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Thug IndaCade Clan Courts losing the plot Invites foreign fighters

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Maxaakiimta oo ajaanib martiqaadey

28 Nov 28, 2006, 08:25


Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dalka Somalia ay ku marti qaadayaan dagaalyahano ajaanib ah oo ka imaanaya dalalka Islaamka hadii Golaha Amaanka uu qaado cunaqabateynta hubka ee saaran Somalia.


"Waxaan ugu baaqayaa Muslimiinta caalamka in u diyaar garoobaan jihaad, waxaana u fasaxeynaa Muslimiinta caalamka iney yimadan gudaha dalka Somalia" ayuu yiri Madaxa Amaanka ee Golaha Maxkamadaha Islamiga Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad (Indha Cadde) oo intaa raaciyay in ay la jihaadi doonaan ciidamo shisheeye oo dalka Somalia yimaada.


Hadalkan ayuu ku sheegay Indha Cadde bannaanbax weyn oo ka dhacay Muqdisho kaasoo looga soo horjeeday faragelinta dowladda Ethiopia ay ku heyso Somalia iyo qorshaha Dowladda Mareykanka ay ku dooneyso in la qaado cunaqabateynta hubka Somalia.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali, Garowe Online

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Yuusuf Indho Cadde: ‘Waa keenaynaa Muqdishu dagaal yahano musliim ajnabi ah haddii xayiraada hubka la qaado’


Posted to the MOL November 28, 2006, 7:55 am



Muqdishu:- Waxaa maanta mudahaad weyn ka dhacay magaalada Muqdishu kaas oo looga soo horjeeday qaadista xiyiraada cunqabatynta hubka ee Somaliya oo ay ka arinsanayaan golaha amniga qaramada midoobay asbuucaan. Mudaharaadkaas oo ay soo abaabuleen maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdishu oo u arka haddii cunaqabtaynta hubka la qaado inay awoodooda ciidan hoos u dhici doonto taasna keeni doonto in dawlada KMG ahi la wareegto gacan ku haynta magaalada Muqdishu oo ay hadda ka taliyaan.


Banaan baxaas ayaa markii hore waxaa ka hadlay gudoomiyaha fulinta Maxakmadaha Muqdishu Sh. Shariif oo sheegay in loo diyaar garoobo jihad lagu qaado dawlda Itoobiya oo uu sheegay inay tahay cadowga Somaliyeed ee soo jireen ah.


Waxaase hadal lala yaabay goobtii banan baxa ka sheegay ninka u qabaabilsan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga dhinaca amaanka Yuusuf Indhocade oo ka horay dagaal oogayaashii Maxkamaduhu koonfurta Somaliya ka saareen ka dib markuu heshiis la galay maxkamadaha Muqdishu. Indhacade ayaa yiri; Waa keenaynaa Muqdishu dagaal yahano musliim ajnabi ah haddii xayiraada hubka la qaado’. Hadalka Indhacade ayaa sii hurinaya dhibaatada Somaliya ka jirta iyadoo Somaliya bartilmameed u noqon doonto siyaasadaha ay isaga soo horjeedeen Muslimiinta mayalka adag iyo kuwa reer galbeedka ee dagaalka kula jira.


Horey ayaa waxaa Muqdishu ugu sugnaa dagaal yahaniin ka yimid dalalka carabta oo loogu sheekeeyay Sonaliya ayaa Jihaad ka jiraa.


Waxaa maanta sidoo kale mudaharaadkii la keenay dumar Somali ah oo xijaab indhashareer qaba oo haddana wata qoryo AK47 ah. Dad badan ayaa aad uga naxay gabdhaha masaakiinta ah ee loo isticmaalayo siyaasada.

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Are you using indhacadhe to base your right to usher invasion?

do you care about the cost of life?

Or you know that their is no family member of yours in the south and hence justified to massacre them.

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^^Give us a break kid, I am reporting the news and the ********* of it all, these individuals are the ones parading women & children with AK-47 and making slly threats daily. Now he calls on foreign fighters which he they claimed never helped them.


I am reporting the news saxib, take it or leave it..

