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President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back

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Triboli: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ka hadlay Khilaafka dawladda, Bixitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya, Isbalaarinta Al- Shabaab & Ujeedka Safarkiisa Liibiya.

19. november 2008


Triboli(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo shalay wareysi siiyey Idaacada Codka Mareykanka ee VOA-da qeybteeda lahadasha Soomaaliya ayaa ka waramay xaaladaha Khilaafka DFKMGS, Isbalaarinta Al- Shabaab, Bixitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya & Ujeedada socdaalkiisa Liibiya.


Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in aaminsan yahay in khilaafkan lugu xalinayo gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweynuhu in hadii Xukuumad ka jirta dalkeeda iscasisho inteedii badneyd in ay dhaceyso Xukuumadaasi markaasna ay sidaasi ku dhacday Xukuumada Nuur Xasan Xuseen.


Md. Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in uusan xilka ka qaadi karin Raysalwasaarihiisa Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde), ayna ka qaadi karaan Golaha baarlamaanka Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayna talaabadaasi utaalo Baarlamaanka Fadhigiisu yahay Magaalada Baydhabo.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa la weydiiyey xiriirka kala dhaxeeya Madaxda dawladda Itoobiya, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweynuhu in aysan waxba ka jirin wararka sheegaya in xiriirka Madaxweynaha & dawladda Itoobiya uu yahay mid mugdi ku jiro ilaa imika, wuxuuna sheegay in uusaba wax xumaan ah ogeyn ilaa markan, isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay soo dhaweysi lasheegay in ay Itoobiya soo dhaweysatay Raysalwasaare Nuur Cadde, taasna wuxuu ku sheegay Madaxweynuhu in ay Itoobiya ayadu ka jawaabi doonto.


Mr. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ah masuulka ugu sareeya dalka Soomaaliya marka laga hadlayo ugu sareynta dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa dhawaan diiday saxiixida Liis wasiiro usoo magacaabay wasiirkiisa koowaad Nuur Xasan Xuseen, waxaana Sharciyi yaqaano ku sugan Soomaaliya ay wel-wel ka muujinayaan sharci ku tumasho ay ku eedeyeen raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya maadaama hadii baarlamaanka la horgeeyo warqad uusan saxiixin Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ay tahay mid sharci daro ah, markaasna horseedaysa burbur loo horseeday dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Mar wax laga weydiiyey Madaxweyne Yuusuf hadal ka soo yeeray wasiirka arimaha dibada Itoobiya oo ku aadanaa in ay ciidamadooda kala baxayaan gudaha Soomaaliya, wuxuu ku sheegay talaabadaasi Madaxweyne Yuusuf mid ay xor uyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya, wuxuuna Madaxweyne Yuusuf sheegay in ay Itoobiya tahay dawlad xor ah oo madax banaan.


Madaxweynaha wuxuu xaqiijiyey jiritaanka ama malaha laga qabo gacmo Shisheeye oo ku dhex jira khilaafka soo noqnoqday ee ka dhex taagan Madaxda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, balse Madaxweynuhu wuxuu diiday sheegida dadka shisheeye uu tuhmayo, waxaana laxasuustaa in mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey Saxaafada caalamku hadal heysa jiritaanka dawlado shisheeye oo Soomaaliya arinteeda faraha kula jira siiba Khilaafka Madaxda dawladda Soomaaliya, sal ka sii kicinaya.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa sheegay in uu kala hadlay Madaxda Liibiya wax wada qabsiya labada dal & Xiriirka ka dhaxeeya Soomaaliya & Liibiya, wuxuuna sheegay in uusan la soo qaadin khilaafka kala dhaxeeyo raysalwasaarihiisa Nuur Xasan Xuseen,maadaama buu yiri Madaxweyne Yuusuf wixii ka dhaxeeya dawladda Soomaaliya dhexdeeda lugu xalin doono.


Yuusuf oo wax laga weydiiyey Isbalaarinta Al- Shabaab ayaa sheegay in uu Al- Shabaab ka aaminsan yahay Ururka kasoo horjeeda danta Umada Soomaaliyeed, markaasna Argagixiso ah wuxuuna sheegay in aysan laheyn awood ay ku qabsan karaan Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya oo ay joogaan ciidamo tiro badan oo ka tirsan dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Hadalkan ka soo baxay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili uu jiro shaki weyn oo laga qabo in Khilaafka Madaxda sare ee dawladda Soomaaliya ay had & goor meel sare gaarsiiyaan qaar ka mid ah dawladaha faragalinta ku leh arimaha Soomaaliya, ayagoo adeegsanaya dhinac ka mid ah dhinacyada marba khilaafkaasi udhaxeeyo.


