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Garowe: why it is booming today.... change you can believe in

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Garowe iyo Maanta: Tartanka Doorashada iyo wararkii ugu danbeeyey

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009 at 11:40 am

Horseed Media

Faallooyinka Maanta


Magaalada Garowe ee caasimada Puntland ayaa laga dareemayaa dhaqaaq xoogleh oo siyaasadeed ayadoo la galay labadii maalmood ee ugu danbeysay tartanka doorashada.


Maalinimada Khamiista ee 8da Janaayo ayaa waxa dhici doona doorashada Baarlamaanka Puntland kusoo dooranayo Madaxweynaha iyo Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland.


Dr.Saleebaan oo Tanaasulay


Dhacdooyinka ugu danbeeyey ee doorashooyinka Puntland waxaa kamid ah tanaasulid uu ku dhawaaqay mid kamid ah Musharaxiintii u taagneyd xilka Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland.


Dr.Salebaan Ciise Kaar oo loo yaqaan (Xagla Toosiye) kasoo jeeda gobalka Sool una taagnaa xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland, ayaa shegay inuu ka tanaasulay xilka Madaxweynaha oo uu hada u taagan yahay xilka Madaxweyne kuxigeen.


Dr.Saleebaan ayaa warkan ka sheegay kulan uu xalay la yeeshay qaar kamid ah taageerayaashiisa, xildhibaano iyo marti kale oo uu kulan khaas ah la yeeshay, waxaana Horseed Media u xaqiijiyey Afhayeenkiisa khaaska ah.


Maalintii ugu danbeysay ee Isdiiwaangelinta Musharaxiinta


Dhinaca kale waxaa maanta oo Talaado ah ay tahay maalintii ugu danbeysay oo ay Musharaxiinta iska diiwaan gelin karaan Baarlamaanka ayadoo illaa 4ta galabnimo ee maanta ay is diiwaan gelin karo musharax walba asagoo bixinaya kharashaadka lagu qoray musharax walba inuu bixiyo.


Musharaxiinta Madaxweynaha u taagan ayaa lagu qoray inay bixiyaan midkiiba 5000 oo dollar. Halka Musharaxiinta Madaxweyne kuxigeenka ay bixinayaan 2500 oo dollarka Maraykanka ah.


Xaalada guud ee magaalada ayaa ah mid laga dareemayo ollolaha ay wadaan musharaxiinta oo si gaar gaar ah ulla kulmaya Xildhibaanada.


Qado sharaf loo Sameeyey Xildhibaanada


Musharax Cali Cabdi Awaare ayaa maanta oo Talaado ah Qado u sameeyey Dhamaan 66ka xildhibaan ee Baarlamaanka, kulankaasi qadada ah oo ka dhacaya Xarunta Libariga ee Garowe.


Cali Awaare oo saaka Horseed Media Wareysi khaas ah siiyey ayaa sheegay inuu go’ aansaday inuusan xildhibaanada mid mid iyo koox koox ama gobal gobal ulla kulmin, hase yeeshee uu doonaayo inuu hal mar la wada hadlo dhamaan Xildhibaanada Puntland.


Waxaa ayaguna maanta lagu wadaa in ay is diiwaan geliyaan musharaxiinta weli dhiman oo ay ku jiraan Madaxweynaha iyo xubno kale oo badan.


Madaxtooyada iyo Shir jaraa’ iid Baaqday


Madaxtooyada Garowe ayaa ayaduna laga dareemayaa dhaq dhaqaaq badan ayadoo halkaasi saaka looga yeeray dhamaan saxaafada oo lagu war geliyey inuu la hadli doono Madaxweyne Cadde Musse.


Hase yeeshee markii ay Suxufiyiinta Madaxtooyada gaareen ayaa la sheegay in Madaxweyne Cadde Musse uusan la hadli doonin saxaafada, ayadoo aan wax faah faahin ah laga bixin.


