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Boosaaso: 'xataa aroos lama qaban karo'.

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Abit draconian, isn't it Mr. Gaagaab?



BOOSAASO : "Xataa Aroos lama qaban-karo aan nalala soo socodsiin" Wasiirka Maaliyada ahna Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Nabadgalyada gobolada Bari iyo Karkaar oo ka digay wax-shir ah oo lagu qabto Boosaaso

Posted to the Web Nov 15, 18:04



Boosaaso:-Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaabaab) Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland ahna Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Nabadgalyada gobolada Bari iyo Karkaar oo maanta warsaxaafadeed ku qabtay Boosaaso ayaa ka digay wax-shir ah oo aan lala socodsiin Maamulka gobolka iyo Kan Degmada oo lagu qabto Boosaaso wuxuuna sheegay in aysan marnaba ogalaan-doonin shirkasta oo aan ka hor intaan la qaban lala soo socodsiin.


"Xataa Aroos aan Guddiga la socodsiin Guddiga lama qaban karo" waxkasta waa in nala socodsiiyaa , Guddiga aan anigu Guddoomiyaha ka ahay waa Guddi awood-sare leh waxaan Wakiil gobolada uga nahay Madaxwaynaha ayuu yiri.


Gaagaab ayaa intii uu kuguda jiray akhriyay magacyada Guddiga wuxuuna ku tilmaamay in ay ka kooban yihiin dhammaan Laamaha dawlada sidaasna ay ku yihiin kuwo awood-badan.


Hadaladan iyo awaamiirtan cad-cad ayaa durbadiiba waxay ka caraysiisay qaar ka mid ah beelaha deegaanka waxayna bilaabeen in ay qoraan Liisas ay ku sheegayaan in ay doonayaan in dalka lagu xukumo Diinta Islaamka iyagoo jawaab uga dhigaya hadalka Gaagaab.


C/laahi Cali Ciise

Boosaaso ,

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^^^Saxib,Ubahane you saying it gives me confidance that Insha Allah

Puntland armed forces will be ending the clan courts dream.

Our insanity is better than your fake reality..

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Quuqda badan jooji yaaqeey ee su'aasha ka jawaab: Do you agree with Mr. Dhexdhexle, err Gaagaab, guur in aan la qaban karin ka ahayn wax aan laga wargelin asaga iyo Dheedheeroow, Kudkudoow iyo Shigshigoow?


Guur mala qaban karo kulahaa. Laba isjeclaan kartana majirto bari uu soo wadaa.

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^^^Yes I belive its a great idea the measures the state is putting forward to protect its hard earned security.. Though you try to mock everything Puntland I find your comments sly and not becoming of a grown individual..

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You've a tendency to get emotional and passionate when it comes to and about the local politics of Bari.


Bari nagama xigtid. We can praise, criticize and do waxaan rabno. It is dhul Soomaaliyeed. We have a right to criticize what we see are those leaders' shortcomings and downright absurdities ay lasoo shirtagaan.


You have a right -- and always seem to utilize -- to criticize what you see other regions' leaders faults, but kuwa aad u maleysid inay kuu dhaw yihiin bustaha hoostiis ayaa ku qarinee.


Waxaan waa illogic, unreasonable, Soviet-like and not really enforceable -- you don't have to always blindly support waxa ka dhaco Bari, especially not this preposterous, irrational decree.

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^^^Saxib no emotions I got a silly question from you and gave it an apropriate ansewr.


Also who is talking about Bari? Puntland is what people here who are not from the state are trying to discuss, some like you try to make snide jokery remarks, while others call it, "their insanity" and Mafia.


Also quit with the silly pretences about being impartial to the affairs of the state, only a few days ago you asked what Puntland was in Somali, thus highlighting your sheer ignorance and detachment and lord and behold today you say you are not an Alian to it.


MMA, I have learned you dont even undertsand this State which is called Puntland..


PS. Next time dont try to be fancy and ask a direct question..

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That whole region was and is called Waqooyi Bari, and short for Bari, not Bari the gobol. I don't use those temporaral, foreign-based "land"-ending names.


Yes, since I don't use those "land"-ending names, that was another reason I asked why there never was an equivalent official name in Soomaali.


There is no "p" letter in Soomaali nor "land" word, therefore I still stick with Waqooyi Galbeed and Waqooyi Bari, the respective known names for those neighbouring regions.


Ee marka tartiibso.

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That whole region was and is called Waqooyi Bari, and short for Bari, not Bari the gobol. I don't use those temporaral, foreign-based "land"-ending names.


Yes, since I don't use those "land"-ending names, that was another reason I asked why there never was an equivalent official name in Soomaali.


There is no "p" letter in Soomaali nor "land" word, therefore I still stick with Waqooyi Galbeed and Waqooyi Bari, the respective known names for those neighbouring regions.


The sheer arogance and ignorance of your remarks. It was the people, issims,leaders of Puntland who chose that name. who are you to refer to it by any other name?


Puntland is, Bari,Sool,Sanag,Cayn,North Mudug, Nugaal and Karkar..


I will not get into the argument of the states name and so on with you, since you are not from the state. But if you want to be taken seriously by the people of Puntland dont try to be a smart Alec again.

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