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Samsam Axmed arrives in Garowe...Free at last

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Samsam Axmed: oo soo gaadhay Caasumada Puntland ee Garoowe

Posted to the Web Feb 03, 16:56



Garoowe:-Zamzam Axmed Ducaale oo in muddo ah ku xirnayd xabsiga Hargaysa ayaa maanta soo gaadhay Xarunta maamulka Puntland ee Garoowe kagadaal markii maamulka la magacbaxay S/land ay u fidiyeen wax ay ugu yeereen cafis ay soo dalbatay.


Diyaaradii ay la socotay Zamzam ayaa maanta galinkii dambe soo cagadhigatay gagida diyaaradaha Kanooko ee magaalada Garoowe, inkastoo ay ii suurtoobi waysay in aan la kulmo Zamzam, kadib markii qaraabadii la socotay ay ii sheegeen in ay aad u daalan tahay, balse warar ku dhowdhow Zamzam ayaa noo xaqiijiyay in ay cadaysay in loo gaystay dhibaatooyinkii horay saxaafada looga sheegay intii ay ay ku jirtay xabsiga Hargaysa, ku waasoo dhan ka ah shareecada Islaamka iyo waliba bini-aadanimada.


Zamzam oo ah inan aad u da'yar ayaa maxkamada gobolka Hargaysa kuxuntay 5 sano oo xarig ah, kagadaal markii maamulka lamagacbaxay S/land uu ku ee deeyay Zamzam in ay ka waday magaalada Hargaysa hawlo basaasnimo ah oo laga soo abaabulay magaalada Boosaaso laguna khaarajinayo madaxwaynexigaha S/land Axmed Yaasiin.


Zamzam ayaa haatan waxa ay ku suguan tahay xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garoowe waxaana la filayaa in ay biri saxaafada u warami doonto.


Axmed C/salaam



Saaxiibkaa u ***

Daabaco Qormadan

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Hargeisa - Zamzam Ahmed Dualeh has been unconditionally released by the Somaliland authorities into the custody of the Independent Expert on the human rights situation in Somalia, Dr. Ghanim Alnajjar, who will then accompany Ms. Dualeh back to her home region of Puntland.


Seventeen-year old Ms. Dualeh was arrested on 15 August 2004 and on 15 December 2004 was sentenced to five years' imprisonment by the regional court of Hargeisa - four years for alleged espionage and one year for purportedly lying about her name, identity and clan. She was suspected to be obtaining secret information about the Vice-President's house on her visit to Hargeisa from Puntland. She denied the charges.


Allegations have been raised that Ms. Dualeh was mistreated by police officers during her detention. Upon the request of the Independent Expert, the Somaliland Government confirmed its commitment to investigate these allegations, and ensured that it would fully respect any decision by Ms. Dualeh to pursue these allegations in a court of law.


Dr. Alnajjar is on his fourth annual fact-finding visit to the region since being appointed Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in June 2001. His mandate is to assess the prevailing human rights situation in Somalia and report his findings to the UN's Commission on Human Rights.


During his mission, Dr. Alnajjar held substantive talks with top Somaliland officials, including the Vice-President, the Justice and Interior Ministers, the Attorney General, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was also able to meet with leading members of the opposition, representatives of local and international NGOs and agencies, and the media.


Amongst the matters raised during these discussions were women's and children's rights, prison conditions, Somaliland's election timetable, the ongoing efforts to establish an independent human rights commission, the controversial Public Order Law, and other related issues.


In discussions with the Interior and Justice Ministers regarding the Public Order Law, it was suggested that the members of Somaliland's National Security Committee, which has the prerogative of applying the law's provisions, urgently study the possibility of revising the law, with a view to reconciling it with international human rights standards. The ministers agreed to look into this matter with their colleagues in the National Security Committee.


The Independent Expert continues his mission this week with visits to Garowe, Bossaso and the tsunami-stricken Hafun-area.


SOURS: UNDP SOMALIA via email to

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Samsam oo Soo Gaartey Garoowe | Feb 3, 2005


Diyaaradii sidey Samsam Axmed Ducaale ayaa 5:30 subaxnimo kasoo degtey Boosaaso, isla xilli yar kaddibna waxay u kicitintay Garoowe oo ah magaalo madaxda DGPL. Markii ay soo gaartey Garoowe maanta duhurkii ayaa waxaa lagu wareejiyey madaxtooyada DGPL, waxaana wareejiyey Dr. Ghanim Alnajjar oo kasoo kaxeeyey Hargeysa oo shuruurd la'aan looga soo daayey.


Samsam iyadoo xor ah hadda waxay ku sugan tahay magaalada Garoowe, xaaladeeda caafimaadna lagama dayrin.


Warkaas waxaan ka helay daqiiqado ka hor Axmed Maxamud Ducaale "Duuje" mar aan kula xiriiray khadka Telefoonka asagoo jooga magaalada garoowe.

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Diyaarad sida Samsam Axmed Ducaale oo soo gaadhay Magaladda Garoowe


Garowe :- Waxaa Maanta soo gaadhay Xarunta Dawlada Goboleedka Puntland ee Garoowe Gabadha yar ee 16jirka ah ee Maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland ku eedeeyey in ayfal basaasnimo ah ka waday Gurriga Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Somaliland ee Hargaysa kadib Markii ay booqasho u aaday Abtigeed oo degenaa Magaaladda Hartaysa ayna kala aqoon weyday Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka iyo Wasiir ku-xigeen.


Dr. Ghanim Al-Najra oo Hay’adda Amnesty International u xilsaartay arrima Samsam ayaa la socday waxaana ku weheliyey ergey kale oo ka socdey UNka oo uu ka mid ahaa Abuukaate Tahliil Xaaji Axmed.


Gabadhaan yar oo sheekadeedu si weyn u gaadhay Caalamka oo dhan ayaa waxaa Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Conoco ku soo dhaweeyey Eheladeeda, Dadweyne aad u tirobadan iyo saraakiil ka socoata maamul goboleedka Puntland dadkaas xiisa weyn u qabay aragtida gabadhaan iyo in ay arkaan in mar uun ay kasoo baxdo Gacanta Cadowga sida foosha xun ee ka baxsan bina aadamnimada ula dhaqmay.


Maamulka Woqooyi Galbeed ee isku magaaabay Somali-land mudadii uu gacanta ku hayey Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale waxaa la sheegay in ay dhibaato weyn u gaysteen gaar ahana Kufsi iyo waliba Garacaad ay ku sameeyeen si ay u qirato dambi ayna lahayn Sam Sam.


Sam Sam Axmed Ducaale markii ay ka soo degtay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ma jirin waxsu’aalo ah oo la waydiiyey waxaana si toos ah loogu wareejiyey Madaxda Maamulka Puntland waxayna haatan ku sugan tahay Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Magaaladda Garoowe.


Ugu dambeyntii waxaa la filayaa in ay Sam Sam ilaa iyo mar dhow soo gudbiso warbixinta ku saabsan dhibaatooyinkii loo gaystay.


Ahmed Mohamed


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