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Ladies, do not demand more if he's soft

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wwwoooow blue_hefner you wrote an essay,,people like me... :confused: first things first brother dont take my words out of context. I didnt mention any abuse or mothers/sisters... I know i didnt say i abused someone so whats with the personal attack... I knw for sure i didnt say women are bloody objects....whats wrong with your way of thinkin makin a whole heap of assumptions but let me break it down to you....You gotta have a firm hand when dealing with female species it doesnt matter wether she's your girlfriend, wifey etc.I dont know what world you live but in my world I keep my girl intouch with reality...she has to knw not come up with dumb bullshyte...she has to knw in order for her to get respect she has to respect moi....i'ave seen a heap of bullshyte from most of the somali girls/women i knw. I'ave seen hw certain sweet boys get treated and hw they get abused and used by certain somali girls...SO F them sweet boys/maskiiniin plus nxt time dont bring in our beloved prophet into this. In the prophetic era a whole lot of things where different,so please dont bring it into the convo...capsish


cynical lady you ask what kinda of a woman me an my mates are used well let me tell you, we're used to the ones that eat the sweet/maskiin boys money and splash it on us..... but thankz for the tip on book tho i'll make sure i buy it :D:D

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Well, you should have not falsely assumed as well. I am not here to attack you or anyone else. You sound to mention that I live out of the ordinary. I personally have no problem with the person I deal with, but then again this is general issue. As I understand from your point of view, "You gotta have a firm hand when dealing with female species " This means you strike to defend your self. What makes you NOT think ur girl friend or wify will do strike you to defend? And you figure out the result. My idea is to stand for your self and know your limits, Do not be too nice that you give up your rights, but at the mean time you don't have to be rude hoping that you will balance out the relationship. If anyone is in that situation, it means you get an issue "Cuqdad" that you're lower self steemed. Difaaca kabax iska chill garee and if you think respecting and being nice to the other is hurting you, then adaa qof caaq eh marka wax ku darsaday because the mature religious, and educated person appreciates when you respect.

About the prophet SCW, is there any reason not to bring him in here. SOL musqul miyaa? I used to hear not to mention Quran or diin in the bathroom. and tell me what differences are there in old days than today in religion wise. Let's get to the facts. I will appreciate if you could contribute any evidences along with your argument based on HARDCORE MEN.

I hope u get me bro,

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IB ameen May Allah Guide all of us!


difference between weak ( a coward) and being soft to your girl the “yellow teath” arabs have a saying: the lover submits to his beloved meaning you will naturally try to please her, make her happy and she does the same.

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Lazy wallahi you made me laugh. It wouldnt hurt if he added please. A strong man doesn't necessarily mean a violent or 'hardcore' man.


SB, we don't need anyone to compete with us for make up.

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well i can see some people on here dont knw what a joke is but let remind you my bariis and baasto rhetoric was jst a bit of a joke...I think we're on the same path when you said "know your limits, Do not be too nice that you give up your rights" but in this world we live bruv no 2 ppl are alike...i.e a sweet person always gets a rude,arrogant self centred person and the rude person they always seem to end up with a sweet person...get my point thats part of nature..


about the Prophet pbuh that era people used to respect and follow their religion in the right way. In the world that we living now a large portion of the muslim ppl dont follow their deen like it was back in the old'n days. In todays world you see muslim girls/boys drinking,using drugs, having sex before marriage and a lot of other bad dont compare the old'n to todays world. totally different thats why i said dont bring in the prophet pbuh ya get me bruv

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^^U right homie......but this: i.e a sweet person always gets a rude,arrogant self centred person and the rude person they always seem to end up with a sweet person...get my point thats part of nature..........dat would mean me and layzie would make good couple? :D hahahahaha. I can c it now:


LG: nigga play me that joint, yes thats my jam! oh i loof dat song!


Me: abaayo that gangaster music is not very good, please listen to Quran :D hahahaha


opposites attract? :confused: jokes mama :D


IB take what back? :confused:

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well i can see some people on here dont knw what a joke is but let remind you my bariis and baasto rhetoric was jst a bit of a joke...I think we're on the same path when you said "know your limits, Do not be too nice that you give up your rights" but in this world we live bruv no 2 ppl are alike...i.e a sweet person always gets a rude,arrogant self centred person and the rude person they always seem to end up with a sweet person...get my point thats part of nature..


about the Prophet pbuh that era people used to respect and follow their religion in the right way. In the world that we living now a large portion of the muslim ppl dont follow their deen like it was back in the old'n days. In todays world you see muslim girls/boys drinking,using drugs, having sex before marriage and a lot of other bad dont compare the old'n to todays world. totally different thats why i said dont bring in the prophet pbuh ya get me bruv

Scarface; That is the first time i've seen you making any sense darling :D

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^^ibtisam darlin i know we had a communication problem but thats all sorted now innit. :D



lol@khalaf watch out dude i hear LG is a demanding lady..."pump it louder"

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which therapy?? it can't have been that good because i can't remember it, along with everything associated with you :D

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