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Wallee Dheehee Dhaaxaad Oloshaye, Waa lagaa Dhalin oo Laguu Dhigi

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I concur with Mr. Rooble’s point of view: the loser is the biggest Camiil that Somalia has ever seen: Yey. The ICU should not stop fighting till this guy has to be put out of the business of selling out Somalis to their natural enemy, Mele Zenawi and his tigren militia. I can not put out of my mind how happy and excited the foreigner minister of Ethiopia was the day their Camiil Yey was elected the president of TFG in Nairobi in 2004.


Enjoy Rooble's

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Courts on reconciliation process (ka soo har amxaarada)


Sacna weesha uu dhalo, sanka kalama rooroo, sidig kama jeclaadee

Sidaasaan ka dhiganoo, isu sudhan waxan nahay sokeeyoo walaalee,


Sanadkaynu joognee sideed guurro weeyaan sodon tahay bishiisuuye,

Sadex weeye urrurkii iyo tiro sagaaloo surmo wada fariistee



TFG (hada kama maarmee in yar ii kaadi)


Sinjigeeda diidiyo ha iga dhigin sagsaagad Somalida ka roortee,

Arrin iga sargacan baan aad u sahmiyaayoo wali kama sal gaarine,


Inaan saafi kuu ahay annan sir iyo xeel wadan Rabbaa igaga sareeyee,

Jeer samaha iyo xumaha ay kala sar qaadaan i sug baan ku leeyee.


Politicized old song

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TFG (hada kama maarmee in yar ii kaadi)

Jeer samaha iyo xumaha ay kala sar qaadaan i sug baan ku leeyee.

Saaxiibow maxaad sugi? Mar haddii ay TFG hesho in yar oo guul ah, miyuunna Mele Zenawi noqonney shaydaankii xabbadda bariiska ah digsiga ku darsaday? Wallee haddii aan maanta la iska fujin, waa lay noo yaabaa....

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Agreed. We are on the same page on that score. But how? Surely Somalis today are divided and ill-equipped for a conflict of this scale.

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The best we do at this time is for each of us to fetter the clannish fever for at least until the aliens have to be removed from our sovereign soil and hence give moral support to UIC. They are the only organized force that can stand up for Somalia. I know it is a curse on most of us to prefer individual politicians and clan loyalty to the interest and the safeguard of the country. It is obligatory upon all well-meaning and rational Somalis to pray for the mujaahiids.

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I can just imagine Adeer Yussuf coming to his senses and singing to himself Qalinle's: :D


"waan kuu waramayaa

kaa waaban maayee


ma ogtahay waxii jirey

iyo ruux lasii jiidey

wehel sooma celisee

wakiyoo talaabada

waanigaa wahsanayee

adigoo werwerayaa

xaley waabariistee

waqalkiyo daruuraha

layga wacey dushoodee

inta weer cad lay xidhayoo

warmo lay la dhacayaa...



Time for real self-revision for the so-called TFG is due, things are not as rosy as expected. And more unfortunate is that the Ethiopians seem to be 'breaking bones on each other'. Their cut and run policies are costing dear the poorly trained TFG militia.

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My pal Nayruus clannish fervor trumps patriotism or even Islam in some circles. If that were not the case, we wouldn't be having this convo after 16 yrs of cut-throat clannish wars. In a perfect world i would say yeah why don't they just do that. As noble as ur suggestion is u know that ain't gonna happen!


Let's enumarate options, if there are any, available to both sides of the aisle to avert this war. Let's define the immediate objective to be the removal of Ethiopian boots out of Somali soil. Are there anything that can accomplish that goal short of war?

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Oday Baashi wuxuu caadifada la qabaa dadka qurbaha jooga oo ah cudurka kaliyah ee soomaali ku haray, laakiin markaad eegtid dadkii Soomaaliya joogay waa nimceesteen oo guul iyo diin ayey ka dhargeen, Masha-Allah.

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Alle-U-Baahane awoowe i soo ducee bal in Ilaaheey caadifada iga saaro. Mid ba'an baa i hasya malaha e.


Waa sidee, awoowe maxaa ku dhigay Boston oo ka qadiyay Jihaadka. Ma qasaawatal qalbi baa kugu dhacday amar baa yimide. Wadeeca Alla!


Kaligii Muslinoow, heedhe ka kac meesha ba'day ee aad fadhido oo labada daaro tan dambe dooro iyadaa fiican ee gaala madowda Galkacyo iyo Baydhabo fadhida ku jihaad.


Talk about simple-minded one-dimensional one-trick pony and bingo this is it. Alle-U-Baahane I'm sure means no harm but caqli baan jirin :D .


War Xiinoow awoowe i qabo hadaan gabanka ku talax tagay ina rag waa kii is qabta e.

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War heedhe inanka maad saas u dhaantid. Maxaad is daba dhigtay horta? Qasaawatul Qalbi inaad uga h.a.r.t.i.daa [Tan tii qabiilka ma ahee waa sidee]mudneyd balse dadkaad ugu badisaayoo runta maadan ka qarin.


Reer Mudugnimaa kugu aasan ma is tiri!

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Baashi, with all honest bro Alle-ubaahane has no point. Wixiisu tuhun dhaafi waaye. Anna tuhunka layma tuso wallaahi.


As for you and your stance, you need no defense i say.

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