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Qaynyare straikes back.... Horn Afrik interview..

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Mohamed Qaynyare, a man bent on destruction. This is his first audio interview since March 18...



the interview includes...


.alks between him and the PM

His opinion of the President

The reasons for creating the alliance of terror..

The impact on losing Dayniile air strip..


Interview with QAYNYARE,,

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Xassan Daahir Aweys:::Qanyare waa nin kusoo caan baxay xasuuqa shacabka

Last Updated::2006-05-04 19:34:01


Muqdisho:- Xassan Daahir Aweys oo kamid ah hogaamiyaasha Midowga Maxkamada Muqdisho ee islaamiga ah ayaa jawaab ka bixiyey dhaliiceyn uga timid dhinaca Maxamed Qanyare Afrax.


Xassan Daahir Aweys oo ka jawaabaya eedeynmo uga yimid dhinaca Isbaheysiga la dirirka argagaxisada ayaa sheegay in argagaxisada dhabta ah ay yihiin hogeemiye kooxeedka.


Xassan Daahir Aweys ayaa si kulul u weeraray Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo uu ku sheegay nin ka shaqeysta wax allaala wixii xun.


"....Maxamed Qanyare wuxuu dhoofin jiray wadaadada lasoo afduubo, wuxuu dhoofiya maandooriyaasha,...waxaana lagu yaqaan dhibka ay shacabka u geystaan..." ayuu yiri Xassan Daahir Aweys oo ka hadlayey Maxamed Qanyare iyo isbaheysiga Deyniile lagu dhisay.


Xassan Daahir Aweys ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka in ay la dagaalamaan Isbaheysiga argagaxiso la dirirka oo uu ku tilmaamay sharwadayaal.


Mr.Aweys ayaa iska fogeeyey eedeynta ah in dad argagaxiso ah ay dalka Soomaaliya ku sugan yihiin, asagoo markaasi ku nuux nuuxsaday in argagaxisada gudaha Soomaaliya goota ay yihiin qabqablayaasha dagaalka.


Maxamed Cabdi

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Who is "bent on destruction" now?


Who is calling hapless wadaado "terrorists" now?


And who is arresting the poor Tabliiqs in Xamar now?


Who was quoting Daahir Aweys to discredit Qanyare?


And who is, including madaxyare madaxweyne ku sheeg, gloating American bombs to poor nomads and masaakiinta malaayga ku nool in Jubbadahoose?


So Qanyare, "a man bent on descruction" was right that there were "terrorists" afterall, aha?


Talk about 'flip-flopping.'

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lol. That was warlord qaynyare at his finest, hell bent on destruction and he lost that war and is now no longer a minister, no longer with his millitia and no longer a threat..


He is here with Minister Amina Mursal.



you got the Duke naked

CC, dont get excited, I get scared :mad:

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