Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted July 1, 2024 Fascism's rapid rise is becoming very concerned, especially those elected in many Western countries. From Hindiya to Mareykanka, from Baraasiil to Arjentiina, from Ingiriiska to Jarmalka, from Iskaandineefiya to Nederland, from Talyaaniga to now Faransiiska. They recently gained considerable numbers in baarlamaanka Midowga Yurub. They control U. S. House of Representatives and soon U.S. will have a fascist president as polls indicate. Here in Canada, we will soon - in late 2025 - have a fascist leader as well, the most right wing prime minister ever. He openly hates Muslims, especially Palestinians and does not believe Islamophobia. He is supported by racists and supremacists. Haddaa Muslim iyo Soomaali nahnay xaalka aad u soo xumaanoyaa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted July 1, 2024 MMA, Rather than keeping the status quo like most leftists, the right wing groups whom you are calling fascists, are dynamic. Except the Hindus who are totally evil and take the laws in the own hands and openly attack Muslims, the European right wingers have some valid grievances in terms of immigration, LBGT issues and other concerns of the wars going on in the continent, especially Ukraine. Anyone could see that uncontrolled mass immigration from cultures that are different from the host countries could trigger resentment. You can't ignore that. I think the biggest allies for the immigrant community in Europe and North America were the Jewish community, who knew one or two things about people looking freedom and safety, and now because of Gaza and Palestine, some might have decided to turn their back from those traditional roles. MMA, I think you probably consume a lot of mainstream media news about the threat of right wing parties, but things are not as dire as you claim. Here in Alberta we got a right wing provincial party who shares a lot characters with main federal conservative party, yet they are doing OK. Even the justice minister is a Muslim. Also, we should be very careful to ally or put all our eggs in one basket. The black American community used to vote democrat for the last 50 years, yet where did that got them. For most of the left wing parties, while they accept and promote multiculturalism t, their main principles are abortion, LGBT and slot of other issues that damage the foundations of society. I knew the issue of Gaza has put a lot of politicians on the spot, but that is not the only porometer to judge where they stand in terms of your support. If you are a Somali resident of the west, your judgement of the parties will probably reflect your wallet and they the you feel about the inflammatory words coming from candidates. On the other hand, if you look things on the bigger picture and the lives Somalis back home and the Muslim community around the globe, you might reach a different conclusions. The more the parties are isolationist, the more the world and MUslims feel peace and stability. General Wesley Clark, the former commander of NATO forces in Europe, had narrated how the Pentagon was plotting to destroy seven countries in the middle east and Africa region. Somalia was among them. After Bush Jr. left office, the good Kenyan called Obama came and finished the job by attacking Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. Joe Biden and UAE had finished the last remaining country in Africa which is Sudan. Remember, it was Obama who encouraged Raila Odinga to invade Somalia when we were weak. Furthermore, the loud mouth blowhard TRump never initiated any wars despite the so called Muslim ban from America. We Muslims and Somalis should stop being emotional on minor issues. Don't look the election sound bites, observe their foreign policy. Trump decided to leave Afghanistan despite the objections of the US Army, was trying to leave Syria and Iraq. In Somalia, the American drones are in the sky everyday probably looking for one terrorist who done something evil 15 years, yet doesn't touch the open gathering of Al-shabaab in plain sight. Furthermore,The Americans they are partners with the Somali government to help defeat this menace, yet from time to time they would say , Oh by the way, " Al-Shbaaab might take over Somalia". If that is the case what the hell are you helping me for? France would never had left west Africa if Obama was there. The Kenyan man deployed forces in Sahel to support France. The isolationist president Trump showed up and said, " what the hell am I doing in west Africa" and left. There were a thousand American forces in Niger and they are leaving soon after Junta who took power demanded. MMA, one more thing: join the right wing parties and push your own agenda, don't sit in sidelines. The world is bigger than few Somalis elected politicians in Minnesota or Toronto. Personally, I don't even support the immigration of Somali people to these countries at this stage. I don't deny that the rise of certain groups to power will create fear and anxiety for our community and we must find ways to mitigate. I also understand that normalizing hate and racist rhetoric will be felt by many non white communities in the future. It will be another topic, but most Somalis here in the west roam the land like they are strolling in Bakaraha and are unaware of physical threats. You must know your surroundings all the time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites