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Madaxweynaha Puntland oo Magacaabay Gudoomiyaal Maxkamadeed iyo Garsooreyaal

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Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland ayaa Maanta Xeerar kasoo Baxay Xafiiskiisa Ku magacaabay Gudoomiyeyaal Maxkamadeed iyo Garsoorayaal.


Xeerarkaan ayaa waxaa uu ahaa lambarkiisa 20 Kana soo baxay xafiiska Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.C/rixmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa ahaa sidan;


1- Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada darajada Koowaad ee Magaalada Bosaaso Fareceeda Labaad ayaa Waxaa Loo magacaabay Aadan Axmed Maxamed


2-Garsoorka Maxkamada Darajada Koowaad ee Magaalada Bosaaso Faraceeda Labaad ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay C/rashiid Cali Ciise


3- Maxamed Maxamuud Saleebaan ayaa waxaa loo Magaacabay Garsoorka Labaad ee Maxkamada


4- Maxamuud Xasan Cabdi ayaa waxaa Loo Magacaabay Garsooraha Maxkamada Degmada Laasqoray


5- Adan yuusuf Xuseen ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Garsooraha Maxkamada Degmada Carmo


6- Ibraahim C/laahi Samatar ayaa waxaa Loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Maxkamada Degmada Dhahar


7- C/laahi Maxamuud Boos ayaa waxaa loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada Caluula


8- Cawla Jaamac Muuse ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay garsoorka Degmada Baargaal


9- Siciid Maxamed Axmed ayaa waxaa loo Magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada Bandar Bayla


10- C/rashiid Muuse Ciise ayaa Waxaa Loo magacaabay Garsoorka Degmada EYL


11- C/fataax Cali Diiriye ayaa waxaa loo magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Darajada koowaad ee Degmada Gaalkacyo


Xeerarkaan Kasoo baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Maanta ayaa waxaa ku xusan Markuu arkay Madaxwayanha Qoraalka Gudiga sare ee garsoorka Puntland Kuna saabsana Magacaabida ayaa waxaa uu xeeriyay Madaxweynaha inuu soo saaro xeerarkan oo ah ansixinta Magacaabida Garsoorayaasha iyo Gudoomiyeyaasha Maxkamada.



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Puntland leadership must address PIS question if they really want this corner of Somalia to move ahead and stay true to its recovery zone characterization. Is PIS a provincial government organ, foreign-backed intelligence mercenary, or clan militia? The leadership may survive but this recovering area will lose its stability if PIS left unchecked!


I understand the difficulty associated with balancing clan considerations and administering a provincial umbrella that’s part of chaotic Somalia. It’s not easy task to execute. However, there are fundamental issues that one must address in order to preserve the token stability this part of Somalia has attained. Before tackling corruption, pirate and other pressing issues Inna Farroole is well advised to put this screaming toddler to bed.


As to the establishing Justice organ for the state I say that’s positive step in the right direction. With all its shortcomings still one has to crawl and learn to take baby steps before one fully utilizes one’s legs. Keep it up boys.

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Masha-Allah, these are indeed timely appointments by our State President, Mudane Faroole: It cannot be stressed enough how important it is that we get an effective judiciary, for the proper functioning of our state government. However; I hope these new adjudicators will be wise enough to make impartial decisions regardless of outside political pressures, and base all their legal decisions solely on Islamic jurisprudence.


Now, I realize most Puntlanders attach too much importance to the executive branch of our government and to some extent the legislature, whilst the importance of the judiciary is often ignored. Most of us do not understand nor appreciate the important part an effective judiciary can play in the progress of Puntland by safeguarding the rights of our citizenry.


I believe, with these new judges in place, it will make it particularly difficult for folks like the P.I.S to randomly lock people without just cause, unless they can of course convince a judge that a person's detention is rightfully justified by law. And if they do indeed transgress the limits of their rights under the law, then a judge will not hesitate from passing restraints against them.


This is why, I am very confident that once the new constitution gets finally rectified in Puntland by popular suffrage(as promised by the current administration), the judiciary will become very crucial in ensuring the rights of the people are protected and NOT given any arbitrary interpretation by any member of the other branches of the government. It will be exclusively up to our Courts of Law to decide the meaning of our laws, and not the executive. Thus any arbitrary action undertaken by any government official can be condemned by a court of law, and be kept in check.


This is the true beauty of a just judiciary-- one that is free from the influence of any political or social pressures. And Faroole's new dictum is a very good starting point.



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