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Ignore Faroole, ONLF urged

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When Ethiopian officials were preparing more rooms in underground cells in Wardheer town for the imminent arrival of the human cargo, from security agents of their auxiliary regional state of Puntland, it was time for the politics of brinkmanship. When, however, the Ethiopians saw it efficient not to waste fuel and hence decided to do the job through their agents (both Tigre and translator Puntlanders), and as a result one of the captured youngsters is brutally murdered, it is time for statesmanship. The reason is because when blood flows and emotions are high, sane minds must rule for the common good to be advanced.


Three nights ago, I received a call and I was told that one of the “ONLF’”captives was killed in custody. It was instructive that the Interior Minister of the “kilil 6” administration in Puntland earlier admitted they have four of the young men they were accused of holding, but denied knowledge of the whereabouts of the fifth. It, therefore, renders the feeble argument that the martyred young man was sick and was rushed for medical attention before he passed away irrelevant.


The physical and mental state of those who survived the ordeal they faced at the hands of ‘fellow Somali’ torturers is so grave that many think the dead boy was luckier. And the anguish is double when you die at the hands of your supposed saviour!


The Faroole administration, acting purely out of Hobbesian philosophy, rooted in the pursuit of self-serving personal ambition for power, sacrificed one of the ‘non-somali’ aliens. In fact it is shame to call this an administration at all. Their own governor of Mudug was arrested by Ethiopian security agents and was taken to Wardher and was subsequently removed from power.


Emotions are high and people expect different reactions from those who have the power to do something against this injustice. I am here not to analyze what can be done, but to advise ONLF and the wider Ogad.den community to do what is sensible to do for the sake of their struggle.


ONLF must not react in any way to this criminal behaviour of the Puntland administration. They should not make any public statements about it, nor should they act against the interests of Puntland on the ground if they are able to do so. No action is the best action in this situation. Because:


1- They must not be drawn into clan conflicts. But, more importantly, they must not fall into the trap set by the real enemy- Ethiopia. Over the years, we have witnessed many Somali’s who have betrayed their nation and crossed to the enemy side. Faroole is one of them and his utterances, which suggested that Somalia has no claim over the Somaligalbeed region, will continue to be a talking point for posterity. In fact he is not the first from that part of the world to say so. Abdirisak Haji Hussien once spoke in similar vein. The majority of the people of Puntland are mourning with them and that should offer some solaces to those are grieving.


2- Gruesome as it is, the death of the young man is not the worst thing that has happened to the people of Oga.den. It is not worse than the massacre of Labiga in 2007 when 54 men and women, were summarily executed near Dagahbur. All were from same sub-sub clan, what we call Qoys. It is not worse than the killing of 45 clan elders near Jigjiga this year. It is not worse than the hanging of 12 community leaders and rape of women in the village of Babase, near Wardher town in 2007. It is not worse than the summary massacre of more than 36 prisoners in Qabridahar town in 2006. It is not worse than the more than 8000 inmates in jails in Somaligalbeed (ICRC estimates, 2007). It is not worse than the burning alive of Axmed Gamadiid in Bulale and the displaying of the dead body of Wardi Barre in front of his mother home for five days in Degahbur town. It is not worse than the thousands of Somali’s displaced when Ethiopia’s primitive army was led into Mogadishu and headless corpses of Somali women were thrown to the streets daily. So, there is no need to act out of anger and bitterness.


3- The families who lost their son will undoubtedly be in deep stress. Vengeance and blood –letting can be on their mind. In almost all cases, victims of people who act out of this kind of feeling end up another innocent people who had no role in original crime. What they should do is to take ‘Sabir’and pray for a blessed replacement.

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^Indeed, this post is much better than the one he was calling for all out war and the beheadings of Faroole's clansmen in Somaligalbeed, NFD and even in Nairobi few days ago :D


Good call

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Abtiqiis waa geesi la xumeeyey ee daa runta ha sheegee.


Abtigiis, Awoowe, Faroole micno badan ma samayn hadalkiisii, ee waa sidaad sheegtaye hala isaga gudbo. Awooweyaal xaal qaata, ummaddaan walaalaha ah ee aan caloolxumadu dhex oollin cuqdad aan jirin yaan lagu kala beerine, maslaxad walaalnimo ka taliya oo yaynaan sii fogayn shacabka.


Halganka yaan shacabka la nacsiin. Weli ma arag qof Puntland ka yimid oo ku raacsan Faroole hadalkiisa ama ka soo horjeeda kacdoonka walaalaheena Habashidu xoogga ku haysato. Ummaddu waa wada taageersan tahay halganka, ee bal nasteexada badiya oo yaan shacabka dhegta wada taagaya lagu sii fogayn hadalo qalafsan.


Waa iga talo mujaahidiineey!!!!!!

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Too little, too late. You've spawned at least 15 tit for tat threads. You can't get off the hook that easily. LSK - a temporary ban is in order for starting and fomenting this sort of clannish hysteria. A grown man should know better.

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Waxna waa ciyaar iyo ka hor deg like my rants a week ago here. Which, by the way contributed as the stategy was to pre-empt the handover of the young boys to Ethiopia. It worked. Hawl qaran baan hayey kolkaa; oo waa la isoo diray kolkaan idhi meel low-kuus oo dhan joogaan oon fariin gaadhsiiyo anaa haya.


Now, that a tragic death occurred, dantu waxay ku jirta in maslaxada laga shaqeeyo.


The point, I will not be banned. Tough luck for you. Your timing is wrong. Dil iyo Ban la isugu kaayo dari maayo. :D:D:D

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Xinnfanin is a clever coward, one plighted by infallibility syndrome. He cannot support something, yet denounce it when it goes wrong.


Someone said pessimism is, in brief, a sure game. You cannot lose it; you may gain and it is the only view of life in which you can never be disappointed. Grand ideas touted with the ease of presumed impeccability are the same. You can always be right!


He failed to see the mistakes of Sheikh Sharif and for him to point the shortcomings of the novice leader is tantamount to supporting Alshabab. He can not see Faroole's mistakes. He hides behind scenario-bulding and legalistic defence.

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