F. C. Geylan


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Khilaafka Yusuf iyo Nuur Cadde oo qaybiyay Ethiopia

20 Nov 20, 2008 - 4:43:30 AM


Madaxda dalka Ethiopia ayaa si weyn ugu qaybsamay siyaasada Somalia; taasoo salka ku haysa khilaafka u dhexeeya Madaxweyne Yusuf iyo R/wasaare Nuur Cadde, iyadoo Ethiopia dhanka milateriga ay ka taageeraysay DF tan iyo 2006.


Ilo wareedyo ku sugan Magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa u sheegay Warsidaha Garowe Online in ra'iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Miles Zenawi iyo wasiirkiisa arrimaha dibada Seyou Mesfin ay siyaasad ahaan kala f********.


Mesfin ayaa todobaadkan ka sheegay shir ay IGAD ku yeelatay Addis Ababa in ciidamadooda aysan kusii haynayn Somalia, ayna madaxda Somalida si wadajir ah uga hortagaan khatarta ku fool leh.


Wasiirka arimaha dibada ee Ethiopia ayaa si weyn ugu xiran taliyaha ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku sugan Somalia, kaasoo Yusuf uu kal hore ka codsaday Zenawi inuu badalo, isagoo ku eedeeyay inuu yahay mid ka shaqeynaya isdaba-maryeyn.


"Shirkii lagu qabtay [October 2008] magaalada Nairobi ee ay qabanqaabisay Inter-Governmental Authority on Development [iGAD] ayaa salka ku hayay qorshe ay Ethiopia ku doonaysay inay xukunka kaga tuurto Madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed" ayay tiri isha wareed ee u warantay Garowe Online.


Mesfin ayaa si cad uga sheegay gabagabadii shirkii IGAD ee ka dhacay Nairobi, in Madaxda Somalida ay ku guuldareysteen inay yareeyaan awooda mucaaradka ka horjeeda.


Madaxweynaha Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ka hadlay bixitaanka ciidamada Ethiopia; ayaa sheegay in Ethiopia ay xor u tahay bixinta ciidamadeeda, ayna waqtigii ay doonto la bixi karto.


Ra'iisul wasaaraha Ethiopia Miles Zenawi ayaa kasoo horjeeda in ciidamadiisa laga saaro Somalia, lakiin wuxuu walwal weyn ka qabaan dhaqalaha ku baxaya ciidamada.


Yusuf ayaa iska diiday dadaalo ay madaxda Ethiopia ku doonayen inay ku dhexdhexadiyan isaga iyo Nuur Cadde, wuxuuna taas badalkeeda bilaabay inuu safro ku tago Libya iyo Sudan.


Miles Zenawi ayaa ka shakisan in Madaxweyne Yuusuf inuu u adeegsado beeshiisa ...... xoojinta dagalyahanada ka dagaalama bariga dalka Ethiopia [Dhulka Somalida Ethiopia].


Garowe Online, Muqdisho

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Ethiopia leaders divided over Somalia policy

20 Nov 20, 2008 - 8:18:00 AM


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Nov 20 (Garowe Online) - Ethiopian government leaders are deeply divided over policy regarding the situation in Somalia, where Ethiopian troops have helped prop up the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) since 2006.


Informed sources in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa have confidentially told Garowe Online that the policy dispute is partly due to differences between Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Seyoum Mesfin, the country's influential foreign minister.


Mesfin told a regional conference in Addis Ababa this week that Ethiopia will not keep troops in Somalia "indefinitely" and that Somali leaders must work together at this "critical time." Full story


Ethiopia's foreign minister is linked to a top general who commanded Ethiopian forces in Somalia, until he was replaced by Prime Minister Zenawi after TFG President Abdullahi Yusuf accused him of taking bribes.



Ethiopian PM Zenawi

and Mesfin, the foreign minister

In October, a conference organized in Kenya by the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) was an "Ethiopian plot" to remove Yusuf from power, the sources added.


But divisions within IGAD – hostilities between rivals Ethiopia and Eritrea, tensions between Sudan and Kenya – have made the regional body an ineffective foreign policy tool, despite threats to impose sanctions on select Somali leaders.


The conference ended with IGAD leaders, including Foreign Minister Mesfin, verbally chastising the TFG leadership for failure against the rising tide of Islamic rule.


President Yusuf has since declared that Ethiopia can withdraw its armed forces from Somalia at any time and remarked that Addis Ababa can make an "independent" decision. Full story


But Ethiopian Prime Minister Zenawi, who has been in power since 1991, is not fully supportive of the pullout initiative and fears the consequences.


Yusuf, a seasoned fighter, has refused to budge to Ethiopian pressure and is now traveling the Arab world for support, including visits to Libya and Sudan.


He remains a powerful figure inside Somalia, with a solid base support and loyal troops spread out between Puntland and Mogadishu.


Further, Ethiopian Prime Minister Zenawi suspects that Yusuf can use ..... clan ties to bolster the ongoing insurgency in Ethiopia's Somali-inhabited ****** region.


