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ONLF Warns Oil Searching Companies

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Somalia — The officials of the ****** National Front (ONLF) guerillas have warned the oil searching companies operating in the Somali region under the Ethiopian control, official told Shabelle radio on Tuesday.


Hussein Mohamed Nor, head of the information affairs of the Guerillas said in an interview with Shabelle radio that they would suggest the foreign companies to halt continuing oil searching operations in the region.


Mr. Hussein Nor said that there is fighting between the people of the region and the Ethiopian troops reiterating the call of warning that the companies to halt plans they want to get and produce oil from the region or else they would take the responsibility of any consequences.


"We are informing the companies to be away from funding their money to the region or else they will take the responsibility. Fighting continues there. You know so what coerces you to intervene it?" Mr. Hussein said.


The officials of ONLF said that their troops attacked more than 9 Ethiopian military stations in the region saying that they took over whole positions they assaulted adding that they had seen a companies those were searching oil in the region whom he said that they ordered to halt their operations.


On the other hand he said that it was unfortunate and sorrowful thing that some of the Arab countries to deny the problems against humanity committing by the Ethiopian government in the region.


Mr. Hussein said that several Arab counties like Saudi Arabia and Algeria to support Ethiopia for its intimidations against the Somali people in the Somali region under the Ethiopian control pointing out that the Somali ambassador in Switzerland had also himself congratulated and supported Ethiopia for massacring the people in the region.


The statement of ONLF's head of information Mr. Hussein Mohamed Nor comes as the oil searching companies operating in the region denied recently that whole areas they were working were taken over by the ****** Liberation Front (ONF) guerillas fighting against the Ethiopian troops.

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Haven't these oil companies learnt from what happened to the Chinese? Oh well, we'll just have to re-educate them.

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I heard Petronas have hired a Dubai-based exploration company to replace China’s Zhonguyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau, which refuses to go back to the region, after ONLF attacked the Chinese-run exploration site.


The fighting between the people of the region and the Tigre minority troops still continues, the companies are expected to halt plans they want to get and produce oil from the region, if they don't then they would take the responsibility of any consequences.

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