa iga talo :D .


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After 20 years of seeking peace and 15 failed goverments, hundreds of reconcialation meetings, many International Peace conferences in dozens of countries, billions of donations, after several failed peace keeping missions by the UN and the AU.


SOMALIA is abondening its strive for seeking PEACE, UNITY and a GOVERMENT.


It will unconditionally accept the occoupation by Ethiopians, it will give up its UN, AU and AL seats to its neighbouring country SOMALILAND.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

war ninka u jawaab wamaxay waan ku soo afuryaa war ninka u jawaab ama gacmaha kor u taag oo dhe wala iga heley doodi

^^ :D waligaa raga la iskuma diro, budhkayga yar nin sooman hada inaan lakoro waa laga fiicanyahay :D .

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Many secessionists are finally come to their sanity of realizing this project will never be materialized. Good call brothers! I agree with you to work towards peace and stability so continue to that path and stop wasting your energy and resource to this empty project. 20+ years waste of energy is enough rip-offs. Time to put resource into a good use.

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Originally posted by A_Khadar:



Many secessionists are finally come to their sanity of realizing this project will never be materialized. Good call brothers! I agree with you to work towards peace and stability so continue to that path and stop wasting your energy and resource to this empty project. 20+ years waste of energy is enough rip-offs. Time to put resource into a good use.

What have you been doing the past 20 years?

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and whats that, whats good use?


using our resources to help your shattered nation.


ill give you a choice?


you etheir stay stable, continue to grow year on year and gradually improve your infrastructure and income of the people.


or join a nation of blood thirsty people, who have wiped themselves out of existant for the last 20 years.



Saxib, If allah give me recognition alxamdulilah if he doesnt, then i will still be independent, as he is the one who gives it and not the U.N. still long after the death of somalia i have no doubt inshalah Somaliland will still be standing.


so keep your pirates, alshabab, African union forces, backward culture, conspiracies, poverty, desease and war.


Believe what you want best of luck to you, lets see were it takes me, but dont deter another man from the path that he has chosen for your own greed and interest.

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Originally posted by Land_Soldier:

What have you been doing the past 20 years?

It's a good question. What happened to Somalis is a tragic and misfortune to all Somali society. However, I just suggested you, recognition dyers, to spend your energy and resource towards the development, peace enhancement, education etc without going left to right looking for divorce. If you remain with Somali nation, no one is suggesting you to burn your towns like in the south. Plus you aint better than other Somalis but you need to thank Allah because what you have is his blessing and what is happening in the south is his Qadar. Good model to follow is Puntland and other stable Somali regions wherever they might. They still Somalis and not calling for independence yet they mind their business locally rather wishing further destruction to their follow brothers and spreading hate to their young generations against other Somalis. They takepart finding solution for Somali Mayhem. I see hate symptoms from you and it’s what they teach at your schools. Get over it! Somalis killed each other but hate and separation is not the way forward. Forgiveness and unity is the solution.

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