Source: Garowe Online

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The talk of a rift between Ethipian leaders on Somalia is just a white lie. I have confirmed with sources in Addis that they are laughing about it. BIG WHITE LIE, peddled to sell the idea that Yey is not yet dropped from the list of stooges Ethiopia loves.


Like a women in love with a drunkard, who likes to blame his friends everytime he comes home drunk, Yeysters cannot fathom how their man could be outmanouvered by harmless-looking Nuur Cadde.


So, the fabrications are needed to calm nerves.


For their information, PM Meles from Adwa and the man they say is now having a rift with him, FM Siyoum Mesfin from Adigrat have always been the closest friends in TPLF leadership.


If they would have talked about the rift between Meles, Siyoum and others on one-side and Arkebe Oukubay's young turks on the other hand, on who should take the helm from Meles (if he deides not to run for elections in 2010), they would have made a better circus of things. Bad they are ignorant of what is happening inside TPLF.

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President Yusuf has since declared that Ethiopia can withdraw its armed forces from Somalia at any time and remarked that Addis Ababa can make an "independent" decision. Full story


But Ethiopian Prime Minister Zenawi, who has been in power since 1991, is not fully supportive of the pullout initiative and fears the consequences.


Yusuf, a seasoned fighter, has refused to budge to Ethiopian pressure and is now traveling the Arab world for support, including visits to Libya and Sudan.


He remains a powerful figure inside Somalia, with a solid base support and loyal troops spread out between Puntland and Mogadishu.


Further, Ethiopian Prime Minister Zenawi suspects that Yusuf can use ***** clan ties to bolster the ongoing insurgency in Ethiopia's Somali-inhabited ****** region.

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The number of times you post fabrications on Tolka sites will not change the veracity of the information.


My last word is wait for a while and we will see the position of Ethiopia, in this case that of Meles! Just few more days!


And then don't disappear when you know the truth!

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Nuune, saxib whats your point. President Yusuf knows his interest adeer.

The options for Ethiopia are limited. The good news is that the pressure for them to leave and for the AU troops to arrive is great now.

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So, you now change the subject of your post and the theme of your argument from "you knwo it is not all gloomy from Ethiopia side", to " let them go to hell". I respect the latter. Infact, I respect Yey as a real man for his latest stance.


But don't repeat the line "Wali nalama nacin ee waa qayb uun inta na diidan". That will lead you to nowhere. I guarantee failure if you count on a rift between Meles and Siyoum.

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Tolka, adeer flexibility is a must when it comes to politics. As for the title, it did not fit with the message of the day.

Anyhow Mr expert your whole base of argument has been debunked, if President Yusuf s a puppet of the Ethiopians as you and your clan militia spokesperson have been claiming for years, then there would not be such issues today. Nor would there be all this activity and communiqués coming from the Ethiopian government.


Adeer Yusuf is fighter and has been always out for hat he believes is correct. The Ethiopians tries to shake him and the man is unshakable. Also unlike the many clan ****** you supported religious pretenders or otherwise, they never were flexible nor had options. The Somali President does and now he will give as much as he gets to the Ethiopians.


As for the division between the Ethiopian leaders, its real adeer and highlights their fears and frustrations


Look even Kenya is joining in the AU forces. ;)

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I don't understand the clan militia you are talking about. If it is ONLF, Yes, they are clan militia, but they are fighting against Ethiopia, not fellow Somali's. Do I have any option other than supporting them in this case?


Or it is that you are trying to feel good about your tribal mindset by believing everyone else is doing the same and therefore it is fine to follow your clan leader? if that comforts you, well let us assume I am supporting ONLF becuase of tribe then.


Still, is it not right to support one of yolur owns when they are fighting a just war? unless you are telling me we should have surrended to the enemy when our girls are raped at will!!


I don't hide my disdain over the name they chose, but there is no doubt they are brave warriors who are making all of the peopl of Somaligalbeed proud. They are resisting aggression and colonialism.

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^^^Adeer my point is simple dont make accusations you can not back up. If President was a puppet then by now he would have just taken orders. The fact here is that out of all the Somali's today this man has the mettle to do what he sees as right without much pretences nor dumbing down to the mobb or popular misplaced sentiment.


As for your clan militia support ONLF is a good idea, its just those who pretend to support it like in your case and others just talk, talk does not get you anywhere lad.

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Who said Yey is telling Ethiopia off? It is the other way round. He is frantic and that doesn't mean he is striong.


They used him and threw him out like a used condom. What more could he have done than to wnader aimelssly. Do you want us to believe he has convictions and that is what he is fighting for? NO, we are not blind.


On the ONLF one, forget about it. Just make sure you don't handover innocent civillains in exchange for nothing. At least demand cash from the Ethio's while doing so!

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talk about clutching on straws, yey is gana now destabalise ethopia if they dare not protect him,




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