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A peace mat for AT and DQ

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:



Mar kale, and for the last time, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. How come you don't see the harm in insulting tribes? Hoos isu eeg, eex baad ku jirtaa'e isa sax ninyahoow. Am I saying he insulted me?


If the boy breaks the rule, yes, he must be banned. Who is he? Why didn't you come and say the same when others were getting the marching orders? Where is Saqajaan? where is Marx?


Personally, I think, if DQ can hide under "o!I meant that, o no! it was this", then let that bliss go around and benefit everybody else! Su'aashu waxaa weeye, maxaa keenay yarku inuu siduu rabo dadka u caayo oo aan cidnna ku oran jooji?


What makes this boy special? And I see him still unrepentent.


Again, emperor, bal waxaad ku hadlayso eeg bilaa caleyk!!
"Aw-dubadoow, you are suggesting DQ should be banned miyaa, yarka muxuu idiin dhimay, ma Adigaa ma Red Sea-baa, ma gabdhahaa ma AT-baa, idikaaba kasii shidaaya oo sii carinaaya."


Carinayaa??????????? maxaa loocarin uu yahay? Let him break his chain bal? It is this kind of nonesene that enourages him to continue what he has been doing to everbody!



If I have to lower myself to stop vice, so be it. The end justifies the means.






Horta meeshaan meel aad adiga leedahay ma aha oo aad iga ceerin kartid; meel adiga kuu xiran oo hadba sidaad rabtid aad ka sameen kartidnah ma aha. Ereygaan aad ka cabaadaysidna oo aad leedahay qabiil baa lagu caynayaa waa sida aad adigu u fasiratay. Laakin anigu cidna qabiilkiisa ma cayn- tanah marmasiiyo haka dhigan!


Waxa kaa cabaadinayo adna waad ogtahay anah waan ogahay-- waa maqaalada meeshaan aad ku soo qortid oo aad doonaysid sidaad rabtid in lagugu raaco, anah midaas weligay kaa yeeli mahayo, waana kaaga jawaabayaa intaad shekooyinka baaba riqiiska ah aad meeshaan kusoo qoraysid.


Marka saaxiib, ha noqonin hashii geela kujirtay marna wax cunaysay marna cabaadaysay. :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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^ THERE is no harm in this latest post. As long as you keep the focus on my silly stories and me, it should be fine. Frankly speaking, I don't mind that. I enjoy it, rather. :D:D


Xitaa the "Caanadoore" business, you can continue as long as it is said in a singualr form. Caanaboore ayaad cabtaa is fine. Yaad cabtiin is not!




I think from our exchanges, it is clear inaana meesha laheyn. Haddaan leeyahay, dib adiga daa oo xitaa wax magaca DQ ku jiro meeshan laguma arkeen! :D

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^^^ :D:D:D


Awalba ereygaan sidaan u isticmaalayo iyo meesha aan gelinayo, mid aad adiga ii xadideysid ma aha. Sidaad adiga rabtidna... mid kaayelayo mi ihi. Marka waxba ha ku mashquulin sidaan ereygaas u isticmaalo ee orod oo howlo-haaga qabso!


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Because he dropped Daasadihii NIDO' ga iyo 'COAST'da. Apart from that, there was never a bad feeling. Waa ku yaroo rabshoole ah laakiin. :D:D

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Taladaadi baan qaatay oo odayga raadaarka waan ka wareejinayaa, madaama afka uu qeelo ku shubtay. ;) Laakin ma aha inaan ereygii ey igu eedeeyeen, inaan ula jeeday qabiil.


Caano boorahuna aduunkoo dhan ayuu ka dhaxeeyaa. Hadii ee leeyihiin anakaa iska leh oo lagama hadli karo berinah waxaa imaandoonto iney yiraahdaan digirta iyo jaadka iyo soortaba, dad gaar ah ayaa leh oo kama hadli kartid.


Taasna mid caqligu qaadan karo, ma aha. :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

Because he dropped Daasadihii NIDO' ga iyo 'COAST'da. Apart from that, there was never a bad feeling. Waa ku yaroo rabshoole ah laakiin.

Anigu daasadaha NIDO waaba cabay oo waan kusoo koray oo ma diidani...laakin, adigu maxaad ugu balan furtay caanihii aad kusoo mooday xiligii ba'naa ee kusoo maray, waa adiga diidan in magaceeda lasheegee? :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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It seems that the two opponents that this thread was aimed for managed to sort out their differences without any help from anybody.




Now let us turn our attention to the originator of the thread himself. The judge as it were.



The forum is littered with threads about disputes between A&T and Xiin. In fact, only two weeks ago was there such a thread where the two protagonists were lopping poems and verses at each other and injuring unsuspecting passersby in the process. How then could Xiin preside over a judgment that involves A&T and be expected to be impartial and fair, I ask you? As my reer burco boys say when they suspect a conspiracy or smell a rat, I too think that sheekadan yehood ba ka dhambeesa (using the expression in the loosest form possible of course). :D


Therefore and as a neutral in this business (since you already all know that A&T saaxiib ma leh), I conclude that Xiin's judgment is a wounded one and should be fully dismissed as biased and unacceptable. I therefore propose that a new judge be found. I would propose that Gediid be given that honour, assuming that Xiin would condescend to allow him access to the toilet. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

It seems that the two opponents that this thread was aimed for managed to sort out their differences without any help from anybody.




Now let us turn our attention to the originator of the thread himself. The judge as it were.



The forum is littered with threads about disputes between A&T and Xiin. In fact, only two weeks ago was there such a thread where the two protagonists were lopping poems and verses at each other and injuring unsuspecting passersby in the process. How then could Xiin preside over a judgment that involves A&T and be expected to be impartial and fair, I ask you? As my reer burco boys say when they suspect a conspiracy or smell a rat, I too think that sheekadan yehood ba ka dhambeesa (using the expression in the loosest form possible of course).


Therefore and as a neutral in this business (since you already all know that A&T saaxiib ma leh), I conclude that Xiin's judgment is a wounded one and should be fully dismissed as biased and unacceptable. I therefore propose that a new judge be found. I would propose that Gediid be given that honour, assuming that Xiin would condescend to allow him access to the toilet.

^^^Stuff iyo caano boore....


LOL..I just had to say it to Mr Macne maleh, NGONGE! :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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^^ Eleen Geel jiraad eska aheed, saaxib. Qasacad caano boore madhan bad farxad o la ordaysid baryahan ba. Bal maxad sameen marka caseerka ama Shaaniga lago baro? :D

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^^^Saaxiib, I will have you know that nin caano boore heley, wax kale aduunka uma baahna. Casiirkaan aad sheygaysidna wa maxay, oo ma carab baad i mowday? Anigu bahashaan burka cad lamoodo inaan walaaqdo mo'oyee, wax kale ima anfacayaan :D


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

In the best traditions of Ms KK and Mr JB let me just take a minute and give you my honest opinion of this thread....




Saad ula heshay baa iigu daran...Waaku aaminsanahay maant iyo wixii ka dambeeyo...


Xaawaleyda wili maloo diidan yahay inee at least fikrad xataa dhiibtaan on the topic?

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