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Very heated reconciliation conference you don't say?

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Well this conference is bringing to life the animosities and deep divisions that exist among us.


The debate concerning "xalinta khilaafaadka" reached points where open hatred and animosities were exchanged particularly concerning what Mogadishu clans might have done to civilians that lived in Mogadishu during the early phase of the civil war.


According to Boqor Raabi of Somaliland, his properties are still "occupied" and numerous relatives of his killed.


Tomorrow it will be the clan-family that lives in Puntland and Gedo that will take the mic.


Most likely, more polarizing accusations and animosities will be exchanged.

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I do not know about this instance. As popularly accepted, "airing grievances" leads to resolution but in the case of Somalia where horrible crimes against man has been committed (by all sides) and wounds can still be fresh, the desired result might be the opposite of what was expected.


When you also realize that we are an honor based society as opposed to guilt based, as is the West, you cannot help but worry if this conference is helping to reinforce the foundations of the civil war such as need for retribution (aano), etc.

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No matter what they say about each other this will fail as it is theatrical make-up and not blessed by all somalis. Maxaa la heshiiyaa marka dadkii weli la laaynayo, dagaal qabiil la sii hurinayo, wadankii oo dhan dhinac walba ka holcayo... cajiib!

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I don't know if it will actually lead to resolution either,but it has to start somewhere. It is very unfortunate and extremely sad this is being under the guise of Ethiopian "protection", but we Somalis must atleast air and acknowledge the crimes that have been going on the past two decades and beyond.

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One must acknowledge the problem before it can be dealt with. A landmark meeting and indeed its a fact that its not a few clans that suffered but all.


One must not be afraid of the truth.


One further point, was it not the case that to some such an event could not take place in Mogadishu?


Now whats the new line, that it will fail.

only Allah knows but so far the critics have egg on their face.

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Goormaa kawaanka la saaraa Ina-Qassim, Indha-cade & junior JVA militia?


Horn, Would you be nice enough to report how this group go down at the conference given they've held on to victimize most of the South far too long.

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Ngonge, Somalis are a people who would rather laugh it off then admit something was done, even when they are the innocent party!


That is one of the signs that we are an honor based society. This sort of frank talk is quit surprising and alarming at the same time, but maybe I am just worrying. :D

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^^ I'm not sure that is true. Well, maybe locally and amongst tiny sub clan levels! On the national level and with big fish, Somalis would say they're an 'honour based society', but in reality (and as evident by many examples from all parts of Somalia) the wailing never stops.


I believe the odayal at the conference are only doing what comes natural........

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

I believe the odayal at the conference are only doing what comes natural........

Indeed, had that been the case. And in fact you are right it is good to air grievences, 'wa in la helo 'calol fiyobi si xal lo garo'.

But sxb you are skipping the fact that this gathering is not sincere, authentic and representative. One point that will prove my case to you is that the 'conference' boasts the presence of tribal elders from Somaliland. Is that true, am sure you will agree with me NO. Hence fake and phoney.

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Shouting matches and finger pointing is a step up from killing each other.


Here is the latest from the talks. source


The clans from Bay&Bkool have aired their grievence against both the two well armed clans of Somalia. Is this not healthy?


When did any clan have this type of opportunity specially the unarmed ones to set the record stright?


Horn, thanks bro, I guess :D

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One point that will prove my case to you is that the 'conference' boasts the presence of tribal elders from Somaliland.

Do we have the names of these guys?

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