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Galgala: Haylan Chiefs release a communique urging Puntland to withdraw its militia

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This is indeed a major political development since they have been silent for a quite sometime. The decision by the Elders in this communique is the culmination of a series of meetings recently held in the district of Dhahar, Sanaag Region.

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Baaq ay soo saareen odayaal dhaqameedka deegaanka Haylaan oo ku aadan colaada ka aloosan degmada Galgala ee gobolka Bari.


Waxaa maanta oo taariikhdu tahay August, 20, 2010 ka dhacay magaala madaxda gobolka Heylaan ee Dhahar shir ay isugu yimaadeen dhamaan cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka gobollada Haylaan iyo Galbeedka Bari, waxaana laga wada hadlay xaalada deegaanka oo ay ugu horeyso arinta beryahanba ka taagnayd deegaanka Galgala.

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The reason why our Nassir did not post the article. In their rush to relase somethingthe real authors made their usual mistake. They have issue with dates. How did the Communique come out seven days before the ending of the meeting. Something fishy is going on here. Also it was a quite a weak statment, nothing really to bother anyone, they did not mention Attam and his group at all and thus places more suspecion on it's authenticity.

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The Zack   



How can the chiefs ask Puntland to leave? Isn't galgala part of Puntland? Are they saying they are not part of Puntland any more?

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Duke, since when did you become the honest debater who uses facts.


Werent you the one chearleading for the Ethiopian occubation of Moqadishu and slaughter of innocent using 'facts'.


And not because your uncle Yeey was President?

And today are against that same TFG because its being led by Shariif, who is not from your clan, again by using 'facts'. :D

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Not sure what point you are trying to make here. Duke ahs always supported common sense. Yey fought AL Shabaab, defeated them in all majore battle saside from the same propaganda you are parroting right now. Then Yey resigned two years ago. The innocents are still being killed, nearly 150 died the oast four days. The massacres of the Hotels, Shamo & Muna are facts that no one can ignore. The truth is that it was not Yey or his allies, who created the mayhem or massacred the population. It continues today and the fault lies with the mindless folks who are mimicking Al Qaeda. That’s why the likes of Attam must be dealt with without any question or excuse.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The truth is that it was not Yey or his allies, who created the mayhem or massacred the population. dealt with without any question or excuse.

The truth ku lahaa. :D


Fact is, it was calm in Moqadishu and there was no Al Shabaab before yeey came to Moqadishu.


And when he left here was mass murder everwhere, chaos and plenty of Al Shabaab.


So, yeey is not completely innocent. That's truth and those are facts.

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lol. Attam will not be allowed to fester in Puntland, thus stop the excuses. This communiqué is false and even the authors know it. The dating error gave it away.

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A communiqué is an announcement intended to communicate a message. This message is signed by prominent elders from Haylaan and Western Bari, including renowned Nabadoons, doctors along with higher ranked members of the community. How can one fabricate a message when it’s penned and signed by those conveying the message?


Duke is polluted with female traits, your spitefulness; along with unnecessary name calling only communicates your softness and lack of morale.


Defend your clan, that I have no problem with, but take your filthy envy elsewhere.

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As for the date, the meetings began on the 20th as i have long posted that on SOL. It was released yesterday, the scheduled day for the release.


The chronology of these events could be traced here on SOL.

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Xudeedi: You always get angry when you get caught. Again you got caught red handed. Sorry lad, this was just a rubbish attempt on your part. Your soft groups aim of starting a clan mini war between kinfolk is falling on deaf ears, and your group’s lack of talent and basic common sense is coming out daily. The dates lad, , next time work on at least correcting the date. You might fool some laymen from villages up in them parts, but come on, this is just ammusing. You cant have a communiqué with the conclusion that came out a whole week before the meeting ended. But hey I read on your portal that Attam captured Galgala again this morning. :D

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The Chiefs need to have another meeting ... reorganize the Atam militia, put him aside and bring another one in command then move from there.

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