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A peace mat for AT and DQ

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Originally posted by Haneefah:

Xeerka gogashu waa two men of similar intellectual caliber in la is horfadhiisiiyo

Brava! Couldn't said it better myself. Wa jawaabtii aan Xiin ka filaayay kase waayay.


In all seriousness, the boy shouldn't really apologize for what he TRULY feels [nacaybka certain folks] just for the sake of peace or out of pressure. An apology only goes so far really.

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Gabdhoow jooga garta Ragg baa ku jira, fadlan sheeka xaawalayda ku ekaada smile.gif


Garta ina Sanweeynaa loo gaysan jiray!


Waxaa oran laha labaduba waa khaldanyihiin, Waa AT&T, Wiil yar aad dhali kartid oo aad la qabsatid, hadhowna Cabasho iyo Musanoow ka danbeeyo iskuma heshid, Saxb, Xamil arinka. :D


Waa DQ, Adeer dadka kaa waa wayn safaadka kala tag, oo dee kaftanku mar mar buu banaanyahaye, eraygan aad umada dhan la daba gashay jooji.


Magaaladu SOL waa wayn tahaye ha idin qaado.

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We should give this peace a chance. Laakin mr. Tolka, who is an immense asset to SOL waa laga gar daran yahay. Markaa ninkan DangQarnayn :D waxii "tolkiisa" (his ilk of the lost generation that is) ha qabsadeen. Hadii kale waan la iska qaban oo nafta yar ayaa laga tuujin. :D :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

Gabdhoow jooga garta Ragg baa ku jira, fadlan sheeka xaawalayda ku ekaada


:D:D:D Raguba kuwa lagu jabay soomaaha?

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Xinn is not an easy man. His astuteness is confounding. By rolling out this mat, he well knew he will corner me. If I refuse to sit for Gar for a matter that should purely be settled by the rules of the forum, as it has been done to others, I will be the bitter, angry, and coward 'gogol-diid'.


If, on the otherhand, I accept the Gar, which I consider is not mine, for I merely asked my brother DQ to halt what I saw as a trend of insuting tribes; in this case X-clan, but in other cases Y clan (whom he calls bililqo-doon), then, I will be committing two mistakes:


(1) I have cried out against an insult on my tribe and am pleased because folks intervened and said good things about my tribe. Which belittles the whole issue to nin ka cadhooday reerkooda oo la caayey.


(2) I will be part to a procession of injustice, intended to lift someone out of the mud, when the person himself feels too proud to admit his mistakes. So, the natural urge, indeed the correct decision, will look like to recoil from the poisoned chalice Xinn is dangling.


My point:


There is no issue to be resolved here. It is a call for someone to play by the rules. Others were punished for a lesser offence.


Having said so, I see Dabshid's point, but disagree with it. First of all, I don't think the offender is a child, and even if he is, I don't think the mistakes he has committed need to be overlooked. A child who knows how to say bad things need to be told not to say so! Silence was never an option. And for Dabshid to consider my call for respect for the rules as Cabasho is disingenous. Fairness folks!


I don't see Emperor's interventions as helpful, either. They are wrong and I have never lowered myself to accepting half-truths. I am worried by what I am seeing now, more than when I asked the man to stop insulting clans.






(inkastoo sidaan kuugu lisay aadan iigu hanbayn)


- Whereas it is clear this case has manifested a worrying pattern of preferential and differential treatment of rules and standards when it comes to different personalities


- Cognizent of the genuine motives behind this initiative and that it is coming from a man of impeccable recititude and wisdom


- Mindful of the somali adage "ergo geesi ma diido" and in the hope that lessons are learnt by all sides from this unfortunate tussle,


- Hopeful that my erring brother would not see this as an intention to embarass him, but will in good faith, see it as a guidance from an elder brother


I, son of Tolka, resident of Haro-digeed, wholeheartedly accepts your gogol and gar, undetarke to be abided by your verdict, and to internalise and rectify any mistakes I might have committed on my side.


I thank you for the effort and wish the Almighty will reward you for your good intentions.


I ask you not to force a confession out of the other brother at this stage, but to issue a general call for all of us - somali sisters and brothers- to look at one another as such, and to close this matter, and send the file to the archives!

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To Ducaysane:


Ninyahow, adigu nin gar gali kara matihid oo cid gar kuugu yeeratay majirto; ruuxi xifaaltanka na dhex marayna matihid; hadaladaadana waxay iigu muuqdaan mid hal dhinac ah kasoo jeeda sidii xaawalayda meeshan wax kusoo qortay oo kale.


Marka arinkaagu waa arin ka baxsan waxa meesha lagu hayo, marka waxaa fiicnaanlahayd inaad ka fakartid wax yaabahaad ku hadlaysid!


To Xiin:


Horta fikradaadu maxuma, waxeyna kaa tahay inaad aniga iyo A&T aad na dhexdhexaadisid, laakin intaad gogasha aad noo fidin ka hor, sooma fiicna inaad haysid laba ruux oo garnaq u baahan? Waayo anigu ma codsan in aniga iyo A&T lanoo garnaqo, sababtu waxay tahay anigu cid aan qabiil ahaan u weerarey mijiro. Ereygaan CAANO BOORAHA ahna; cid gaar uleh haday jirto, anigu maba ogeenee, hala ii sheego oo hala igu yiraahdo, cidaas baa iska leh. Markaas waa garwaaq-sanayaa oo ereygaas faraha ayaan ka qaadayaa. Hadii kale, meel cidla'ah yeesan dadkaan iga xagxaganin.