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Saxib calacalka iska daa, yeey gaalo ayuu wata marka maxa ceeb ka dhigay hadi maxakamada keensaday muslimin ajnabi? Mase adiga waxada waxa waye cadow galo ah waan ogolnahahy laakin muslimin in lakeensado waa xaran? yaabka yaabkis.

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^^^No my friend this only isolates them and highlights their lies. They had foreigners fighting for them even Xasan Turki admited it.

Their main backer is also Christian Eritrea, so forget the Islamic argument, Ethiopia has more Muslims than any country in the Horn and many are in its armed forces..

Yet the TFG went through legal means to get peace keepers from neigbouring countries.

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these individuals are the ones parading women & children with AK-47 and making slly threats daily. Now he calls on foreign fighters which he they claimed never helped them.

Listen were you the one who was saying that the TFG would smoke them what came of the TNG.


TNG has no soilders but Ethiopian mercenaries at your disposal.

then the US is seeking to add IGAD + their support on just the ICU?

So C/bilee you call it fare game?

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^^^Saxib, you make no sense, if the TFG has no soldiers then who does? The fact that some little Oromo rebels captured and even burned the flag does not make the Clan courts a millitary power in any sense. Also the TFG never parades its troops, or gives women and children guns, or holds demo's like the warlords before. The TFG carries on with its project, it has allies, it has the diplomatic support of the countries that matter. It is not after little shabby ports, or charcoal trade but after the whole country...


Calm down, things are coming to a head soon. Hence the demo with girls with AK's and the usual threats..

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Muslim brotherhood has no borders.They "foreigners" and us have something in common which is very important commonality,and that is our faith,Islam.However,what do Yey and his co have in common with Melez,other than offcourse being dabo dhilif gaalo?

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^^^You are asking a silly question, what Muslim brotherhood is there when these Clan Courts abuse their own Somali' brethren in Lower Shabbele a case in point.


Also what isw rong with Melez when you are working for Isiah Afarwerki a man froma notable Judeo-Christain family, and who even oppresses the Muslims of his country more than any leader in the region?


Red Sea, your whole argument does not stand, this is not a Jihad or stopping an invasion, this is an attempt by criminals like IndaCade and his paymasters to keep the country in their control. The people of Lower Shabbele, Juba's and even Banadir will rejioice when the fake wadaads are behind bars..

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The fact that some little Oromo rebels captured and even burned the flag does not make the Clan courts a millitary power in any sense.

So how valuable is the Somali flag? more valuable than the Somali lands and its people

What is the significance of the Flag that necessitated you to bring followers of the green red orange stripes banner to resque it?

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

Muslim brotherhood has no borders.They "foreigners" and us have something in common which is very important commonality,and that is our faith,Islam.However,what do Yey and his co have in common with Melez,other than offcourse being dabo dhilif gaalo?


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However,what do Yey and his co have in common with Melez,other than offcourse being dabo dhilif gaalo?

What they have in common is: 1) A total disregard for religion. Both men are committed secular military officers, who will do anything to gain power including killing their immediate relatives. 2) Both men are are suspicious about Islam, to say the least. The Islam they want is that of the Suufis. Sit at home and do your dhikr sessions. Sharia law and Islamic governance are words they cannot hear.

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duke court got jihaadist government got you think there will government ? hmmm don't count on that there will be another strugle for another 16 years....those of you usacbtomaya in dagaal u dhaco ogow in aysank ku kanaynin galgacyo iyo kismaayo waxaano kulaaba naynaa dagaal ki 90s but its gonna fought different way where qabiil has nothing do with tuug na tuug buu raadayaa oo ladagaalamo kii fiican ku fiican oo ladagaalamo ayuu raadinayaa

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^^^I think the time for the obsticle known as clan courts is coming to an end. Even the ONLF has come out and said this is a clan struggle and notthing to dow ith religion. We all now that one sub-clan led by the likes of IndaCdae are not religious warriors but opportunits.


I also outlined that those who take Eritrean support and then damn Ethiopian support for the other side are a joke.


There is a government and it will insha allah take over the whole country..

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