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Muuse Biixi for President ????

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“Anigu waxa aan diyaar u ahay mar walba in hawsha ugu culus ee dalka iyo dadkuba u baahan yahay in aan isku dhigo oo aan qabto, kolba hawsha ugu culus ee uu qofku ka war-wareego ee ugu adag in aan qabto ayaan jeclahay, malaha taarikhduna taas way igu soo tijaabisay, aniga oo adiga oo ku le’eg ayaan u badheedhay in aanu dalkan xorayntiisa u so furno Ilaahayna wuu nagu soo guuleeyay, ragga badankiisu way dhamaadeene, waxaanan leenahay axdi ama heshiis rag badan oo in ay dalkan wanaag, xorriyad iyo horumar gaadhsiiyaan doonayay oo dhintay, haddii aanu wadadaa ka leexanana raggii dhintay ayaanu axdigii kaga baxaynaa, markaa in aan madaxweyne noqdo, markaa waxa aan qabaa in aan mar madaxweyne isu soo taago oo aan awoodeeda qabto oo aan dadka ku idhaahdaa hawshaas ma diin qaban karaa, waxa aan isleeyahay waa in aad taas ku fekertaa oo aad ku sii socotaa, maanta da’daydii iyo waayo aragnimadaydii waan is bidayaa laakiin dadka ayay u taalaa, dadka waxa aan waydiinayaa hawshaas ma idiin qaban karaa, mar in aan waydiinaya waan sugayaa haddii Ilaahay yidhaahdo iyaga ayaana ka jawaabi doona, xilkuna waxa uu ku wanaagsan yahay in qofka loo garto, ee maaha caadadan xun ee dimuqraadiyada ee ajaanibku inoo keenay.”


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looooool @ Mujaahid


Waar nimanku Mujaahidyo badanaa, Bow :D


Waa anagoo qornay Mujaahid Yey, Mujaahid Morgan, Mujaahid Adde Muse loooooooool


Jihaad bay kuleeyihiin, waar Jihaadkiina halkaa kawata yaanan idinka qasinee!

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Kani Saw maaha Kii qudhmista qaran dumiska ahaa ee dumarka iyo caruurta ku laayay wajaale iyo indhanka wakhtigii ay nabad diidka ahaayeen.

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^^ Maya wa ki dalkisa ka xoreystey Dawladi xaraanta ahayd eeh ummada somaliyeed dulmiga ku haysey iyo barakaca iyo bahdilada wa mujaheed dalkisa u so halgamay, ahna inshallah madaxweynaha mustaqbalka jamhuuriyada somaliland.

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Do you have any proof for your accusations

Accusing the commander of the Somaliland army of committing crimes against innocent Citizens is just pure nonsense the same way with the chairman of the kulmiye party

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There is no secret that chief of army Somaliland Mr Tani have supplied weapons and ammunition to the shifto of the coward known as ina Raage,Biixi,for Numerous times and still violence is gonna on in the area of Ceelbardale make no mistake the people of Awdal knows the reality in the ground


i just want to remaind you what happen and we Will act against those behind and hopefully bring Justice in our own hands one day,


Dugsiiye refrence

was the date when curses shadowed the skies over Gabilay, poison filled the hearts of the dadqalato and heavens opened doors for the victims of Awdal. July 11 was the date when savage cowards changed the peaceful happy atmosphere of Dilla Gabilay road into a primitive Stone Age lawless region. July 11 was the date when the most horrific crimes ever in Somali soil were committed against innocent citizens of Somaliland just because they belonged to ******** clan. July 11 was the date when the citizens of the area were sorted out as ?Gun? and ?Gob?. July 11 was the date when the dadqalato were classified as ?gun? for ever and the innocent Samaroons as the ?Gob? of the area. July 11 was the date when the dadqalato were labeled as the lowest of the low (gun gunteed).


The crimes were one of the most horrific murders ever seen in a land not known for horrific murders. It’s been reported that the criminals were as cruel as they could be and enjoyed their crimes. According to those who saw the bodies it appeared that the criminals not only wanted to kill, they wanted the victims to suffer before they died. Basically they were tortured in cold blood. Monsters with horrible thoughts in their heads destroyed lives. Useless criminals who failed in life shortened the lives of those who worked hard to succeed.


As is known the crime has been initiated by greedy ****** whose motto was to create chaos as to their benefits. These were deliberately crimes against humanity and intentional killings to start a civil war in the country. Some body should be held responsible for the crimes.


Somaliland claims that it is a government with its own justice system. But if that is true shouldn’t it be capable of punishing crime and protecting its law-abiding citizens? Obviously, Somaliland lacks a working justice system.

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