Tan labaad, arinku si kastaba ha u dhacee, hadii aad adigu gogashii dhigtay anah aad igu casuntey waan ka qeeb galayaa. waxaad go'aamisaan waan ogolahay. Laakin waxaan idinka codsanayaa in gogoshaasi eyna ka soo qeyb gali karin xaawalayda SOL, waayo hadii taasi dhacdo dhaqanka soomaaliyeed ayaan meel kaga dhaceynaa. Sidaas daradeed, gogoshaan aad fidiseen, xaawalayda thread-kaan ku dhex lunsan oo kale, kama soo qeeb gali karaan. Dhaqan ajnabinah, ma rabno oo keenaa nagu filan.


Wibilaahi Towfiiq.



dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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^lool@ Caano Booraha cid gaar u leh miyaa jirto, sxb cid gaar u leh majirto ee sidaad u qaloocinaysay ayay dadku kahadlayaan.


I remember someone was banned from SOL caused he called certain people as Kaluun Dabato or Kaluun Cunayaalsha so I ask how does that different from this incident.

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Aw-Dhubad--Nin jiran baad tahay!


Waxaan ku leeyahay, caana booraha iyo kaluunkaba, nin gaar uleh majiro oo Somaali oo dhan baa isticmaasha. Sheekadaan saan hadii kusii socoto, mar dhow waxaan filayaa inaad oron doontaan, digirta iyo jaadkaba dad gaar ah ayaa cuno oo wax lagama sheegi karo, hadii aad wax ka sheegana waxaad dhihi doontaan qabiil baad ula danleedahay.


Marka waxaan, tala ahaan, idiin soo jeedin lahaa, iniidan ku mashquulin erey uu ruux so qoray oo aad ka raacataan danahiina--hadaladaan raqiiskanah aad joojisaan.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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^DQ, adeer adiga drop that line please, it doesn't sound good its not funny it makes people including me unconfortable to hear it again, and again, quite repetitive really.


Aw-dubadoow, you are suggesting DQ should be banned miyaa, yarka muxuu idiin dhimay, ma Adigaa ma Red Sea-baa, ma gabdhahaa ma AT-baa, idikaaba kasii shidaaya oo sii carinaaya.


AT, Inadeer you do amuse me more than I really wish, Innaba caadi matihid, few times ayaan qoslay. However, gabdhaha waan kaxishoon balse adiga waan kugu ridi wallee, you do protest too much, a victim card sort of thing employed xataa waa ujeedaa, marka duqa waxaas yaree it doesn't look too good for the heavy weight we accustomed to, AT, to be posting in a different threads and dedicating a topic complaining about one individual, lowers your level. Marka sxb intaas unbaan ku oran lahaa, hadaan u aragtid inaan half-truth iyo dhinac xigasho galay, believe you me I am not, this imaginary 'garna' aniga kumaba jiro. Its for Xiin, nuune and likes...


Haneefah, My sister, waan kubaran doonaa Insha'alaah markale, marki horena hadalkayga aad khalad kafahamtay, raali iyo nus iga ahow, I apologize.

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^Emperor, I am just pointing out the sort of things that can get people banned in this place. Obviously DQ seems to be untouchable for whatever reason but he went too far on this and he should be stopped.


Adiga what do you thing about DQ on this issue?

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Mar kale, and for the last time, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. How come you don't see the harm in insulting tribes? Hoos isu eeg, eex baad ku jirtaa'e isa sax ninyahoow. Am I saying he insulted me?


If the boy breaks the rule, yes, he must be banned. Who is he? Why didn't you come and say the same when others were getting the marching orders? Where is Saqajaan? where is Marx?


Personally, I think, if DQ can hide under "o!I meant that, o no! it was this", then let that bliss go around and benefit everybody else! Su'aashu waxaa weeye, maxaa keenay yarku inuu siduu rabo dadka u caayo oo aan cidnna ku oran jooji?


What makes this boy special? And I see him still unrepentent.


Again, emperor, bal waxaad ku hadlayso eeg bilaa caleyk!! "Aw-dubadoow, you are suggesting DQ should be banned miyaa, yarka muxuu idiin dhimay, ma Adigaa ma Red Sea-baa, ma gabdhahaa ma AT-baa, idikaaba kasii shidaaya oo sii carinaaya."


Carinayaa??????????? maxaa loocarin uu yahay? Let him break his chain bal? It is this kind of nonesene that enourages him to continue what he has been doing to everbody!



If I have to lower myself to stop vice, so be it. The end justifies the means.

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In the best traditions of Ms KK and Mr JB let me just take a minute and give you my honest opinion of this thread....




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^^ Bal i yara sug, xabaad shiishan so cabaya. When I come back I shall treat this thread as if it 'matters' (but only because you say it does).

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