Illaa xalay ayey magaalada shacabka ku dhaqan hadal hayeen shirka jaraa’ iid ee Madaxtooyada laga iclaamiyey ayadoo ay jireen warar is garab yaacaya oo ay dadka ku fasirayeen hadalka uu soo jeedin Doono Madaxweynaha.


Balse ma jiraan illaa iyo hada wax war rasmi ah oo dhinaca Xafiiska Madaxweynaha kasoo baxay.

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AT&T, Koolo sheekada wey kuu soo afjartey kolkaad tiri "meel lawada galo unbuu galay odaygu" ayey ka baxdey khadka ee saas ogoow sheeko kula ma wadee, waa pure awliyanimo guess!!



I think, you shouldn't be saying that at all, it is both an insult to the girl, and even to himself, and to Somaliweyn

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Adeer the topis is not about rape or these issues, its about the city of Garowe and the political heat building.


So go and open a discussion in the General section about these issues Oprah. :D

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^ I sense some uneasiness on your part. Perhaps a certain physical contact w/ a minor has left you defending your own actions through the said pedophiler?



Dukey, oprah amey roontahay?

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These people are trying to spoil your thread about the beautiful Garowe, saaxib. If you allow them to continue they will only move away from the alleged rapist talk to claims that Garowe is only booming because of pirate money and other stuff (a view I do not at all subscribe to, you understand). :D


Of course KK does not count here. Xaajiyada wax kale ba shidya :D



Qarxis time. Did you know that the person right in the middle of your signature looks exactly like A&T? The one right in the middle. Err, I mean the one with the glasses. TRUE STORY. :D



LG I see you've been going to the Kashafa school for the eternally vulgar!

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^Balo kushidayna kuma dhihii karee xaa iga rabtaa? I just hate nimanka caruurta taataabta and try to make it seem it is a norm for us, ma qaladbaa NGyoow? :D



Run waayee, lets get back to the topic...Odaygaan sacsacay warkiisa naga daayee, isaga iyo ilaahigiisa bay utaalaa...

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NGOONGE: Adeer I thank you for defending the thread and Garowe from the Pirates and the alleged child molesters, I remember your courage at the time of the real tragic abuse of the girl from Bari at the hands of those secessionist “police” high on Qad and clan crack.


One notes while the Pirates have brought real cash, claims of being Anglo Saxon and Orphans of the living Queen has done nothing for Burco and other destitute areas of the North West.


PS: leave the ladies alone saxib, KK had a great point and LG was just pointing to the obvious the dude was just going around in circles and needed to be stopped for his own sake.

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KK, you're a mummy. It's natural to get angry at such stories.



That was history, saaxib. Do you see me getting worked up over Sungub either? ;)

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


That was history, saaxib. Do you see me getting worked up over Sungub either?

May be you should have had - after all we did not come up with "Great Poet in Garowe".




Name: Mahamud Abdullahi Isse

Aliases: Unknown

Warrant: Felony Bench Warrant Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree

Gender: Male

Race: Black

Date Of Birth: 07/08/1935

Height: 5' 09"

Weight: 152 lbs

Hair: Black/Balding

Eyes: Brown

Scars: N/A

Tattoos: Unknown

Piercings: N/A

Background Information:


Isse is charged with sexually molesting a 10 year old female in December 2006. Isse visited the girl's family, got into bed with the victim, and raped her. The victim later spoke to Isse via the phone and recorded the conversation where Isse admitted to having sex with the victim and that he wanted to see her again. Isse did not appear for a June 24th, 2007 court date and is believed to still be in the Minneapolis area.


Call Crime Stoppers at 952-888-2375 or the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Top Ten Tip Line at 1-888-988-TIPS with any information on this individual.




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^^ You've got to admire the photo taking abilities of the American police. I don't think the man ever looked so good. :D


Is there a mistake in the report by the way? It says he molested the ten year old in December 2006 and had to appear before court in June 2007! Do they mean to say a ten year old phoned him and recorded him and then reported him too? Eleen the boys were right after all! SETUP. SETUP. :D

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